Maybe all this russian aggression is because we are in a period of zero potus presence and have been for a while. Russia sees this

and this
and knows their time to act is now. And what is a fact is that russia invaded under obama and brandon. So all this finger pointing at trump is sour grapes and desperation at the laughing stock that the dems have become.
Have you figured out how timeouts work? Maybe you shouldn't call other people "laughing stock" when your user name is literally named after demonstrable stupidity.
Actually, Russia's first incursion was under Bush, but don't let that stop your roll. Thinking that Trump would stand up to Putin in any meaningful way, thus deterring him from invading, should be grounds for a lobotomy. You might not understand this, but the planning for the Ukraine invasion did not begin a month before it happened. Russia was planning on invading in 2020, while Trump was president (and when it looked at least probable that he would win re-election). The pandemic made that impossible, and then Biden won.
The idea that America has become a laughing stock when it was America who actually stood up to Putin's invasion, and rallied the world to Ukraine's defense -- again, you are just living in a fantasy world. The reason that Russia fell on its face in Ukraine is Joe Biden and Macron and the governments of our allies, but primarily the Biden administration.
The reality is that Ukraine is struggling because YOUR party held up aid for months and months, and then only begrudgingly supported it. And that is laughingstock material. Our enemy invades our ally, and your party is just fine with that, and the reason is that Putin hates the same people you hate (i.e. gay people, trans people, etc), and you think Biden is the laughingstock?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but did Biden ever have any meetings one-on-one with any foreign power with nobody else from our side president? When Biden came into office, did any of our allies feel the need to re-evaluate their commitment to joint intelligence gathering because they couldn't trust him not to divulge secrets to our enemies? Putin treats Trump like a fucking lap dog, and you think he's tough.
And finally, for good measure, it's not just other countries who scoff at Trump. It's even the members of Mar-a-Lago. Remember the Aussie billionaire who was laughing to Aussie media because Trump was just spilling national security secrets in casual conversation in a crowded public place? And how exactly do you think the world reacted when they saw Top Secret information sitting in Trump's bathroom?
You, and the people who think like you, are among the biggest causes of massive human suffering around the globe. I'm so fucking tired of your never ending bullshit. Just have some self-respect and stop spouting idiocy.