Kamala binge eats Doritos

The diet coke negates all of the bad stuff he's cramming down his pie hole.

If I had the kind of money he has, I would never eat McDonalds. I really never eat McDonalds now, except on occasions when I only have a few dollars.
This really pissed me off when it happened. Just something about the tackiness of it. I'm not saying that anyone is lower class or whatever because they eat fast food, that has nothing to do with it. It's that a bunch of college kids got the honor of a lifetime to visit the White House and they are rewarded with cold fast food which absolutely sucks.
When Trump was originally asked about the fast food he responded "well, it's what they eat"
This really pissed me off when it happened. Just something about the tackiness of it. I'm not saying that anyone is lower class or whatever because they eat fast food, that has nothing to do with it. It's that a bunch of college kids got the honor of a lifetime to visit the White House and they are rewarded with cold fast food which absolutely sucks.
That was quintessential Trump.