Not only that, but I found that working closely with international colleagues in those settings is what led me to really subconsciously suppress my accent professionally for awhile. I try to embrace it a little more these days though.
I once attended a lecture series on Corsica for a couple of weeks in grad school. Almost entirely European and Asian students, only 2 or 3 Americans. And most of the Euros were from outside of the UK. All that to say, I was one of 4 or 5 native English speakers in the entire cohort. I hit it off with a group of Spanish students and spent a lot of time with them over the next week. After about a week there, I was chatting to one of the Spanish girls and she mentioned that she could understand everyone else's English pretty easily but could barely understand me
My family comes from ENC and has fairly strong accents, with some older family members leaning heavily into Hoi Toider territory. The first time I visited NYC, I was in a shop in Manhattan and the salesman was chatting me up and said "oh, are you visiting from Australia then?" after hearing me. Was very confused at the time but I can kind of get it now, being further removed from the area