Idea for the forum

I’m wearing out the ignore thread function. It’s great. I find most threads have a half life of no more than 3 pages before they get lost on a tangent.

There are some topics that can have a much longer useful life and I may keep them around even if they’re cluttered. Something like a Supreme Court decision thread will get lost until the next decision. A thread on what TV to buy will die off on a tangent.

I happy to keep ignoring to keep clutter away.
I was wondering why you never appeared on that one thread's page five where almost every poaster was discussing how awesome, intuitive, and useful you are as participating member.

You really would have enjoyed it.
Count me down for 35 years. But who cares?

It's neither a competition nor an exhibition. ;) I'm just glad to have you on board (or is it, "on this board"?), my brother.
My crowds are bigger than you're crowds. I have the best crowds and I'm prettier than my competitors. :cool:🤪😁😁
@Rock maybe I'm doing something wrong, but when I post from my phone, I only have the thumbs up option under like. And you know I want to use all of the options that are available to me.
Thanks, I'll try that.

It's something with my phone. I figured out how to make it work.
I can't really explain it but if you kind of light press it, it gives you all the options. You get the feel for it after doing it a handful or hundred times. May be different depending on Android/iOS or if you have any phone settings different.
Can I have the NYCBlueBlood thread where I yell at clouds like an old man... and occasionally give questionable HR advice?
Since you haven’t created your HR thread yet, I’ll just ask this here:

Dear NYCBlueBlood,

I don’t get into the office a lot, but when I do, our director of purchasing always comes into my office and wants to talk. No problem. He’s a decent enough guy, hard-working, dedicated, and he likes jabbering about Tar Heel football or basketball, even though he graduated from Wlimington or Greensboro or Asheville or one of those. I’ve got no issue with the guy except one thing: he wears extremely form-fitting pants in the crotchal region; loose-fitting in the legs… just really, really tight in the “zone”. Everyone in the office either makes fun of him behind his back or is disgusted by him and turn away so as not to catch a glimpse of his averageness. This has to be addressed. Him putting his nuts on my desk as he leaned against it this morning has spurred me on to want to take action. Besides murdering him, what, in your professional opinion, is the best course of action to get this guy into a pair of zubaz pants?
Since you haven’t created your HR thread yet, I’ll just ask this here:

Dear NYCBlueBlood,

I don’t get into the office a lot, but when I do, our director of purchasing always comes into my office and wants to talk. No problem. He’s a decent enough guy, hard-working, dedicated, and he likes jabbering about Tar Heel football or basketball, even though he graduated from Wlimington or Greensboro or Asheville or one of those. I’ve got no issue with the guy except one thing: he wears extremely form-fitting pants in the crotchal region; loose-fitting in the legs… just really, really tight in the “zone”. Everyone in the office either makes fun of him behind his back or is disgusted by him and turn away so as not to catch a glimpse of his averageness. This has to be addressed. Him putting his nuts on my desk as he leaned against it this morning has spurred me on to want to take action. Besides murdering him, what, in your professional opinion, is the best course of action to get this guy into a pair of zubaz pants?
This definitely deserves its own thread. This has potential.
Since you haven’t created your HR thread yet, I’ll just ask this here:

Dear NYCBlueBlood,

I don’t get into the office a lot, but when I do, our director of purchasing always comes into my office and wants to talk. No problem. He’s a decent enough guy, hard-working, dedicated, and he likes jabbering about Tar Heel football or basketball, even though he graduated from Wlimington or Greensboro or Asheville or one of those. I’ve got no issue with the guy except one thing: he wears extremely form-fitting pants in the crotchal region; loose-fitting in the legs… just really, really tight in the “zone”. Everyone in the office either makes fun of him behind his back or is disgusted by him and turn away so as not to catch a glimpse of his averageness. This has to be addressed. Him putting his nuts on my desk as he leaned against it this morning has spurred me on to want to take action. Besides murdering him, what, in your professional opinion, is the best course of action to get this guy into a pair of zubaz pants?
Is he also an olimpic swimmer?
Since you haven’t created your HR thread yet, I’ll just ask this here:

Dear NYCBlueBlood,

I don’t get into the office a lot, but when I do, our director of purchasing always comes into my office and wants to talk. No problem. He’s a decent enough guy, hard-working, dedicated, and he likes jabbering about Tar Heel football or basketball, even though he graduated from Wlimington or Greensboro or Asheville or one of those. I’ve got no issue with the guy except one thing: he wears extremely form-fitting pants in the crotchal region; loose-fitting in the legs… just really, really tight in the “zone”. Everyone in the office either makes fun of him behind his back or is disgusted by him and turn away so as not to catch a glimpse of his averageness. This has to be addressed. Him putting his nuts on my desk as he leaned against it this morning has spurred me on to want to take action. Besides murdering him, what, in your professional opinion, is the best course of action to get this guy into a pair of zubaz pants?
You work with Jules Bouyer?!?!