Kamala Arizona rally; Trump in Montana

After 8 long, freaking years it would appear that the Democrats have finally, at long last figured out how to go after these people and put them on the defensive for a change. Call them weird or even freaks, because so many of them are, when they insult you then you hit them right back with no hesitation, go after them on social media the way they've gone after you for eight years. And at least so far neither Trump nor Vance nor the GOP high command nor even Fox News has figured out an effective response. They clearly didn't expect this Democratic Party and ticket to ever show up. We've still got a long two and a half months to election day and nothing is certain until the votes are counted, but for the moment it is very nice and oh-so-satisfying to finally see the Democratic Party really open up and take it to Team Trump and his minions. It's long overdue.

It’s so clear they were out for their own jobs that’s it’s disgusting. Reading the Politico article interviewing Anita Dunn sealed it for me.

She spends the whole interview talking about how Biden could’ve won, the media pushed him out, etc. Then says the race has been changed by Kamala and Reps don’t know how respond. They all knew it would be best for Biden to drop out (or not run for reelection to begin with) but none of them had the courage to tell him that.

The media clearly had a double standard for Biden. I believe I saw a statistic where the New York Times had 50+ stories about Biden’s age and cognitive decline versus less than 10 about Trump's felony convictions and ties to Project 2025. They created the narrative rather than reported on the news.
The media clearly had a double standard for Biden. I believe I saw a statistic where the New York Times had 50+ stories about Biden’s age and cognitive decline versus less than 10 about Trump's felony convictions and ties to Project 2025. They created the narrative rather than reported on the news.
You think the NYT created the narrative about Biden’s cognitive decline and age? Voters had made it clear in polls they were concerned about it long before figures in the media or Democratic Party did.

The explosion in coverage of Biden’s age and cognitive decline came after his disastrous debate performance. It shouldn’t be a surprise that the NYT was one the main news organizations talking about this when you consider their reader base.
You think the NYT created the narrative about Biden’s cognitive decline and age? Voters had made it clear in polls they were concerned about it long before figures in the media or Democratic Party did.

The explosion in coverage of Biden’s age and cognitive decline came after his disastrous debate performance. It shouldn’t be a surprise that the NYT was one the main news organizations talking about this when you consider their reader base.
...but there is still a double-standard. Every. Single. One. of Trump's public appearances are a spewing, free from grammar, free from subject-verb agreement free-form bullshit experiment, filled to the top with non-specific plans and alarmist buzzwords. Even in the debate, where Biden looked like he was literally having a stroke from the get-go, Trump was ABSOLUTELY just as awful. We just expect it from him, and it's been ignored since he first began campaigning for 2016.
You think the NYT created the narrative about Biden’s cognitive decline and age? Voters had made it clear in polls they were concerned about it long before figures in the media or Democratic Party did.

The explosion in coverage of Biden’s age and cognitive decline came after his disastrous debate performance. It shouldn’t be a surprise that the NYT was one the main news organizations talking about this when you consider their reader base.
The media absolutely played a part with the hysteria around Biden's age. It was Hillary's emails all over again. Further, I believe this is clearly evident based on the fact that Donald Trump is nearly as old and definitely cognitively worse than Biden and all of those questions have all but disappeared in the press.
Of course there’s a double standard, not denying that. The papers know their readers, and they are out to make money. They’re not out to be balanced journalists.

It wasn’t some manufactured panic about Biden’s age though. The debate sent an immediate ripple through the liberal establishment. The Democratic Party, newspapers, cable news. You saw it as soon as the debate was over. Hell, you saw it as soon as Biden flubbed the Medicare line.

Think about the NYT’s business model. What do they gain from talking about Trump’s mental fitness? Most of their readers already think Trump was mentally unfit.

I know I was reading the NYT more during the Biden debacle than at any point prior to that.

The reason the panic was so widespread is because the concern about Biden’s age and fitness was already widespread among voters at large and Democrats. That has been borne about by the explosion of energy we’ve seen around Harris since then.

Another major piece of this is sourcing. Who are the sources for most NYT journalists, and which party is more democratic and open to questioning its leadership?

Dems were not afraid to leak info about their Biden concerns to the media post debate. Either no Republicans are talking about Trump’s fitness or none of these conversations are being leaked.

There certainly aren’t high profile figures angling to get Trump to step aside in the same way there were against Biden (Pelosi et al)
Of course there’s a double standard, not denying that. The papers know their readers, and they are out to make money. They’re not out to be balanced journalists.

It wasn’t some manufactured panic about Biden’s age though. The debate sent an immediate ripple through the liberal establishment. The Democratic Party, newspapers, cable news. You saw it as soon as the debate was over. Hell, you saw it as soon as Biden flubbed the Medicare line.

Think about the NYT’s business model. What do they gain from talking about Trump’s mental fitness? Most of their readers already think Trump was mentally unfit.

I know I was reading the NYT more during the Biden debacle than at any point prior to that.

The reason the panic was so widespread is because the concern about Biden’s age and fitness was already widespread among voters at large and Democrats. That has been borne about by the explosion of energy we’ve seen around Harris since then.

Another major piece of this is sourcing. Who are the sources for most NYT journalists, and which party is more democratic and open to questioning its leadership?

Dems were not afraid to leak info about their Biden concerns to the media post debate. Either no Republicans are talking about Trump’s fitness or none of these conversations are being leaked.

There certainly aren’t high profile figures angling to get Trump to step aside in the same way there were against Biden (Pelosi et al)
The concern over Biden’s age was certainly not manufactured. It was an issue in the previous election.

I addressed the double standard in my initial response, which we all appear to agree on.

I would also note that the media has completely misrepresented the accomplishments this administration has had, and there are plenty to choose from. Regardless, it's water under the bridge at this point.