“… A different coat of arms flies over Mr. Trump’s two golf resorts in Scotland. The lions on the shield have been replaced by a
two-headed eagle, an image the company has said represents the “
dual nature and nationality” of Mr. Trump’s Scottish and German roots.
But this emblem was not just about honoring his heritage.
The British are known to take
matters of heraldry seriously, and Mr. Trump’s American coat of arms belongs to another family. It was granted by British authorities in 1939 to Joseph Edward Davies, the third husband of Marjorie Merriweather Post, the socialite who built the Mar-a-Lago resort that is now Mr. Trump’s cherished getaway.
… In the United States, the Trump Organization took Mr. Davies’s coat of arms for its own, making one small adjustment — replacing the word “Integritas,” Latin for integrity, with “Trump.”
… Mr. Trump tried to bring the American version to Scotland a decade ago.
He used the emblem on promotional materials when he started marketing a new golf course development in Aberdeenshire, on Scotland’s east coast. But the materials
ran afoul of the coat-of-arms authorities in Scotland — a uniquely British problem. …”