RFK Jr. dumped a dead bear in Central Park

There's actually a photo of him with the bear, which I won't link and I didn't want to see.

This guy is so crazy it's unbelievable.
According to Robert Kennedy, Jr., after his day of falconry, he and friends went to Peter Luger Steak House. His friends got quite drunk; Kennedy claims he wasn’t drinking. Kennedy realized after supper that he couldn’t go home because he had to go to the airport; plus, he had a dead bear cub in his vehicle. He decided to take the bear to Central Park and stage an “accident” with a bicycle - which he just happened to have an old bike in his vehicle. He and his drunk friends thought this was an hysterically funny idea.

The next day he woke up with that classic hangover thought, “Oh, my God! What did I do?”

This happened 10 years ago. Not when he was 18-25. TEN years ago.
I suspected there might be a body in the trunk of at least one car at Peter Luger’s based on the clientele and cash only policy. Never considered one of the bodies might be a bear cub.
I didn't know bear meat was... a thing?

“So I pulled over and I picked up the bear and put him in the back of my van, because I was gonna skin the bear,” he explains matter-of-factly. “It was in very good condition and I was gonna put the meat in my refrigerator.”

Kennedy added that it is legal in New York State to get a bear tag to take home a roadkill bear. Such a tag must be written up by a law enforcement officer.'

This article raises so many questions
He’s lying.
This story is totally bonkers. Between the photo with the dead bear, the claim that perhaps this is where he got fbs worm that ate part of his brain (true story), staging a bear’s *second* death in Central Park or the bizarre confessional style video released where he tells this story to Roseanne Barr…. It’s totally nuts.
The other night I woke up because it seemed that hurricane Debby was trying to rip down all my trees (it did not), so I picked up my iPad and was skimming "Twitter."
So I found this bizarre story. [Also, note that the video I saw showed Kennedy telling this bizarre story to Roseanne Barr. So, stranger still.]

I had some idea to post the story on the dying ZZLP. It seemed sort of funny for the board to end with that "political" story. But, alas, it is already dead.
It does raise a final IC question: In the alternative universe of IC, would this count as a "political" story since K is technically running for POTUS?
The bear part of the story is so bizarre, that nobody even blinked an eye about the Falconry.
he is big into falconry. he tried to use his power as the head of a Hudson River environmental group, which he kind of took over in a coup, to try to get environmental laws changed so his buddies could buy endangered birds.
John Oliver eviscerated RFK Jr. on this past Sunday's show. And this was before the bear story had broken.

RFK Jr. says he is being investigated for collecting whale specimen​

One of his daughters, Kathleen “Kick” Kennedy, described in a 2012 article how her father cut the head off a dead whale that had washed ashore and bungee-corded it to the family’s car.

Weaponization eh? IFF there even is an investigation:

“… The National Marine Fisheries Service, which is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, did not immediately respond to a request for comment and confirmation Saturday night.

When asked by a reporter after the campaign event for details about the investigation, Kennedy said he was "not going to talk" about the incident, but would talk about "serious policy issues." He criticized the media as wanting to discuss "gossipy nonsense," adding, "I’m not interested in feeding that feature of mainstream media."

After the 2012 story resurfaced last month, an environmental group urged federal officials to investigate the incident. …”
if he is not making it up for sympathy from the anti government people, I doubt it goes anywhere. no real evidence that would be enough to prosecute
if he is not making it up for sympathy from the anti government people, I doubt it goes anywhere. no real evidence that would be enough to prosecute
WIth RFK Jr., I would like some evidence of any meaningful communications from the government, much less an investigation.