Stock Market/Investing/Fin Planning Catch-All

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Depending on what you own, I would think you’re either holding until 2-3-4-5 years from now or you’re selling because you can’t afford to hold that long.
The problem with holding for the next 4 years ( which is usually a good plan ) is that Trump will be president for the next 4 years.

I'm an old codger and have hunkered down to weather the storm with 50% in cash and 50% in dividend paying "widow and orphan" stocks.

Two weeks ago I moved 75% of my 17yo grandson's 529 plan into cash.

My 14yo granddaughter's 529 plan is still 100% in a total stock market index fund. I thought with her 5 year college horizon she could weather and recover from the upcoming Trump recession, but now I'm having 2nd thoughts:cautious:
I’m just having to continuously remind myself that this is a great buying opportunity for someone like me with a very long investing time horizon. That’s about the only thing keeping me from wanting to kick the asses of every single Trump supporter I know- completely figuratively and not at all literally, of course, because I am a nonviolent person by nature anyway and because this esteemed board community does not believe in, nor do we advocate, for violence of any kind.

In all seriousness, this is all such an unconscionable economic own-goal of unimaginable proportions, it completely defies all logic and reason.
I’m just having to continuously remind myself that this is a great buying opportunity for someone like me with a very long investing time horizon. That’s about the only thing keeping me from wanting to kick the asses of every single Trump supporter I know- completely figuratively and not at all literally, of course, because I am a nonviolent person by nature anyway and because this esteemed board community does not believe in, nor do we advocate, for violence of any kind.

In all seriousness, this is all such an unconscionable economic own-goal of unimaginable proportions, it completely defies all logic and reason.
Great buying opportunity or falling knife? You be the judge
With the positive-ish headlines re: Canada, Ukraine, I thought the market reversal would close on the highs and end the sell off, at least short term. Not so much, though.

Peter Navarro led his 4 pm CNBC interview with “Bullishness is in the air.”

Yes, Pete, that’s just how a 500 point Dow drop feels at this point,
Most of my money is in broad index funds with long timeframe (15 ish yrs), but i've dabbled in a few solo stocks that i've been unwinding. I moved a teeny bit of investments (sold some VTI) to cash Mon of last week. I want to buy back in, into an equal-weight like RSP, eventually. I'm tempted to set a good-til-cancelled at 10% down or similar... otherwise i'll never pull the trigger and eventually miss the rebound.

The last two things in my hands to unwind are ASTS and NVIDIA, why do I still have them? Cuz they're slightly underwater. Damn human nature. Both were speculative buys, but my biases won't let me lose until i lose badly.

Oh, and have a little random Crypto, that's my vice instead of gold etfs. To the moon!
Trump got elected to avoid prison. He has no plan and neither does his administration. It’s a collection of misfits.

Unfortunately things need to be completely broken before we can truly rebuild. The mystique of “GOP good, Democrats bad” has been engrained in the conservative psyche for so long that unmitigated disaster might be the only way to mentally decouple people from this ideology.

Germany was entranced by Nazi’s until their country was in ruin. It might take that level of destruction with the modern American conservative.
Nazis did have a larger base of support at their peak than Trump has or will ever have.
Is it too late to bail out?

Do i hold now and hope for a rebound?
I don’t think so. In my opinion this is going much further down unless Trump has a mea culpa moment. And that is assuming he isn’t doing this on purpose.

Full disclosure, I have some bets (put options) on this and have moved my money to money market and international funds. So I could be biased by that. But I felt this way before I made those moves.

Look it it from a risk reward scenario. S&P has dropped about 9%. If you sell now and stocks recover you would be out a 10% gain.

If you don’t sell and the market drops 40% from highs, you are in far worse shape.

The risk/reward favors getting out in my opinion.

That is assuming this is retirement so no tax implications.

All my opinion.
Those that are selling/moving money out of stocks, are you talking about index funds (large cap, small cap, etc.)?
I've moved to money markets for ~40% of holdings, with a YTD return of 1.1%; ~25% remains in ishares and vanguard funds under a conservative profile; 15% in long held equities (all dividend paying blue chips), though I've paired down from >60% since July; that leaves about 10% in long held REITs, emerging market, and India ETFs; and 10% in cash for upcoming renovations and vehicles.
I’ve always thought long-term investments should not be moved around (much); that one of the worst things to do is to dump the stocks in times of downturn. I invest in five index funds, and was planning to do so for the remainder. Are y’all saying this is a bad idea now? (Sorry, I don’t know much about the market, so please forgive my ignorance.)