Why would I answer this? You aren’t here for a good-faith discussion or argument. Your mind is already made up. You guzzle right wing propaganda and want to pass it off as fact. You aren’t interested in discussing nuances or anything that doesn’t fully reinforce your views. That’s why your posts are being met with mockery- because everyone here knows your playbook.
I like to talk a lot of smack, but more than anything else I am always more than happy and even thrilled to have nuanced policy discussions, debates, and disagreements. I read all sorts of stuff, from conservative think tankers to liberal think tankers to progressive think tankers. I love to nerd out on this stuff. But you and none of the rest of the Trump supporters on this board are here for that, because you aren’t here to discuss and debate. You’re here to peddle propaganda and get mad and screech and scream about Joe Biden.