The Music Thread

I have multiple albums by all those. Add Blue Rodeo, Wilco and the Jayhawks and that was a lot of my 90s.

Another weird family connection is that Chip Taylor, who wrote Wild Thing and Angel of the Morning is Jon Voight's brother.

That's nice.
Speaking of Chips.

Brad Rice worked at a sign shop in Raleigh during his Backsliders and all days. He would often come to work just plain worn out on Mondays and Fridays after playing gigs somewhere. During breaks he would go to a back room and sleep for however long. The manager was quite kind. Then he hooked up with Keith Uban, played in his band and it was sayonara Raleigh, I'm moving to Austin.
Since @BoonetheAiredale mentioned Whiskeytown I've been thinking about which one of their's to post. Decided to take a left turn and post this. Backround vocals and guitar - one Ryan Adams, talented musician and even bigger asshole according to many. Nice song though.

Since @BoonetheAiredale mentioned Whiskeytown I've been thinking about which one of their's to post. Decided to take a left turn and post this. Backround vocals and guitar - one Ryan Adams, talented musician and even bigger asshole according to many. Nice song though.

Better than nice... I love you like a brother, but I want you to cease posting artists that I am compelled to buy ;)

Faithless Street is my favorite Whiskeytown CD

Posted on this date thread but it deserves more airplay.

1973 American musician Bruce Springsteen released his debut album, Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J.
