Behold the Strange Spectacle of Christians Against Empathy
“… The Republican Christian right made a hard turn against immigration and, in its most extreme political faction, is turning against empathy itself.
In 2020, Ryan Burge, perhaps the nation’s leading researcher of statistical trends in American religion, found that white evangelicals were the religious cohort of Americans
most likely to support separating children from parents when their parents enter the country illegally. They were also the cohort mostly likely to support drastic reductions in legal immigration.
… A
t the same time, hard-right Christians began to turn against the very idea of empathy. Last year a popular right-wing podcaster, Allie Beth Stuckey, published a best-selling book called “Toxic Empathy: How Progressives Exploit Christian Compassion.” This month, a right-wing theologian, Joe Rigney, is publishing a book called “The Sin of Empathy: Compassion and Its Counterfeits.”
These attacks are rooted in the idea that progressives emotionally manipulate evangelicals into supporting causes they would otherwise reject. For example, if people respond to the foreign aid shutdown and the stop-work orders by talking about how children might suffer or die, then they’re exhibiting toxic empathy.
That’s one reason you’ll often see a shocking amount of derision online when anyone starts talking about the human toll of Trump’s decisions. His MAGA evangelicals are broadcasting that you cannot reach them with anything that looks like an appeal to the heart. . …”