A term sheet? THAT'S THE MINERALS AGREEMENT? A TERM SHEET? Lololololololololol. Trump's track record of getting utterly bamboozled in negotiations continues intact.
Prediction: Even if Zelenskyy signs this thing, the U.S. will never see a cent from it. Here's how it will happen:
1. Zelenskyy signs.
2. Trump says, "let's negotiate the terms of the fund now!!"
3. Zelenskyy says, "Treaty isn't valid until I get it through my parliament. It will take some time. Can't proceed until then."
4. After parliament does something, Zelenskyy says, "oh by the way, treaty isn't valid until your Senate approves it. Can't proceed until then."
5. Trump goes to the Senate.
6. If Senate approves, Trump goes back to Ukraine. Ukraine says, "well, there are a lot of details to work out." Negotiations drag on forever. Meanwhile, Ukraine starts looking for help elsewhere. Europe understands what's going on and steps up with actual security guarantees.
7. Maybe eventually Zelenskyy signs it. Now it goes to the Senate. How will the actual agreement fare there? One wonders if the Senate is really interested in holding a vote in an election year. But let's say that the Senate eventually confirms it.
8. Americans show up with digging equipment. Ukrainians say, "oh, I'm sorry, but while we were haggling over all this, we gave the leases to French and German companies. Sorry about that. Anyway, we can't break the leases according to our law."
9. Trump gets big mad. He sues Ukraine in federal court to enforce the deal (because he is stupid). Ukraine says, "Foreign Sovereign Immunity, lolololol"
10. Trump gets big mad again. All leverage gone. Deal is dead. Subsequent American president will abandon it.
Of course, getting all the way to 10 is not necessarily going to happen. It could get derailed along the way. But I'm pretty confident that the protection racket here will not work.
Because you can't run a protection racket with MOUs. LOLOLOLOL. An MOU is moderately helpful sometimes when both parties are interested in doing a deal. If one of the parties is being coerced the MOU does nothing.