I really don't get this line of thinking. It reminds me of football commentators who say that false start penalties are 100% on the coaches. I mean, really? The coaches aren't teaching guys not to false start? Schemes are on the coaches. You could maybe say certain techniques are on the coaches (e.g. are we teaching DBs not to look for the ball). But false start penalties? Those are on the players.
Similarly, do you think Hubert is telling the guys, "don't worry about preparing for the game. Just show up, we'll roll the ball out, and get going"? I don't have any insight as to what coaches do or don't do in pregame, but I have a strong intuition that Hubert is doing just fine. At some point, the players have to be able to bring the intensity. At some point, it's on the players to play with purpose, effort and a clear head from tipoff, not just in the second half.
If you want to criticize the offensive scheme, that's clearly a choice by the coaches. But the team not being ready to go at tipoff, repeatedly, seems more like a player problem than a coach problem. And maybe this is what people mean when they say there's a leadership deficit on the team.