There is a remedial education program set up by the Biden Admin to help potential recruits prep to be able to qualify for enlistment that I’ve read repeatedly was already paying dividends (but may be scrapped by Hegseth as too D.E.I.).
Future Soldier Preparatory Course to expand based on initial success
By Hunter Rhoades Center for Initial Military Training Public Affairs OfficeJanuary 9, 2023
The pilot program stood up in August 2022 to help America’s youth overcome academic and physical fitness barriers to service and meet or exceed the Army’s accession standards.
A total of 3,206 students have attended the course as of the end of 2022, of which 2,965 students have already graduated and are continuing to basic combat training.
In the academic track of the course, 95% of students increased at least one test category within their first two attempts, increasing their test score by an average of 17 points. In the fitness track, 87% of students graduated within their first three weeks of the course, with an average weekly body fat loss of 1%.
“The initial results of the Future Soldier Preparatory Course have been very encouraging and demonstrate the Army’s unparalleled ability to unlock a person’s true potential,” said Gen. Gary Brito, the commanding general for U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command. “These programs are providing recruits an opportunity to serve and are preparing them not just for the rigors of basic training, but for a life through Army service.”
Based on the initial success of the pilot, the Army will add two additional companies at Fort Jackson for recruits who score between 21-30 on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test. Fort Jackson will also still host all recruits who attend the fitness track of the Future Soldier Preparatory Course. These recruits will have up to 90 days to meet the Army’s desired accession standards. …”
But there is probably also a Trump Bump among White Nationalists and MAGA, for example.