nothing and no one is above me and nothing/no one is beneath perspective is what separates me from the rest of our fucked up society. see you think you are better than the trumpsters whether morally, intellectually, or both. do you really think you are going to change their minds re trump etc? its the same ol pissing contests, not discussions. i ll let you know when a real discussion takes place.
so i retired at 40 and have a lot of interests. i enjoy messageboards....and sacrificing goats to my god. anything else?
Oh, heavens no, I don't think I'm better than anyone. I've got my own flaws, faults, mistakes, sins, etc. just like anyone, and perhaps more than most- "Trumpsters" included. (Side question- since I voted for Trump in 2016, do I have to look down on myself?). I don't think more or less of anyone based on how they vote- I think more or less of people based on how they act and how they treat others. I know plenty of people who voted for Trump who I vehemently disagree with politically but whose actions and treatment of others I find commendable or admirable- kind of the whole "love the sinner, hate the sin" deal except it's "hate the politics (or at least the vote), love the person."
I don't think I'm going to change anyone's mind here or anywhere else, and even if I had the ability, it isn't my aim. My aim here is to further educate, learn, and better myself. I've learned tons on and from this board through the years- from people with whom I vehemently agree and disagree, alike. If you aren't able to do that here, that's your problem, not the problem of any other poster(s).
Congrats on the early retirement, by the way. I sincerely hope you are able to find more fulfilling, more service-oriented, or hell, just plain more fun things to do with your team than read a message board comprised of people you don't like talking about topics you disdain. Life's too short, man!