People want Dems to stand up to Trump and Pubs

Unless American protests reach Hungarian and Serbian levels (and news agencies and social media actually cover them) - Trump controls the optics.
Optics aren't useful if the government is destroyed.

Look, maybe Schumer's vote was a bad idea. But to pretend that it was abject stupidity is wrong. He has/had valid concerns. For one thing, the courts are better than optics, and if Trump defies court orders, that's better optics than Schumer ever could provide. My opinion. I don't know how I would have voted. It was a Hobson's Choice.

Trump is itching for a Reichstag moment. A government shutdown might have been the thing. It's not so simple fighting authoritarianism in our country. We need a new constitution.
Sorry, but nothing makes sense for Trump to win.
See, that is a neon sign that you are out of touch with mainstream America. That you can’t comprehend how people voted for him when a majority did should cause you to re-examine your pov to ask why you are so out of touch. Or not, and continue to live in bewilderment.
Optics aren't useful if the government is destroyed.

Look, maybe Schumer's vote was a bad idea. But to pretend that it was abject stupidity is wrong. He has/had valid concerns. For one thing, the courts are better than optics, and if Trump defies court orders, that's better optics than Schumer ever could provide. My opinion. I don't know how I would have voted. It was a Hobson's Choice.

Trump is itching for a Reichstag moment. A government shutdown might have been the thing. It's not so simple fighting authoritarianism in our country. We need a new constitution.
Exactly. And what really scares me is that I can’t figure out what the democrats can do at this time that would give them even a P.R. win. I’m terrified for what comes next.
See, that is a neon sign that you are out of touch with mainstream America. That you can’t comprehend how people voted for him when a majority did should cause you to re-examine your pov to ask why you are so out of touch. Or not, and continue to live in bewilderment.
Screw the election. I don't want to be in touch what that sort of anti science superstition ridden dumbassery thinks. I can't even act like I can understand it.
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They see what is coming, and they know that they are powerless to stop it. Maybe the result is just to get out of the way?
That you can’t comprehend how people voted for him when a majority did should cause you to re-examine your pov to ask why you are so out of touch.
I understand. He lied a lot. A LOT. And people believed him. Let's see how popular he is in six months.

I take it you're the type of person who will support Trump no matter what. You'd be putting on your MAGA hat while the nukes are in the air.
I don’t know that there is anything they can do. I mean, he is just going to threaten to arrest or impeach them at some point.
Oh I get it... it's sort of Captain must go down with the ship. We all know only the Dems can actually govern. They are indeed the "captain" of the ship in terms of guiding it (the Nation) into safe harbors. And now the ship has been mortally wounded by enemy fire and is sinking fast. The Captain (dems) can abandon ship, or join forces with the bad guys (can't beat 'em might as well join 'em), or go down with the ship. Those are the choices.
Seems to me that if you're going to go down it's better to go down fighting for all you're worth instead of just rolling over. I mean, I dare anyone to read Schumer's NY Times interview or watch his video interview on MSNBC and conclude that this is the guy you want leading Senate Democrats at this time in history.
Oh I get it... it's sort of Captain must go down with the ship. We all know only the Dems can actually govern. They are indeed the "captain" of the ship in terms of guiding it (the Nation) into safe harbors. And now the ship has been mortally wounded by enemy fire and is sinking fast. The Captain (dems) can abandon ship, or join forces with the bad guys (can't beat 'em might as well join 'em), or go down with the ship. Those are the choices.

Avarice and greed are gonna drive you over the endless sea
They will leave you drifting in the shallows
Or drowning in the oceans of history
Traveling the world, you're in search of no good
But I'm sure you'll build your Sodom like you knew you would
Using all the good people for your galley slaves
As you're little boat struggles through the warning waves, but you don't pay
You will pay tomorrow
You're gonna pay tomorrow, yeah
You're gonna pay tomorrow
Save me, save me from tomorrow
I don't want to sail with this ship of fools, no, no, no
Save me, save me from tomorrow
I don't want to sail with this ship of fools
See, that is a neon sign that you are out of touch with mainstream America. That you can’t comprehend how people voted for him when a majority did should cause you to re-examine your pov to ask why you are so out of touch. Or not, and continue to live in bewilderment.
"when a majority did"

Has anyone thought about Trump's comments on several occasions (paraphrasing... that "people don't need to vote", "You'll never need to vote again." and that 'Elon knows the voting machines so well", etc.? He tends to tell you what he is doing.

Most out of touch interview I’ve seen from a Dem in a while.

I’m interested to learn your specific points of disagreement. I was for a shutdown, ftr, but also found little to suggest Schumer operated irrationally, merely uninspiring. I don’t find the aforementioned woefully out of touch, rather, I find Chuck a bit too hopeful.

I agree with Hayes that the Dems have zero rallying points, and about the only levers available are uncompromising opposition to authoritarianism and kleptocracy. The shutdown could’ve been an uncompromising lever; it could’ve been the start of martial law, too.
Seems to me that if you're going to go down it's better to go down fighting for all you're worth instead of just rolling over. I mean, I dare anyone to read Schumer's NY Times interview or watch his video interview on MSNBC and conclude that this is the guy you want leading Senate Democrats at this time in history.
I saw his interview on the tele- I agree with his message
See, that is a neon sign that you are out of touch with mainstream America. That you can’t comprehend how people voted for him when a majority did should cause you to re-examine your pov to ask why you are so out of touch. Or not, and continue to live in bewilderment.
Trump won less than 50% of the popular vote.
I don’t think it matters much what Democrats say or do. They have no platform to spread anything they say. There is no liberal equivalent of the right wing disinformation bubble.
They exist but Democrats just aren’t a receptive audience to it.
They exist but Democrats just aren’t a receptive audience to it.
To be fair, I think the right-wing propaganda machine is far more entrenched and far more expansive. They’ve made a 40-50 year commitment to expanding and promoting their reach—while Dems/leftists have fallen far behind in terms of embracing changes in the modern media landscape.