Sometimes he says stuff that is out of left field and I don’t even know where to put it.
“[says you can’t have multiple companies run ATC, system, it must be one company] … there are some countries that have unbelievable air controller systems and they bells would have gone off [for helicopter altitude in DC crash] but bells and whistles would have gone off, they have them where they can virtually turn the thing around it just would have never happened if we had the right equipment. [we need a bill to built the best control system]
… When I land in my plane, privately, I use a system from another country because my captain tells me, I’m landing in New York, I won't tell you what country, but I use a system from another country because the captain says the thing is so bad. … so we’re going to have the best system, it’s a lot of money but it’s not that much money …”
I don’t actually think they can use a foreign system to land at a US airport, but would be curious what foreign country he trusts to track his plane.