The NOT Drinking Thread

Finesse, I am so glad for you that you got through your cancer treatment and are doing well — I can only imagine how grueling that must have been. I will certainly keep my fingers crossed that your appointment goes well in January. Five years is a huge milestone.

Like Heeling said, I am floored that you didn’t have significant withdrawal symptoms if you drank that much, every day, for as long as you did. People can incur brain injury or death if they stop cold turkey after drinking that much. You must also have one tough liver. I’m thankful that you’re here to tell the tale.
The only surgeries ended up being a trach, a g-tube, a chem port, a couple of biopsies and some dental surgery to make sure no roots were left. The actual treatment was 3 chemo sessions and 35 radiation treatments. I did have to have things removed and the trach surgically closed because of poor healing due to the radiation.

Otoh, I was dead lucky. Btw, forget that BS about fighting cancer. The doctors and the cancer fight. At best, you're the battlefield. All I did was show up when I was told and do what I was told. I'm now back at my high school weight. I take one HTZ pill a day for my blood pressure and about the only lingering affect is hoarseness because the cancer and radiation destroyed one of my vocal chords. Even after that, while I don't have much volume and am hoarse, I'm pretty understandable.
Sounds much like my brother. Radiation, chemo, then surgery to get it all out. Been over 10 years and like you is hoarse when talking - sometimes hard to hear/understand him but otherwise fine.