Penile Fractures in NC

So assuming My penis is bent, how do I know whether I need medical attention? Is the pain excruciating and long lasting or is it something I could walk off and risk impotence.
Use two popsicle sticks and medical tape to create a splint...

I experienced a minor version of this indignity. No surgery, no dysfunction, no deformation, just a week of mild/moderate swelling and pain. Probably just lucky, in my ignorance. Literally heard a pop, so did she.

Small lady, but vigorous.
A vigorous midget?
Stump broke mules more like it…
Two thoughts

1. Years ago I lived/worked in a very rural area-- like where I grew-up, but in a different state. In those pre-internet days, there was a local weekly hand-out called "The Pennysaver." It was just a series of ads, but also had classified ads. One week there was a classified ad offering for sale: "One stump-broke mule and two gumboot trained sheep."

2. Alternate explanation for the wave of penile fractures in Western NC: Them good old boys up in hills know that "Drill, Baby Drill" was a catchphrase frequently employed by St. Donald of Mar-a-Lago, that fracking is somehow a method of effectuating the "Drill Baby Baby" policy, and they are just doing their best to help out.
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