Harris v. Trump Debate Thread | DEBATE DISCUSSION THREAD

It'll be put-up or shut-up time for all those folks complaining about immigrants taking their jobs. And I highly doubt that Jethro and Billy Bob will be fans of those roofing gigs.
I was a carpenter for over 40 years and started hearing those complaints starting in the late 70s. I don't think I ever lost a job to migrants. They did some stuff I wouldn't do but their market and mine didn't coincide.
This is an unappreciated point. I recently read an article about laborers in meat processing. I think it was in the Times. Basically, the meat industry would shrink considerably. one analyst quoted in the piece said the meat industry would basically die. I don't know about that, but meat would become way, way more expensive and way scarcer.
This then becomes trumps new health initiative for getting Americans to consume less red meat. Its not a problem, its a side benefit.

And he thought the price of bacon was bad NOW…
It'll be put-up or shut-up time for all those folks complaining about immigrants taking their jobs. And I highly doubt that Jethro and Billy Bob will be fans of those roofing gigs.
A church I attended some years ago had a pretty significant contingent of members who worked in the construction trades. This church also had a pretty big commitment to "Habitat for Humanity." It did not take long for the folks at Habitat for Humanity to realize that when our group showed up everyone but me was a trained and experienced construction professional. So we pretty much got exclusively put on hanging windows and roofing. I can remember the other guys laughing at me, saying that I came down the ladder exactly in accord with the Duke Power handbook, only moving one limb at a time. I switched roles in the Habitat for Humanity projects from swinging a hammer to the guy who picked up and delivered lunch. I think everyone agreed it was a change for the better.

So speaking just for myself, I am NOT a fan of those roofing jobs.
Sinister comes from a Latin word meaning “on the left side, unlucky, inauspicious.” Although it is commonly used today in the sense “evil” (“a sinister cult leader”; “a sinister plot”), it may also suggest an ominous foreshadowing of some unfavorable turn of events (“a sinister omen”).
The first Nabokov book I ever read was Bend Sinister, which evidently is a heraldic term: "A bend is a band or strap running from the upper dexter (the bearer's right side and the viewer's left) corner of the shield to the lower sinister."
“Speaking at a conference more than two decades ago, then-San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris offered words of wisdom to women pushing to succeed in professions typically dominated by men.
‘There’s a balance to be struck, between being tough and being a
B—tch’ Harris said, erupting into her signature laugh as the nearly all-female audience exploded in knowing applause.”

The VP should strike that balance and can go prosecutor all up in Trump’s face, go all the way up to the bitch line, and simply not cross it. Be tough, be honest and tell the truth.

  • Border? Simply say we had a bill ready “you killed it, trump”
  • Taxes? VP doesn’t set taxes, but “as Prez I will do this, this and this.”
  • Reproductive rights? (Oh really? You wanna go there?)
  • Crime? It’s down now, “lower than when you were prez, next question”
  • Guns? “Common sense gun laws well over half the country wants”
  • Inflation? “Dude, that started under your watch when you fumbled the pandemic ball. It’s been a world wide issue ever since and the US has emerged from it quicker and better than most any other country in the world.” Caused by supply chain shortages and corporate greed and price gouging. And again, “when I’m prez, I will do this this and this. Besides almost every economist says your proposed policies of tariffs tariffs tariffs will be disastrous”
  • What about what you said in 2020 primaries? “That was then, this is now.” “I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now.”
  • Next question….
Treat Trump with kid gloves or we will cause a Disney boycott!!

A conservative boycott of Disney World will be about as effective as the Southern Baptist boycott about twenty or so years ago. It didn't seem to hurt Disney at all, and lots of Southern Baptist families still found their way there.