You, me, all of us, we are the Conservatives


Esteemed Member
Face it, when your're dealing with a bunch of reactionary radicals that have been spun up by a demagogue, you, the adults in the room, are in name and fact the conservative element in society.

Conservatism, at it's core is about retaining or returning to what has worked in the past. Conservatism at it's best, is all about retaining the good of the past while owning and letting go of the bad in the past.

Roe worked for more than 50 years, the radicals blew it up and now we have Chaos. It is extremely Conservative to champion returning to what worked in the past and reinstate Roe.

Advocating for a return to when we had the balls to force the rich to pay a fair portion the tax burden based on marginal utility of added dollars is an extremely Conservative idea. We've done it in the past, we know it works, we as a nation prospered when we did it.

Wanting to protect and nourish the post WWII Western Alliance that has enforced peace an stability unlike any other age of human existence is Conservative. I can't emphasis this point enough. Wanting to break the Western Alliance 'cause it fun to watch things burn' is the EXACT OPPOSITE OF CONSERVATIVE.

What I'm saying is obvious, plain, and true.

It is far past the time when we claim back the mantle of Conservatism.

I am damn well a Conservative. And after 20 years on the ZZL, I know that the vast majority of you are too.
It's Conservative to want free and fair elections where no one's right to vote is infringed on.

It's Conservative to reject out of hand baseless lies about 'stolen elections' propagated solely to assuage the ego of an ex-president with a major personality disorder.

It's Conservative to react with shock and horror when the US Capitol is invaded by a rioting band of insurrectionists bent on nullifying a free and far election.
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It is Conservative to fight to get back to a time before Citizens United allowed seas of money to flood our political system. We know for a fact the old way was better. Be a good Conservative and fight for a return to what we know has worked in the past.
Those of us old enough saw firsthand the miraculous effect the Clean Air and Water Acts had on our environment. It is extremely Conservative to fight for the right of the government to enforce regulations aimed at leaving out children and grandchildren a healthy and sustainable environment.
Jeremy Strong Yes GIF by SuccessionHBO
Retaining the spirit of The New Colossus is as Conservative as it gets:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
Those of us old enough saw firsthand the miraculous effect the Clean Air and Water Acts had on our environment. It is extremely Conservative to fight for the right of the government to enforce regulations aimed at leaving out children and grandchildren a healthy and sustainable environment.
When I was kid-mid 60s, central NC-we had bad news air quality days all the time, And that was with half the population we have today The clean air stuff works
It is Conservative to observe the teaching of Jesus Christ in the spirit of which they were given and to not twist and distort them unrecognizably.
You might have lost me here... ;)

Honestly, I don't care what anyone calls me.

I know what I believe in.

And it isn't hate, division, discrimination, isolationism, myth, or any other thing that tears us down and makes us weaker as a society.
Face it, when your're dealing with a bunch of reactionary radicals that have been spun up by a demagogue, you, the adults in the room, are in name and fact the conservative element in society.

Conservatism, at it's core is about retaining or returning to what has worked in the past. Conservatism at it's best, is all about retaining the good of the past while owning and letting go of the bad in the past.

Roe worked for more than 50 years, the radicals blew it up and now we have Chaos. It is extremely Conservative to champion returning to what worked in the past and reinstate Roe.

Advocating for a return to when we had the balls to force the rich to pay a fair portion the tax burden based on marginal utility of added dollars is an extremely Conservative idea. We've done it in the past, we know it works, we as a nation prospered when we did it.

Wanting to protect and nourish the post WWII Western Alliance that has enforced peace an stability unlike any other age of human existence is Conservative. I can't emphasis this point enough. Wanting to break the Western Alliance 'cause it fun to watch things burn' is the EXACT OPPOSITE OF CONSERVATIVE.

What I'm saying is obvious, plain, and true.

It is far past the time when we claim back the mantle of Conservatism.

I am damn well a Conservative. And after 20 years on the ZZL, I know that the vast majority of you are too.
When I refer to MAGAs as "conservative", I always use quotation marks.