UNC Basketball History

"Give me my car keys, man, I'm fine.. Dean sucked, he did he did, trust me, I've been a live venue fan for like 60 years.. like.. . 100 years; - I'm not drunk, you're drunk -, respect your rival elder rivals I'm 100 years old i have wealths of knowledge. Where are my car keys?"
lmao are you alright
So we can continue this thread about Carolina Basketball as Carolina fans discussing the team and coaches (past, present, future) but what we won’t do is throw the players and coaches (past present and future) under the bus, nor will we call each other the n word or say “G - D”

I’ll also advise dookies to start their own thread and vacate these premises or start treading more lightly.

To the Carolina fans, I’d suggest we simply put max on ignore or even super ignore. We certainly don’t need to put up with his inanity.
oh my goodness. I thought we were adults and could have normal conversation. Jesus, my carolina friends on the 1st tee would laugh at this.
oh my goodness. I thought we were adults and could have normal conversation. Jesus, my carolina friends on the 1st tee would laugh at this.
As do I. You are OK with me as I prefer counter views in order to create rebuttals. I really appreciate your posts and Centers but I'm thinking that this boards ignore feature is the anti ban method. Big kudos to Rock and NYC that allowed me a place to call home!
So Coach K coached nearly 40 years All time winningest coach- many Nattys While he was paid to be Head coach he went 50-50 against Carolina
Is that correct?
That is a rivalry
So Coach K coached nearly 40 years All time winningest coach- many Nattys While he was paid to be Head coach he went 50-50 against Carolina
Is that correct?
That is a rivalry
yes you are correct. The problem is i was asked a question, i answered it and then we had gold post moving moment because they obviously did not know who they were debating with and then acted like they knew what "Dean's" strategy was. Seriously, i'm good. But this Center guy is IC, NasaHeel looney tune crazy.
I'll throw one out, Feb 24th 1979, Half time score Duke 7 UNC 0, in Cameron. Another interesting fact from this game. The chant "air ball" was created by the Crazies in this game as Chickie Yonker shot a "air ball" from the left corner in the 1st half. Yo Big, i can do this all night. There is not a UNC banner hanging that i have not seen play live, multiple times. It's all good. It's the rivalry. Good luck.
We yelled “Air ball!” at one another during pick-up games and during 8th and 9th grade basketball games when I was at Phillips Junior High School (‘74-‘77).

The “Crazies” didn’t “invent” the “air ball” chant in 1979. It was commonplace by then.
We yelled “Air ball!” at one another during pick-up games and during 8th and 9th grade basketball games when I was at Phillips Junior High School (‘74-‘77).

The “Crazies” didn’t “invent” the “air ball” chant in 1979. It was commonplace by then.
There were no “Cameron Crazies” in 1979. No such thing at that time. And you’re also correct: the “airball” chant had been around long before ‘79

Max thinks a lot of himself and his “debating” skills on the interwebs, but his debating style is akin to Trump’s. Bluster and bullying full of sound and fury signifying nothing.

Plus he’s a friggin dookie on what is a Carolina message board, and specifically, a Carolina BASKETBALL thread, on a Carolina message board… casting aspersions on Dean Smith and his coaching no less.

What we need here is somebody like Manhattanheel to burn him a new one and put him in his place. I’m too tired from dealing with hurricane aftermath having just gotten power back on at the house after 8 days without. I’m looking forward to a hot shower, not suffering this fool Max.

I guess Max can be the House Dookie on this thread…. Only I won’t bother with him. He’s the first and only one I have on super ignore - ever since he called me ******…
We are on new ground here There are good people on both sides LOL
Unlike in Charlottesville, where there really weren’t “good people” on “both sides”… this is a Carolina basketball thread on what is essentially an off-shoot of a Carolina message board. We can have a House Dookie on this thread (much like we did back in the 00’s of whom Manhattanheel would make a mockery), but I wouldn’t go so far as to say the house dookie qualifies as “good people”. Not when casting aspersions on Dean on a UNC basketball board. On the contrary, when the house dookie throws shade on Dean and flat out calls the person who started this thread a ******… I’m sorry, there’s nothing “good” about that at all.
Unlike in Charlottesville, where there really weren’t “good people” on “both sides”… this is a Carolina basketball thread on what is essentially an off-shoot of a Carolina message board. We can have a House Dookie on this thread (much like we did back in the 00’s of whom Manhattanheel would make a mockery), but I wouldn’t go so far as to say the house dookie qualifies as “good people”. Not when casting aspersions on Dean on a UNC basketball board. On the contrary, when the house dookie throws shade on Dean and flat out calls the person who started this thread a ******… I’m sorry, there’s nothing “good” about that at all.
I’m just gonna say…I’m a little uncomfortable with the term “house dookie”. Could we maybe try something else?
The Air Ball taunt is first found in print in 1967:

(The Oxford English Dictionary’s earliest citation for air ball is a 1967 story from the Hayward, California, Daily Review: “Cal State, four times lofting air balls at an orange basket that may as well have been painted invisible.”

… By 1968, the term had traveled south to Santa Cruz—“John Wittman picked off an air ball of teammate Mike Compton,” reported the Santa Cruz Sentinel—and by 1971 it had made its way to the East Coast, arcing into newspapers like the Bennington Banner of Vermont. (“For Mt. Anthony, the fourth period should go down in infamy as the period of the ‘air ball.’ ”))

The dookies credited themselves with inventing the taunt (clearly not true) or at least creating the modern “cadence” for the chant in that 1979 game, but video evidence indicates that is bullshit.

From the same article, Chick Yonakor himself had thoughts:

“… According to an article in UNC’s student newspaper the Daily Tar Heel, “Duke had been clobbered by 21 points three nights earlier when Clemson used a deliberate, spread offense.” That gave Dean Smith an idea.

Rich Yonakor, who played forward and center for the Tar Heels that season, remembers Smith approaching the team after practice. “What if we go into four corners from the beginning of the game?” the coach asked. “We’ll take their crowd out of it, and we’ll take their players’ enthusiasm out of the game. Wouldn’t that be something to shut up the crowd?”

“What are we going to say to Coach Smith—you know, that’s a terrible idea?” Yonakor says, laughing. “It was something we never thought of, and so we all said, Yeah, yeah, that would be really good.”

The article has the airball video embedded. The crowd is cheering but no obvious airball chant can be heard. The announcer says “oh, he got nothing but air”.

“… What you hear in that clip—and what you don’t hear—contradicts written accounts on the Duke website and in Duke basketball encyclopedias, all of which indicate that fans started chanting “air ball” immediately after Yonakor’s missed shot.

Even so, players from that Duke team—including the Blue Devils’ All-American Jim Spanarkel and Kenny Dennard, the guy who caught Yonakor’s air ball—told me they heard the Cameron Crazies chant “air ball” that day.
But the article goes on to say even Yonakor recalls an air ball chant:

“… It’s not just Duke players and Duke grads who remember hearing “air ball, air ball, air ball” that day. So does Rich Yonakor. “I always give credit to the Duke students, who are just insane about their team,” he says. “They were the ones that came up with yelling out the term ‘air ball.’ ”

Here’s what I think happened. Air ball connoisseurs will know there’s yet another variation of the chant. If a guy misses the rim, devoted fans won’t just razz him right away. They’ll also jeer him for the rest of the game, shouting “Air ball! Air ball!” every time he touches the ball.

Unfortunately, the full game broadcast isn’t available online. But Kenny Dennard, the Duke player who rebounded Yonakor’s miss, has posted videos of the play on YouTube and Vimeo. One of the versionsincludes a caption written by Dennard: “After this shot, every time he touched the ball at Duke for the rest of his career, Duke students would hauntingly chant, ‘AIRBALL, AIRBALL, AIRBALL!’ until he gave up the rock.”
I’m just gonna say…I’m a little uncomfortable with the term “house dookie”. Could we maybe try something else?
Oh, yes... I can understand that. I was just referencing a term from days gone by that seemed apropos. I fondly recall the days when Manhattanheel would toy around with the house dookie at that time... giving them a verbal lashing regularly. We actually NEED that sort of policing in a UNC basketball thread.
Oh, yes... I can understand that. I was just referencing a term from days gone by that seemed apropos. I fondly recall the days when Manhattanheel would toy around with the house dookie at that time... giving them a verbal lashing regularly. We actually NEED that sort of policing in a UNC basketball thread.
Saying that Dean ran 4 corners because his teams couldn’t “compete” is a lazy take.

There are examples of teams running radically different schemes because they can’t recruit the type of athletes necessary to be competitive against most of their opponents (service academy football teams running option offenses comes to mind), but 4 corners doesn’t fit into that category imo.
Ya’ll should have anticipated this happening. It was clear as day. Either we are a conglomerate of multiple fan bases, or we are not. This isn’t TDD, or the Brickyard, but it isn’t the zzl, either.

With that in mind, max - you are deliberately poking the bear, here, to get a rise. That’s your prerogative, but we can be better than that. I have said for years that one of the biggest things wrong with this country is that we treat politics like sports’ fandom, but I am going to suggest the opposite approach here.

If this place is going to work, and I think it can, we need to stop treating our fandom like political rivalries. Because this is a politics board first, sports should not be a point of contention here. We can disagree, and we can good naturedly rib each other, but it has to be out of mutual respect. Sports has forged each of our identities in some way, else we wouldn’t have stuck around on dying sports boards for decades.

Otherwise, what’s the point? There are plenty of other places on the internet for the bullshit.
Oh, yes... I can understand that. I was just referencing a term from days gone by that seemed apropos. I fondly recall the days when Manhattanheel would toy around with the house dookie at that time... giving them a verbal lashing regularly. We actually NEED that sort of policing in a UNC basketball thread.
There it was needed, I agree. But this community isn’t the same community, nor should it be. We all have to adjust expectations and behavior in order for this place to thrive. I have seen, over the last two weeks, in the weather/hurricane thread, the best of what we can be - a group of intelligent sports fans who share a passion for the state of North Carolina. Focus on what binds us together.
There it was needed, I agree. But this community isn’t the same community, nor should it be. We all have to adjust expectations and behavior in order for this place to thrive. I have seen, over the last two weeks, in the weather/hurricane thread, the best of what we can be - a group of intelligent sports fans who share a passion for the state of North Carolina. Focus on what binds us together.
Agreed. I’m keeping the dipshits out of my feed.
yes you are correct. The problem is i was asked a question, i answered it and then we had gold post moving moment because they obviously did not know who they were debating with and then acted like they knew what "Dean's" strategy was. Seriously, i'm good. But this Center guy is IC, NasaHeel looney tune crazy.
goal post