The Nothing Thread


Distinguished Member
ZZL Supporter
This thread is about nothing in particular.

My 20 month old son is learning his first words...when he says "yellow" or "purple" or "bubble" it's the cutest thing ever.

Tonight we're probably having leftovers for dinner. Shish kebabs maybe.
My 11year old daughter is playing Minecraft while talking on Facebook Friends with her friend that lives on the other side of town and is being way too loud. I’m debating if it’s too late for a nap and or if I would rather watch the Olympics.
About to take a nap myself. Been having problems sleeping recently. Going to the doctor soon to see if I have some levels off or need to get on drugs or something.

Having sleep issues is the worst. Like a sore throat or head ache, just ruins your whole day because it's always there.
About to take a nap myself. Been having problems sleeping recently. Going to the doctor soon to see if I have some levels off or need to get on drugs or something.

Having sleep issues is the worst. Like a sore throat or head ache, just ruins your whole day because it's always there.

Dang, sorry to hear that Rock. Hope starting this board isn't contributing to it...
Dang, sorry to hear that Rock. Hope starting this board isn't contributing to it...
Ha no no. Thanks though. I turn 40 next June and I'm currently single. Mid life crisis type things popping up left and right. Think I'm just getting older 👴
Ha no no. Thanks though. I turn 40 next June and I'm currently single. Mid life crisis type things popping up left and right. Think I'm just getting older 👴
I took care of that by buying the car I waited 30 years to get. A 2020 Mustang GT Premium with 470 HP and promptly added a supercharger to it which added another 425 HP.

My GF fucking hates it! But my thought is that I might turn myself into a greasy spot on some back country road but I'm gonna be smiling when it happens!
I took care of that by buying the car I waited 30 years to get. A 2020 Mustang GT Premium with 470 HP and promptly added a supercharger to it which added another 425 HP.

My GF fucking hates it! But my thought is that I might turn myself into a greasy spot on some back country road but I'm gonna be smiling when it happens!
Thats awesome
Not the wreck part mind you brother
I took care of that by buying the car I waited 30 years to get. A 2020 Mustang GT Premium with 470 HP and promptly added a supercharger to it which added another 425 HP.

My GF fucking hates it! But my thought is that I might turn myself into a greasy spot on some back country road but I'm gonna be smiling when it happens!

Weren't you dating someone who was also a poster on the zzl?
Thats awesome
Not the wreck part mind you brother
yeah, my GF doesn't like it when I use that phrase either.

I do have a blazingly fast car and I definitely have a lead foot with MANY tickets received (but only a few that actually went on my record) but I've actually never gone fast enough to defy physics and I've never done something stupid enough to endanger others. I only test the limits of my car on an enclosed & controlled track where, only I, not anyone else, would get hurt doing something stupid but again, that's never been an issue. She doesn't like me racing and refuses to even talk to me except to tell me to try to not drive too fast when I do go to the track. :ROFLMAO:

Other than my car I don't think I've had any mid-life crises purchases or activities unless you count the 50 hookers carrying 20 pounds of blow that happened to get lost and somehow found their way to my house that one weekend MANY years ago...
This thread is about nothing in particular.

My 20 month old son is learning his first words...when he says "yellow" or "purple" or "bubble" it's the cutest thing ever.

Tonight we're probably having leftovers for dinner. Shish kebabs maybe.
My grandsons are now seniors in high school. We were at the beach when they were 2 1/2. I had cooked chicken on the grill and my wife had made vegetable shish kebabs. One of the grandsons crawled up in a chair next to me. I had put two of the kebabs on my plate. My grandson looked at the kebabs and then at me. He said, “Pop. I don’t like sticks.” I almost choked on a piece of chicken. I then showed him you take the vegetables off the stick and then you eat them.
Weren't you dating someone who was also a poster on the zzl?
SJSU...yeah, I was with her for a long time but that shit blew up spectacularly after I found out that she was married and had an "open relationship" but neglected to tell me this minor detail. And because she was long distance and would come see me and we would talk whenever we wanted, I didn't realize this until it was WAYYYY too late. I mean I'm pretty good with seeing shit but the distance allowed her to keep her rouse intact far longer than it would've had she been local.
My fifteen-year-old needs practice turning corners in the car and braking when she come to a stop.

My three younger kids (all boys, aged 6, 6, and 5) really frustrate me most nights getting them ready for bed. I need to figure out some way to change either their behavior or my approach and mental state.
My fifteen-year-old needs practice turning corners in the car and braking when she come to a stop.

My three younger kids (all boys, aged 6, 6, and 5) really frustrate me most nights getting them ready for bed. I need to figure out some way to change either their behavior or my approach and mental state.
My fifteen-year-old needs practice turning corners in the car and braking when she come to a stop.

My three younger kids (all boys, aged 6, 6, and 5) really frustrate me most nights getting them ready for bed. I need to figure out some way to change either their behavior or my approach and mental state.
I raised three kids they are 36-41 Now I spend way over 40 hours a week with a 4 and half yr old and a 5 month old
My thoughts/
Patience , patience mellow Now that is so much me but my GF whose granddaughters i help her look after
SJSU...yeah, I was with her for a long time but that shit blew up spectacularly after I found out that she was married and had an "open relationship" but neglected to tell me this minor detail. And because she was long distance and would come see me and we would talk whenever we wanted, I didn't realize this until it was WAYYYY too late. I mean I'm pretty good with seeing shit but the distance allowed her to keep her rouse intact far longer than it would've had she been local.
Well damn. That took a twist I wasn’t expecting.
I raised three kids they are 36-41 Now I spend way over 40 hours a week with a 4 and half yr old and a 5 month old
My thoughts/
Patience , patience mellow Now that is so much me but my GF whose granddaughters i help her look after
My problem is just them not listening at night or getting a bit rowdy. I really love telling them goodnight, and most nights we do an “Adventure Story,” which is me making up ongoing stories of the three of them going on adventures in a fantasy world, and I really enjoy doing that with them.

But I get so frustrated sometimes and it puts me in a bad mood where I just don’t have the energy and imagination to do it.

It doesn’t help that my wife had a (surrogacy) baby five weeks ago and usually feels crappy at night still and doesn’t like to use the stairs, so while we’re usually a pretty good tag team it’s mostly been 3 on 1 for a while, since well before the delivery.
My fifteen-year-old needs practice turning corners in the car and braking when she come to a stop.

My three younger kids (all boys, aged 6, 6, and 5) really frustrate me most nights getting them ready for bed. I need to figure out some way to change either their behavior or my approach and mental state.
Have your fifteen-year-old put the three younger ones to bed.