How bad can it get?

Best Case Scenario: Major Recession, gutting of many essential social welfare services but with relatively minor cuts to SS and Medicare and a few other programs (out of GOP Congressional fear that touching those programs will lead to heavy GOP losses in 2026 and 2028), federal judges are able to block some of the worst excesses of Trumpism, but still with steady growth of an Orban-style authoritarian regime and continued pell-mell cuts and chaos in the federal government. In other words, still pretty damn bad. The one ray of hope I might add in this scenario would be Democrats doing well in the 2026 elections and regaining control of at least one house of Congress (most likely the House of Representatives) which would give them power to stop Trump's agenda, although any damage and cuts done until then would likely stay in place.

Worst Case Scenario: Another Great Depression, protests in streets met by violent military force under Trump and Secretary Hegseth's direct orders, subversion of Bill of Rights and thousands (starting with immigrants but spreading to American citizens) arrested for simply exercising free speech and freedom to peaceful assembly rights, federal judge's rulings are simply ignored by Trump & his minions, universities gutted and thousands of professors and teachers fired, most of the social welfare net built up since the Progressive Era is totally gutted, including SS and Medicare and Food Stamps, etc. The USA basically becomes another Russia with a kleptocracy of corrupt billionaires running everything, National Parks deteriorate and are used for natural resources by Trump-friendly corporations, poverty and homeless rate soars, Great Depression style conditions prevail across most of the country. Any dissent is ruthlessly stamped out, and a Trump-friendly "news media" relentlessly promotes pro-Trump propaganda with very few dissenting sources. And Elon & Company do exactly what Republicans love accusing Democrats of doing, as they simply steal elections starting in 2026 via rigging voting machines and other schemes, and the ability of Democrats to fundraise and publicize themselves is sharply curtailed by Congress and GOP state governments in red and some purple states, like NC.

To sum up, there really isn't a "best case scenario", it's just going to be bad no matter what. And I don't see Trump being driven from office or them letting up on their bull in a china shop tactics, so that's why I didn't mention it in a best case scenario. We're very likely stuck with this for the next four years.

ETA: Oh, and we might very well find ourselves in a major foreign war over the next four years, with us as the bad guy.
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Best Case Scenario: Major Recession, gutting of many essential social welfare services but with relatively minor cuts to SS and Medicare and a few other programs (out of GOP Congressional fear that touching those programs will lead to heavy GOP losses in 2026 and 2028), federal judges are able to block some of the worst excesses of Trumpism, and steady growth of an Orban-style authoritarian regime and continued pell-mell cuts and chaos in the federal government. In other words, still pretty damn bad.

Worst Case Scenario: Another Great Depression, protests in streets met by violent military force under Trump and Secretary Hegseth's direct orders, subversion of Bill of Rights and thousands (starting with immigrants but spreading to American citizens) arrested for simply exercising free speech and freedom to peaceful assembly rights, federal judge's rulings are simply ignored by Trump & his minions, universities gutted and thousands of professors and teachers fired, most of the social welfare net built up since the Progressive Era is totally gutted, including SS and Medicare and Food Stamps, etc. The USA basically becomes another Russia with a kleptocracy of corrupt billionaires running everything, National Parks deteriorate and are used for natural resources by Trump-friendly corporations, poverty and homeless rate soars, Great Depression style conditions prevail across most of the country. Any dissent is ruthlessly stamped out, and a Trump-friendly "news media" relentlessly promotes pro-Trump propaganda with very few dissenting sources. And Elon & Company do exactly what Republicans love accusing Democrats of doing, as they simply steal elections starting in 2026 via rigging voting machines and other schemes, and the ability of Democrats to fundraise and publicize themselves is sharply curtailed by Congress and GOP state governments in red and some purple states, like NC.

To sum up, there really isn't a "best case scenario", it's just going to be bad no matter what. And I don't see Trump being driven from office or them letting up on their bull in a china shop tactics, so that's why I didn't mention it in best case scenario. We're very likely stuck with this for the next four years.
I am trending toward worse case
I am trending toward worse case
I think Mulberry’s worst case is actually a mean case. Worst case involves “reeducation” camps, thousands disappeared, death camps, and institution of overt tech feudalism. These folks are a mixture of Nazis, Afrikaners, Black shirts, and Cult of Peron - all those groups destroyed economies and killed and repressed for many, many years.
Probably right. But the country had Lincoln then. Look who we got now. Can you imagine what would have happened if the orangeturd was president then? I shudder to think.
Trump would have not only made peace with the Confederacy, but he would have renamed the United States the Confederate States, made Jefferson Davis his VP, merged the two nations into a Confederate-led single nation, replaced the US Constitution with the Confederate version and legalized slavery everywhere in the new CSA. And that's probably just for starters.
Trump would have not only made peace with the Confederacy, but he would have renamed the United States the Confederate States, made Jefferson Davis his VP, merged the two nations into a Confederate-led single nation, replaced the US Constitution with the Confederate version and legalized slavery everywhere in the new CSA. And that's probably just for starters.
Not wishing ill on anyone… but maybe Trump at the Kennedy Center watching a show could be his Ford theater moment