Y'all have some really stupid Supreme Court justices down there. I'm trying to decide whether Berger or Newby is stupider, but I think Newby has the inside track. He actually put his name to this:
"On the night of the election, petitioner led his opponent by almost 10,000 votes. Over the course of the next several days, his lead slowly dwindled, and he now trails his opponent by 734 votes out of the 5,540,090 total votes cast. That is a highly unusual course of events. It is understandable that petitioner and many North Carolina voters are questioning how this could happen."
First, it is not highly unusual. It's common. In fact, in many states, it's expected. Any time there is both geographic variation in vote counting and political leaning (which NC has plenty of), this result is highly likely to happen in a close election -- many times on election night, multiple times.
The idea that it is hard to understand "how this could happen" is just one of the most ignorant and laughable things I've read from a court in a while. Oh, who am I kidding. It's standard Trump judge fare. But 10 years ago, it would have met that criteria.