The war can't go on. The US can't afford to foot the bill. No one is supporting Russia. The logical approach is bringing Putin to the table. We haven't tried talking with Putin in 3 years. If there are no negotiations whats the alternative? How does this turn out? Whats the plan? We need Putin to stop. Biden couldn't do it, Europeans couldn't do it, we need him at the table. Zelensky undermined diplomacy at every moment at the white house. Why is being peacemaker a bad thing? Is it because Trump is leading the efforts. If Zelenskyy operates under the false hope of U.S. protection in a war with Russia, he is likely to adopt a harder stance in negotiations with Putin, making an end to the war less likely.
The media and the pro Ukraine crowd mistakenly believe that the U.S. is obligated to defend Ukraine. This belief stems from various misconceptions related to past agreements, international alliances, and the concept of global responsibility. First, there is a misunderstanding of NATO’s role. Some assume that, because Ukraine has sought support from Western countries, the U.S. is obligated to defend it under NATOs mutual defense clause. However, Ukraine is not a member of NATO, and therefore the U.S. is not bound by NATO’s Article 5, which commits member states to defend a fellow member if attacked.
While there is a strong moral case for supporting Ukraine, moral obligations are not the same as legal or treaty-based obligations that would require military intervention. If there is a moral obligation to defend Ukraine, then that obligation should extend to Europe, Japan, and any other democracy.
Yet, they have all left the U.S. to pay the bulk of Ukraine’s defense. Rather than increasing their support for Ukraine, these nations are expressing anger at the U.S. for halting its defense aid, which is well within the U.S.’s right to do.