Second Failed Assassination Attempt on Trump

Playing golf at the Andrews AFB course seems like a reasonable concession for a presidential candidate who has had two attempts on his life. Unless Trump really doesn't GAF about America's tax dollars. Hmmmm....
Trump doesn’t live near Joint Base Andrews.

Why would he play there if he’s not POTUS?
Vance is the worst candidate I have seen in a long, long time.
I’ve been thinking more and more lately about it, and I agree with this. Trump is a loathsome individual, to be sure, but he is loathsome because he is a narcissistic, self-centered pig. He doesn’t have any core principles or beliefs or cares other than enriching himself, which, to be clear, does make him a shitty person- but I don’t think that Donald Trump himself is intelligent enough or has enough give a damn about anything or anyone other than him himself to be individually dangerous. But JD Vance is actually, legitimately a person with vile and despicable beliefs and principles, and he is someone who, with unchecked power, could cause a whole lot of really bad problems for a whole lot of people. In other words, Trump is mostly a carnival barker- and that’s not to diminish how awful a second trump administration would be, because it would be awful. But not because Trump himself is uniquely evil, but it’s because all of the people he would surround himself with and staff his administration with are just like JD Vance, who are.

I’ve been thinking more and more lately about it, and I agree with this. Trump is a loathsome individual, to be sure, but he is loathsome because he is a narcissistic, self-centered pig. He doesn’t have any core principles or beliefs or cares other than enriching himself, which, to be clear, does make him a shitty person- but I don’t think that Donald Trump himself is intelligent enough or has enough give a damn about anything or anyone other than him himself to be individually dangerous. But JD Vance is actually, legitimately a person with vile and despicable beliefs and principles, and he is someone who, with unchecked power, could cause a whole lot of really bad problems for a whole lot of people. In other words, Trump is mostly a carnival barker- and that’s not to diminish how awful a second trump administration would be, because it would be awful. But not because Trump himself is uniquely evil, but it’s because all of the people he would surround himself with and staff his administration with are just like JD Vance, who are.
I worry more about the theonomists than the amoral rich assholes. The assholes are mainly in it for power and money. The theonomists have a CAUSE. If it turns into a bloodbath, they are the ones most likely to be behind it.
I am not even sure how you would conduct a perimeter search of a golf course. They are huge and the ones with thick bushes between the fence and the street would be incredibly easy to hide in. I don't think a simple visual search of the perimeter would find someone hiding. I would think you would need to do some sort of infrared body heat search from above the course to find someone hiding in the bushes. So, that would likely require drones or helicopters. Plus, you'd need to maintain the visual search throughout the round. Even if you did an initial search, it would be easy for someone to creep back into the bushes after the inspectors or drones/helicopters passed by.
one whole side of his golf course is along a busy street with a side walk. infrared will be picking up people walking by all day
I’ve been thinking more and more lately about it, and I agree with this. Trump is a loathsome individual, to be sure, but he is loathsome because he is a narcissistic, self-centered pig. He doesn’t have any core principles or beliefs or cares other than enriching himself, which, to be clear, does make him a shitty person- but I don’t think that Donald Trump himself is intelligent enough or has enough give a damn about anything or anyone other than him himself to be individually dangerous. But JD Vance is actually, legitimately a person with vile and despicable beliefs and principles, and he is someone who, with unchecked power, could cause a whole lot of really bad problems for a whole lot of people. In other words, Trump is mostly a carnival barker- and that’s not to diminish how awful a second trump administration would be, because it would be awful. But not because Trump himself is uniquely evil, but it’s because all of the people he would surround himself with and staff his administration with are just like JD Vance, who are.

I’ve been saying this. Trump is an idiot but Vance is pure evil.
one whole side of his golf course is along a busy street with a side walk. infrared will be picking up people walking by all day
I think infrared should be able to distinguish between people on the sidewalk (do people actually walk in Florida?) and people hiding in the bushes.
So far there have been two incredibly amateurish assassination attempts on Donald Trump's life. And Trump keeps amping up the rhetoric. And Trump's campaign keeps getting more and more backing from right-wing tech bros. Among right-wing tech bros, I've got to believe they think that a dead Trump is way better than a live Trump. These right-wing tech bro billionaires really give off a vib that they think JD Vance waving a bloody shirt is a better outcome than a senile Trump mumbling his way through another speech, pimping his latest scam.