Mass Shooting & Gun Violence

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But I was told by Trump and Republicans that Biden's presidency was an absolute nightmare in nearly every area and that he was our worst president ever. So all this positive economic news and improved data like this just can't be true. Maybe it's just improving because Dear Leader will soon be in charge and God and Republican Jesus are happy with America again!
To be fair, Biden didn’t get any major gun legislation passed. Violent crime is likely just getting back to where it was before the pandemic and civil unrest of 2020.
Be that as it may, we still have a fucked up gun culture.
I don't disagree at all, and in fact our obsession with guns disgusts me. I'm just sick of listening to fake GOP charges that Biden is the worst president of all time and took the opportunity to sarcastically express that frustration. Believe me, I think it's nuts that many states have Wild West type open carry laws, among other things.
I don't disagree at all, and in fact our obsession with guns disgusts me. I'm just sick of listening to fake GOP charges that Biden is the worst president of all time and took the opportunity to sarcastically express that frustration. Believe me, I think it's nuts that many states have Wild West type open carry laws, among other things.
Again, the Wild West had gun control regulations that would freak out MAGAts and Trumplicans.
Again, the Wild West had gun control regulations that would freak out MAGAts and Trumplicans.
Yes, but I'm referring to the popular image presented by Hollywood for generations. Hell, one of the main reasons the Gunfight at the OK Corral happened was because of the Earps deciding to enforce a town ordinance restricting carrying guns in the town limits of Tombstone. But MAGAts don't care about that - they just care about the popular Hollywood image of the West.

F.B.I. Says It Found Largest Cache of Homemade Explosives in Its History at Va. Farm​

Investigators discovered more than 150 devices, mostly pipe bombs, on a property outside Norfolk, court papers say.

“… The man, Brad Spafford, was taken into custody at a farm outside Norfolk on Dec. 17 on the basis of a single-count criminal complaint accusing him of illegally possessing an unregistered short-barrel rifle. When investigators searched his 20-acre property, in Isle of Wight County, they found in a detached garage more than 150 explosive devices — mostly pipe bombs, some of them labeled “lethal,” prosecutors said.

They found more pipe bombs in a bedroom inside Mr. Spafford’s house, loosely stuffed in a backpack that bore a patch shaped like a hand grenade and a logo reading “#NoLivesMatter,” prosecutors said.

No Lives Matter is a nihilistic, far-right ideology that largely exists on encrypted online messaging apps like Telegram. The movement’s adherents promote “targeted attacks, mass killings and criminal activity” and have “historically encouraged members to engage in self-harm and animal abuse,” according to a threat assessment released in August by the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness.

According to the court papers, which were reported earlier by the website Court Watch, the investigation into Mr. Spafford began last year, after a neighbor reached out to the authorities. Mr. Spafford had lost three fingers on his right hand while working with a homemade explosive device, the neighbor said, and he was stockpiling weapons and homemade ammunition.

The neighbor reported that Mr. Spafford had told him that he and his friends were “preparing for something” that he “would not be able to do alone,” the court papers said.

The neighbor also told investigators that Mr. Spafford sometimes used photographs of President Biden for target practice at a local shooting range and believed that “political assassinations should be brought back.” After the attempt on President-elect Donald J. Trump’s life in Pennsylvania in July, the papers said, Mr. Spafford told his neighbor that he “hoped the shooter doesn’t miss Kamala,” an apparent reference to Vice President Kamala Harris.

… No Lives Matter is an offshoot of the broader “accelerationist” movement, which seeks to accelerate radical social change through sabotage and violence. Some scholars of far-right extremism believe it takes its name from a song entitled “No Lives Matter,” by the pro-Trump Canadian rapper Tom MacDonald.”

“… You’re more likely to be shot in the rural South than in big cities like Chicago
Gun violence is often associated with urban areas, but in our review, we found that half of all shootings occurred outside large cities, in communities of fewer than 1 million people. Thirteen of the 20 towns and cities with the highest rates of shootings were located in the South.

… Clarksdale, Mississippi; Selma, Alabama; and Laurinburg, North Carolina — each with a metro population of less than 100,000 people — were among the places that saw more people shot per capita in 2023 than Chicago, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C.

Large Democratic-run cities are getting safer, despite what Republican politicians say
At an August campaign event in Michigan, President-elect Donald Trump said that cities led by Democrats were awash in violence. “It’s just insane,” he said. “But you can’t walk across the street to get a loaf of bread. You get shot, you get mugged, you get raped, you get whatever it may be.”

In reality, shooting deaths through the end of October were down more than 10 percent from 2023 nationwide, according to The Trace’s analysis. The decreases were most pronounced in the Democratic-run large cities with substantial nonwhite populations and histories of elevated gun violence that Trump and other GOP politicians routinely paint as out of control. …”

“…Road rage shootings are on the rise
Drivers are increasingly using firearms to vent their anger, causing shootings to become more common on the country’s roads and highways.

Between 2014 and 2023, The Trace found, the number of people shot in road rage incidents surged more than 400 percent, from 92 to 481. All told, angry drivers shot 3,095 people over that decade, or nearly one every day. One in four of those victims — 777 — were killed.

Shootings happen near K-12 schools with alarming frequency

National attention is understandably focused on shootings that happen on campuses during school hours. But the reality is that shootings near schools — just down the block or across the street — are far more common. The Trace looked at GVA data for shootings that took place within 500 yards of all public and private K-12 schools. That is about four blocks in a typical city, and the distance at which a gunshot is still clearly audible. …”
“… Though gun violence has returned to normal levels in many places, the aftermath of the COVID-era surge persists
Gun violence has a long tail, and the grief and shock of the spike in shootings that accompanied COVID-19 will be felt for years to come.

To better understand the scope of the loss, The Trace analyzed shootings that occurred between 2020, when the surge began, and 2024, when many places saw gun violence return to pre-pandemic levels.

Our analysis showed that approximately 18,126 more people died than would have if gun violence had remained at its 2019 level. …”
So breaking news on WRAL
a million police cars at North Hills Mall in Raleigh
some gun fire was reported
NOT an active shooter right now
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Sounds like a recently fired employee showed up at Coquette restaurant and killed a chef and then tried to kill himself. He is currently in critical condition. One other person was hit but is in stable condition.
Sounds like a recently fired employee showed up at Coquette restaurant and killed a chef and then tried to kill himself. He is currently in critical condition. One other person was hit but is in stable condition.
Follow-up on this one. The executive chef at the restaurant shot and killed one of the line cooks and then shot himself. He was critically injured and eventually died. One other cook was shot, likely accidentally, but will probably live. It was apparently the cook boffing a girl that the executive Chef was either dating or liked.
Follow-up on this one. The executive chef at the restaurant shot and killed one of the line cooks and then shot himself. He was critically injured and eventually died. One other cook was shot, likely accidentally, but will probably live. It was apparently the cook boffing a girl that the executive Chef was either dating or liked.
Sheesh. I live out of state so didn't hear about this but I love North Hills. Were there patrons in the restaurant at the time of the shooting?