UNC Football Catch-All Thread | Week 4 - James Madison @ UNC (Noon ACCN)

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Defense was good
Offense sucked no matter who took snaps. I think Harrell has to be given more trust. Going to be very lucky to make a bowl
OC got really conservative on the two drives deep in their territory. Kind of understand with an unproven QB and an unproven OL.
Defense is improved. Have to clean up the missed tackles, but I saw more urgency and hustle.
Defense was ok, Minnesota is not much better than us on offense, sucks that the D couldn’t hold up when they had to. I know Minn missed a fg to win but we certainly let them get into range rather easily.
Offense, hot garbage.
I'm excited about the defense seems like they want to hit somebody right now! Offense pretty offensive.
ETA we didn't hit 300 yards on offense?