Harris v. Trump Debate Thread | DEBATE DISCUSSION THREAD

I was a little nervous after she tapdanced around the first question, but apparently she just needed to shake off those early jitters, and was totally locked in after that.

I was also a little worried after the first few minutes. She was very clearly nervous AF.

There were opportunities for her to BUST his ass early that she didn’t take. I do not agree with her strategists who are clearly coaching her to concede the economy is bad. It’s not, and the numbers back that up. There are ways to craft an argument which would acknowledge that there is work to do while highlighting what has already been done.

And tariffs. My god this guy is a buffoon. I was really hoping she would talk about the effect his tariffs had on the farming industry in particular and the government bail outs that ensued. Tell people how the retaliatory efforts from China reduced U.S. agricultural exports by 27 billion from mid 2018 when the tariffs were imposed to the end of 2019. And then make sure you highlight how the bail out funds were distributed in a partisan manner. If your county voted red for Trump you got your money first.

These people have no business anywhere near the White House. I’m so glad she calmed down and spanked his ass!
I really wanted for her to school him on what standing means bc he clearly didn't.

My lord that would've been the best probably behind the "Tim and I own guns so fuck all the way off on that BS" and "I was in the capital on J6 while you were in the bunker watching the insurrection you created"
Did anyone else catch something Trump did/said during his close? Look at what he's saying starting at about 0:45 in the link below. He's been squinting at the camera for the whole close, and then he says, "we can't sacrifice our country based on bad vision." Bad vision? Did he just insert what he was currently experiencing into his discussion? And isn't that a symptom of dementia?

I was also a little worried after the first few minutes. She was very clearly nervous AF.

There were opportunities for her to BUST his ass early that she didn’t take. I do not agree with her strategists who are clearly coaching her to concede the economy is bad. It’s not, and the numbers back that up. There are ways to craft an argument which would acknowledge that there is work to do while highlighting what has already been done.

And tariffs. My god this guy is a buffoon. I was really hoping she would talk about the effect his tariffs had on the farming industry in particular and the government bail outs that ensued. Tell people how the retaliatory efforts from China reduced U.S. agricultural exports by 27 billion from mid 2018 when the tariffs were imposed to the end of 2019. And then make sure you highlight how the bail out funds were distributed in a partisan manner. If your county voted red for Trump you got your money first.

These people have no business anywhere near the White House. I’m so glad she calmed down and spanked his ass!
Yeah, the economy is a tricky one right now. The indicators all look good, but there’s a “perception” it’s not because prices are more than consumers are used to paying. It’s not easy to message to the general public because you don’t want to talk down to folks by saying “it’s better than you think”, while paychecks aren’t going as far as they did pre-pandemic. Joe Voter doesn’t want to hear that our inflation isn’t as bad as other countries.
I mean I get it. And most of us in here who understand it are not your typical voter. I just don’t agree with conceding the point entirely.
Agreed. It requires a delicate touch to hype job growth, record stock values, wage increases and still show sympathy and concern for those struggling with housing and transportation costs, grocery and utility bills.
But it’s not like they haven’t had plenty of time to craft a narrative. They could dovetail this with her agenda for how to make things better.