Harris v. Trump Debate Thread | DEBATE DISCUSSION THREAD

No message is sent and nothing is changed by voting third-party or write in. People who think that are naive and politically immature.

There are two and only two candidates to vote for. Anything else is the civic equivalent of a temper tantrum.

You vote for the least bad candidate. That is very important civic behavior.

If nothing is changed then what’s the harm? In trying to send a signal?
There’s no harm as long as you recognize it for the vanity that it is, and you don’t expect it to actually change anything. You’ll still be bound by the rules set forth by the winning party.

“Vanity”, “superiority”, “immigrate”…tremendous irony here. What’s the saying about the accuser…?
If nothing is changed then what’s the harm? In trying to send a signal?
There are definitely things changed. People deciding not to vote as a protest can end up swinging the election, which is a huge change. But an individual voter not voting has no impact on the thing they are actually trying to change, which is supposedly 'candidate quality' in this case.

If you actually want to have an impact on politics- who the parties nominate, where the overton window moves, what the discourse is- you do so by getting involved, not by sitting out.
There are definitely things changed. People deciding not to vote as a protest can end up swinging the election, which is a huge change. But an individual voter not voting has no impact on the thing they are actually trying to change, which is supposedly 'candidate quality' in this case.

If you actually want to have an impact on politics- who the parties nominate, where the overton window moves, what the discourse is- you do so by getting involved, not by sitting out.
Comment was about voting 3rd party or write in, not sitting out. As far as “who the party nominates”, that seems dubious, currently.
Not sure why everyone is trying to call out Ehouse for writing in Nikki Haley. Actually, I think I do know. Though only one vote he probably represents a lot more people than we think. My guess is that everyone wants him to vote for Harris, as one of the only two viable options.

I also have a very strong hunch that if he were to vote for one on the ticket, it would most certainly be Trump.

In the big scheme of things, someone if forced to choose between the two would vote Trump, a write in of Nikki is far better. That is one less vote for Trump. Not an extra one for Harris, but one less for Trump.

Why try to encourage him to vote for Trump? Makes no sense to me. You go vote for Nikki, Ehouse!
If there’s no way someone would vote Dem under any circumstance, it’s obviously better they vote third party or write in than Trump.
Yea A non Vote I will admit I voted for Mike Munger for Gov of NC back whenever
Now I am a "yellow dog " . But by November it was clear Beverly Purdue would not win-so it was a"piss off" vote
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Comment was about voting 3rd party or write in, not sitting out. As far as “who the party nominates”, that seems dubious, currently.
Writing in third party has precisely the same effect as sitting out: you give up any agency that you might have in actually effectuating change. The downside impact in this particular election is that you might contribute to putting Trump back in the White House as a little accidental side effect.
If there’s no way someone would vote Dem under any circumstance, it’s obviously better they vote third party or write in than Trump.
My bad- didn't realize he was either Trump or third party. By all means vote Nikki in that case. I'm good with that person giving up their agency.
Not sure why everyone is trying to call out Ehouse for writing in Nikki Haley. Actually, I think I do know. Though only one vote he probably represents a lot more people than we think. My guess is that everyone wants him to vote for Harris, as one of the only two viable options.

I also have a very strong hunch that if he were to vote for one on the ticket, it would most certainly be Trump.

In the big scheme of things, someone if forced to choose between the two would vote Trump, a write in of Nikki is far better. That is one less vote for Trump. Not an extra one for Harris, but one less for Trump.

Why try to encourage him to vote for Trump? Makes no sense to me. You go vote for Nikki, Ehouse!
That’s fair.