UNC Basketball History

Well, its Rock's messageboard and he is a Jayhawk, albeit Tar Heel by blood. And we effectively merged Devil's Den and IC, so it is not really a UNC message board.
My take. Rock created this board due to the demise of ZZL-P. I have no idea if he posted on dook boards but I don't think his plan was merging with any of them.

Saying we merged is a bit disengenious. There is no reference to dook in the forum name or s5ated purpose. I believe it was @aGDevil2k who was the first dookie here who graciously asked if he could invite Den posters over.

I have no problem with dookies posting here as long as no one is an asshole.

Edit to add. @nycfan. It would be nice to split this into a pure UNC BBall thread and create a UNC vs dook or something thread. dookies could post their thoughts on the current Heels team as long as they don't compare and contrast with their team. Or it could be an all in one thread for other school fanbasrs to add their 2 cents. I really don't want to wase through decades worth of shit throwing in either direction when all I want isdiscusdion on the current team.
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My take. Rock created this board due to the demise of ZZL-P. I have no idea if he posted on dook boards but I don't think his plan was merging with any of them.

Saying we merged is a bit disengenious. There is no reference to dook in the forum name or s5ated purpose. I believe it was @aGDevil2k who was the first dookie here who graciously asked if he could invite Den posters over.

I have no problem with dookies posting here as long as no one is an asshole.
You're missing a step. ZZL-P initially went en masse to Devils Den for a week while this site was getting up and running. And then Rock and NYC invited Devil's Den to this site. That is why you have Max Crowder on this site. He was never on the IC ZZL-P.
You're missing a step. ZZL-P initially went en masse to Devils Den for a week while this site was getting up and running. And then Rock and NYC invited Devil's Den to this site. That is why you have Max Crowder on this site. He was never on the IC ZZL-P.
Yeah you are right. I never went there and there wasn't that much enthusiasm for it. Would you have called that the ZZL-P merging with the Devil's Den?

And please read my edit. Thoughts?
i think that dude sucks but to be fair it doesn't seem clear that he called you the n - word.

i could've been intended to be "b*tch please...." same number of letters.....
So, this is how it went down and Rock can confirm. max called me the n-word but used n-i-g-g-a instead of the "other".
I took exception and immediately reported to mods/admin. The term n-i-g-g-a was not in the lexicon of "banned" terms at that specific time. Rock immediately went back and corrected that, and redacted that word from max's comment and added n-i-g-g-a to the banned comments. Rock communicated all of this to me via DM.

This is why you see ***** in the redaction.

Again I say, fuck max and the dookie road on which he road in. And SCREW anybody else who takes his side in this rhubarb.

If anyone would like some more info on this tête-à-tête, please DM me...

Again, I will say, on this UNC Basketball thread: Fuck d00k! (That's spelled with a lower case d, 2 zeros, and a k.) K sucks too, BTW!
And please read my edit. Thoughts?
We don't need a UNC-Duke thread. We can just have a general college basketball thread along with this UNC-specific thread (just like we do with football).

I don't think you can enforce a "be nice to UNC" on the UNC basketball thread. Just ignore anyone who bugs you. That is way better than the thread policing we did on the old board.
Yeah you are right. I never went there and there wasn't that much enthusiasm for it. Would you have called that the ZZL-P merging with the Devil's Den?

And please read my edit. Thoughts?
My thoughts?
Since this is my thread, I'll be more than happy to delete the entire fucking thing. Therefore, nyc can start a new UNC Basketball only thread. But rest assured, I will go there and resurrect Manhattanheel's ghost, and personally BEAT DOWN any d00kie m-fer that dare rear their ugly m-fing head! Fuck d00k!
Well, the ironic thing is - this all started when max literally called me the n - word. It was a direct assault, totally uncalled for. Now, if he wants to talk smack about UNC basketball - I can take that and I'll give it back accordingly. But I would do that in a way of not calling him names - other than referring to him as a "dookie". I certainly wouldn't call anyone the n-word.

So you see how this all started. I made a comment about Dean and 4C... and I DID NOT reply or mention max at all, I didn't tag him or respond to one of his poasts. He came at me out of the blue and commented on MY post. And he literally called me n****. I naturally took exception to that sort of personal attack on this message board. I reported is comment and the mods went back and deleted his use of that word from his post.

He still came at me with more smart-alec retorts, etc. etc. so I simply hearkened back to the days of the old IC board whereby Manhattanheel and 100's of others would use the term "house dookie" - which at that time was bandied about quite frequently on that board. It was an obvious reference to Potter books and Dobby the elf. I don't think many, if any, at that time extrapolated the trope-connection which is plain to see now, in retrospect. I'm sorry I made the reference and take it back. I've even deleted the poast with that in there.

But again, the irony is: max literally called me a ******! He started this mess. I took exception. I dug up the old IC reference. And now I'm getting labeled a wimp who can't take smack talk from a dookie on a UNC basketball thread. AND now I'm the bad guy because of the 'house' reference, which I had nothing to do with it's inception back in 2000's when it came into being in the first place.

So, fuck max, and screw anyone else who takes exception with me because I've ignored the SOB.

Finally, as I've stated before... on other threads... we just got our power turned back on Friday night late. We were without power for 8 days. Without water for 3 days, and without potable water for 3 more days after that. I couldn't reach my 88 year old mother who lives in the Asheville area for about a week. Trees down in my yard crashing over my backyard fence whereby my dogs can now get out; A foot of water in my basement; Had to throw out everything in the fridge and freezer... I was still in the throes of dealing with all the hurricane aftermath - and still am - when max came at me, out of the blue for no fucking reason, calling me horrible names. For NO FUCKING REASON. I was a little bit "testy" at that point in time. If you'll go back and notice the time stamp on my comment about Dean and 4C (the one which max quoted me on and called me a ******) it was exactly 7:01 on Friday night. I still didn't have power at my house then. I made that post from another locale where I had power on my iPad and an internet connection. And because I defended Dean and his use of the 4C, this SOB dookie comes at me calling me ******.

I'm sorry boys and girls, I'm not taking that shit from anybody. Again, fuck max and screw anybody that wants to take his side and defend him in all of this brouhaha.

Now, if another dookie wants to come on this thread - which I started BTW - and talk basketball, fine. Come at me m-fuckers. But if you call me a ******, we're gonna have bigger problems. Capice?
I'm glad that you have power again.

I've read the whole thread; I didn't really want to get involved in some of those subconversations.

My post wasn't really about that. I was more interested in the origin of some of the terms.
Poke away! If a fanbase can't take (and rebut in kind) the poking from a rival fanbase, they don't deserve to even be called fans. Sass maxcrowder's UNC sass all you want, but don't sit here and whine that he shouldn't be "here" on a "UNC message board." That's weak. That's bullshit. Bring it, motherfuckers!
I actually do like that we have fans of other teams on here to get different perspectives and engage in a little shit talking. What max crowder is doing is just good old fashioned trolling though lol.
I actually do like that we have fans of other teams on here to get different perspectives and engage in a little shit talking. What max crowder is doing is just good old fashioned trolling though lol.
A leopard doesn't change his spots. Max had a well-earned rep on IC even though he never posted on IC.

I suppose this post may damage my chances at getting my adoption application approved.
I actually do like that we have fans of other teams on here to get different perspectives and engage in a little shit talking. What max crowder is doing is just good old fashioned trolling though lol.
I agree, I have no problem with fans of other teams that can bring a good discussion. Even some banter is good.

But the last thing I want is trolling or inciting BS just to cause problems.
I used to go to Devil's Den fairly regularly to see what they were saying. Never posted, though. Doesn't bother me to have them here. It's not like somebody else's opinion of anything I like has any meaning to me. Say what you want.
I'm glad that you have power again.

I've read the whole thread; I didn't really want to get involved in some of those subconversations.

My post wasn't really about that. I was more interested in the origin of some of the terms.
I got you.
My comment just happened to be tacked on to yours because… idk
Nothing personal on you at all.
I used to go to Devil's Den fairly regularly to see what they were saying. Never posted, though. Doesn't bother me to have them here. It's not like somebody else's opinion of anything I like has any meaning to me. Say what you want.
I’m with you. Just don’t call me *****. Max must have been drunk and I was in no mood to play his game.
It's been censored now, but I thought the original word started with an N but ended with an A, er.
As someone (center?) wrote it was ni**a and not n***er.

I’m typing it out because it needs typing out in this situation…..***** is beyond the pale on this board if max wrote it as center says.

Now, ***** (n-i-g-g-a) is banned.

A discussion in which (n-i-g-g-a) is discussed, the word shouldn’t be banned. This is not a children’s board. It’s a board for adult discussion.

I actually want to see the bigoted posters use the n-word or the f-word…..or SeeYouNextTuesday…..

Let the bigots out themselves.
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It really doesn’t need typing out. That word, in any of its forms, is problematic, particularly when being used by a group of primarily middle aged white men, even in a “who said what?” kind of way.