NC Supreme Court race - Riggs ahead +734 | NC Supreme Court sends case back to lower court

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"...election workers write an identifying number on the ballots of voters who vote by mail or during the in-person early voting period. This is a special number assigned to each ballot and voter. This number allows the ballot to be retrieved and not counted if necessary due to a voter challenge, such as if the voter dies before Election Day or votes more than once. See Retrievable ballots (N.C.G.S. § 163-166.45).

The number can also be used to retrieve ballots in the event of a successful election protest, such as if several voters are given the wrong ballot style and the margin for a contest is less than that number of voters."

I went back and re-read the links, as well as Bob Orr's comments, and it seems like NC uses a confidential system for "retrievable ballots" for most (but not all) mail and early votes. So, if Griffin were to prevail on his challenge, he could theoretically get certain votes tracked and uncounted.

“Republican candidate Jefferson Griffin is getting financial help from fellow Court of Appeals judge Tom Murry in his legal battle to win a seat on the North Carolina Supreme Court.

That contribution raises ethical questions the state's judicial code of conduct does not clearly answer.

… Murry, a former Republican state representative and newly elected judge on the state appeals court, contributed $5,000.

Riggs also set up a legal fund — Justice Allison Riggs Legal Fund — which has raised just over $22,000.

Riggs' donors, with no judges among them, include Jim Goodmon, the CEO of Capital Broadcasting Co. — the parent company of WRAL.

The U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals is considering arguments over whether the federal judiciary should assert jurisdiction over Griffin's election protests. Meanwhile, on a parallel track, Griffin's legal challenges have been sent to Wake County Superior Court by the North Carolina Supreme Court.

Depending on the outcome of the trial-level state court's factual review of Griffin's protests, the matter could end up before the North Carolina Court of Appeals, which could trigger the recusal of one of its jurists. …”

Whether Murray recuses himself if the case gets before his court is something to watch …
I have no idea what this means. The district court is going to be an appeals court of the state? WTF?
I assume the ruling would be to stay federal court proceeding until state court proceeding is finished, and if there are federal constitutional issues still remaining to be decided after state court is done, the district court can take up the case then.

This is setting up for final resolution about the time of the next supreme court election, and the democrat is still sitting on the court until this case is finally decided, so it is not the worst possible result.
Riggs wins in Wake Superior Court which (I'm assuming) was to be expected. I think the next two steps will likely make me want to storm the NC capital building and put some heads on spikes. Just horrible human beings.

We all know what they are going to do, what happens when they do it?
likely nothing. Americans don't have it in them to take the steps to stop dictatorships. The anti-union blood that flows through it means their won't be mass work stoppages. Buildings aren't going to be occupied for th elength needed to get people to stand down. No one is going to risk their life to fight for a state court judge, especially when right wing militias are deputized for "peace" keeping . It's all just going to quietly slip away at the local and national level while people talk big online about "if they do that there will be blood in the streets..."

Only blood in the streets will be that of Lady Liberty
Link: NC Supreme Court won't fast-track lawsuit challenging 60K ballots in race for one of its own seats

Here is why the refusal of the NC Supreme Court's refusal to fast track this case is part of the scam. The refusal to fast track this case to the NC Supreme Court was by a 4-2 vote. All it would take is one more Republican justice on the Supreme Court to grow a spine and refuse to allow this blatant attempt to steal an election to proceed if it came directly to the NC Supreme Court. If the NC Supreme Court ties 3-3, then the lower court decision prevails. If NC Court of Appeals is skipped, then the Wake County Superior ruling in favor of the Democratic Candidate would be that lower court decision. So, in order to prevail, the GOP has to get this case heard by a Republican panel in the NC Court of Appeals. Then, if there is a tie vote in the NC Supreme Court, the partisan NC Court of Appeals ruling would prevail.

This is just such a transparent attempt to overturn the will of the North Carolina voters. And yet these same judges participating in this sham are the same ones who would be the quickest to condemn the lawyers practicing before them if they attempted anything, anywhere close to this level of transparent deception.

NC High Court Hopeful Says Ballot Count Defied State Law​

"...In an appellate brief filed Monday in the Court of Appeals, Republican Judge Jefferson Griffin accuses the North Carolina State Board of Elections of behaving as a "super-legislature," contending that it has allowed unverified ballots to be counted in violation of statutory requirements. Judge Griffin wants to overturn a Superior Court judge's rejection of his challenge.

"The state board is an administrative agency that has broken the law for decades, while refusing to correct its errors," Judge Griffin writes in the brief. "If the board gets its way, then it is the real sovereign here. It can ignore the election statutes and constitutional provisions, while administering an election however it wants."

Judge Griffin's challenge focuses on three categories of ballots that he argues were improperly counted in his race against Justice Allison Riggs, a Democrat.

First, he contends that the board accepted thousands of absentee ballots from overseas voters who failed to provide the photo identification required.

The second issue raised in the brief concerns ballots cast by people who have never lived in North Carolina or anywhere in the U.S. Judge Griffin argues that the state board improperly assigned these "never residents" a fictional residency, in violation of the North Carolina Constitution's residency requirement.

...It remains uncertain whether Judge Griffin's challenge could alter the election's outcome; his protests identify fewer than 300 ballots cast by "never residents," while the margin between him and the victor, Justice Riggs, exceeds 700 votes, according to the brief. However, the brief also argues that if other contested ballots were disqualified and the gap between candidates narrowed, the question of "never residents" voting could become decisive.

The North Carolina Supreme Court on Friday rejected an effort to bypass the appellate court and expedite a final ruling on the case, issuing a one-page order denying the State Board of Elections' petition. Justice Riggs recused herself from that ruling but has defended the board's handling of the vote and pushed for an expedited resolution of the case three days before that, arguing that Judge Griffin's claims are delaying the certification of the last unresolved statewide election in the country. ..."

NC High Court Hopeful Says Ballot Count Defied State Law​

"...In an appellate brief filed Monday in the Court of Appeals, Republican Judge Jefferson Griffin accuses the North Carolina State Board of Elections of behaving as a "super-legislature," contending that it has allowed unverified ballots to be counted in violation of statutory requirements. Judge Griffin wants to overturn a Superior Court judge's rejection of his challenge.

"The state board is an administrative agency that has broken the law for decades, while refusing to correct its errors," Judge Griffin writes in the brief. "If the board gets its way, then it is the real sovereign here. It can ignore the election statutes and constitutional provisions, while administering an election however it wants."

Judge Griffin's challenge focuses on three categories of ballots that he argues were improperly counted in his race against Justice Allison Riggs, a Democrat.

First, he contends that the board accepted thousands of absentee ballots from overseas voters who failed to provide the photo identification required.

The second issue raised in the brief concerns ballots cast by people who have never lived in North Carolina or anywhere in the U.S. Judge Griffin argues that the state board improperly assigned these "never residents" a fictional residency, in violation of the North Carolina Constitution's residency requirement.

...It remains uncertain whether Judge Griffin's challenge could alter the election's outcome; his protests identify fewer than 300 ballots cast by "never residents," while the margin between him and the victor, Justice Riggs, exceeds 700 votes, according to the brief. However, the brief also argues that if other contested ballots were disqualified and the gap between candidates narrowed, the question of "never residents" voting could become decisive.

The North Carolina Supreme Court on Friday rejected an effort to bypass the appellate court and expedite a final ruling on the case, issuing a one-page orderdenying the State Board of Elections' petition. Justice Riggs recused herself from that ruling but has defended the board's handling of the vote andpushed for an expedited resolution of the case three days before that, arguing that Judge Griffin's claims are delaying the certification of the last unresolved statewide election in the country. ..."
In other news Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead...

So, three women are quoted in the article. I'm sure that will just reinforce Judge Griffin's belief that restoring freedom to America will require repeal of the 19th Amendment and restoration of minimum property-holding/wealth levels requirements to hold the franchise.
So, three women are quoted in the article. I'm sure that will just reinforce Judge Griffin's believe that restoring freedom to America will require repeal of the 19th Amendment and restoration of minimum property-holding/wealth levels requirements to hold the franchise.
And one of the women voted for him.