2024 Political Polls

  • Thread starter Thread starter nycfan
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Good news from GA, especially since it was conducted right before her tour there this week.

Still a lot of work to do in PA and WI.
Georgia Michigan Nevada means we need 1 of wisconsin Pa or NC to win it. Going to be tight as hell even with trump being a completely asshat
2016 was so depressing. I was still a resident at UVA and had my POTUS tee shirt with the O being a female symbol. Went to a brewery early on when the early returns were good for Hillary (the dreaded tweets about florida turnout being good). went to a friends house to celebrate and it just got more and more depressing.
These numerous poll results, while encouraging that Harris is doing better than Biden, also cements that around 47-48% of our fellow Americans have no bottom, and no amount of conventions, interviews or debates will change that. Hillary caught hell for what she called them, but she wasn’t wrong.