2024 Presidential Election | 39 Days to Election Day

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These types of people ALWAYS say "I would have voted Democrat if only they hadn't nominated <fill in the blank here>". Heck, I lost track of the number of people that I knew who said that they would have considered voting Democrat if only Joe Biden wasn't the nominee. Lo and behold, once Kamala took over, there was yet another excuse. The bottom line is that these people will NEVER vote Democrat.
Well if the Democrats would just nominate Trump, these folks would be more than happy to get on board....

White House lawyers who advised Reagan, Bush endorse Harris over Trump in 2024 showdown​

Trump 'remains unfit, dangerous and detached from reality,' say the former GOP White House lawyers​


Trump is going to flip
Yeah, we're at the "steering the US economy away from a ditch so we don't end up in a recession is unacceptable election manipulation" stage of stupid.

I wish the Fed would have raised by a quarter basis point at the last meeting. They must have know that it was the right thing to do at the time and that they were going to get heat no matter what. Now the right thing to do is a half basis point cut closer to the election. They kinda screwed themselves.
This x100. There’s no reason for candidates to pander to the press anymore. The press is not particularly trusted, and there are a million better ways to get info out there.
I’m reminded of this article.

There was a time when liberals and Democrats would have nodded in agreement with Chris Cillizza on the merit of candidates being regularly subjected to scrutiny. But after this press corps made a fetish of Biden’s age, I don’t see any more room for the benefit of the doubt – and there’s no going back. This press corps made the election about vibes and it’s going to remain an election about vibes, and if those vibes now grind against the instincts of this press corps, tough shit.
Brain Worm is speaking and has endorsed Trump. Oh Nos! He has also tanned the hell out of his face, so he's fully on the Trumpium.

Crazy loves crazy
Yes, there is a TON of momentum for the Harris camp at the moment, and I’m feeling really positive. But we aren’t out of the woods yet. The NEXT most important event is on September 10 when she debates Trump. If she treats him like any prosecutor treats a criminal, and wipes the floor with him, THEN I think we will get some breathing room. Till then, I will bask in the current momentum.

"... In just two weeks, Sept. 6, the first mail ballots get sent to voters. The first presidential debate is set for Sept. 10. Former President Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, is scheduled to be sentenced in his New York hush money case on Sept. 18. And early in-person voting will start as soon as Sept. 20 in some states.

... North Carolina will begin sending mail ballots to all voters who request them, including military personnel and overseas voters, in just two weeks, Sept. 6.
100%. Everyone was exclaiming, just get a younger candidate! Any candidate that's not old! And so they did. And now that candidate doesn't have the required experience because they haven't been president before. wtf.
Democrats putting forth a younger candidate is precisely why they’re now likely going to win the election, when Biden would’ve gotten crushed.

I know it’s easy to lose perspective on a message board where 95% of the people are voting for the same side, but there are in fact unaffiliated voters out there who would’ve voted for Trump over Biden but will vote for Harris over Trump. Perfectly logical.

Of course entrenched Republicans aren’t going to change their vote from Trump to Harris. But Biden was bleeding support among moderates. Harris seems to winning a good portion of those moderates back.

Even as someone who isn’t flipping to Harris, I feel 10x more confident in Harris to be president than I did Biden. She and I don’t agree on many issues but she’s at least a functioning human and won’t be an automatic global embarrassment.
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Democrats putting forth a younger candidate is precisely why they’re now likely going to win the election, when Biden would’ve gotten crushed.

I know it’s easy to lose perspective on a message board where 95% of the people are voting for the same side, but there are in fact unaffiliated voters out there who would’ve voted for Trump over Biden but will vote for Harris over Trump. Perfectly logical.

Of course entrenched Republicans aren’t going to change their vote from Trump to Harris. But Biden was bleeding support among moderates. Harris seems to winning a good portion of those moderates back.

Even as someone who isn’t flipping to Harris, I feel 10x more confident in Harris to be president than I did Biden. She and I don’t agree on many issues but she’s at least a functioning human and won’t be an automatic global embarrassment.
If you want a functioning human who won’t be a global embarrassment then you wouldn’t be voting for Trump. Rank hypocrisy.

I think this is interesting to consider. I do think that conservatism as a serious political movement in America has completely collapsed. I think we will be dealing with pockets of the remnants for quite a while in places like Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, etc.- not to mention on the Supreme Court- but based on the embarrassment of riches that was on display at the DNC this week, juxtaposed against the embarrassment of ideological poverty that was on display at the RNC, I think that nationally/federally we are headed toward an era of center-left legislative power. I think that the purpling- and eventual blue’ing- of states like Texas, Florida, North Carolina, and Georgia is going to relegate American conservatism to the dustbin of history. The party of Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush’s, McCain, and Romney is dead, gone, and buried forever. Donald Trump has proven Lindsey Graham to be the greatest political prophet in history: “if we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed. And we will deserve it.”
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I think this is interesting to consider. I do think that conservatism as a serious political movement in America has completely collapsed. I think we will be dealing with pockets of the remnants for quite a while in places like Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, etc.- not to mention on the Supreme Court- but based on the embarrassment of riches that was on display at the DNC this week, juxtaposed against the embarrassment of ideological poverty that was on display at the RNC, I think that nationally/federally we are headed toward an era of center-left legislative power. I think that the purpling- and eventual blue’ing- of states like Texas, Florida, North Carolina, and Georgia is going to relegate American conservatism to the dustbin of history. The party of Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush’s, McCain, and Romney is dead, gone, and buried forever. Donald Trump has proven Lindsey Graham to be the greatest political prophet in history: “if we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed. And we will deserve it.”
Democrats putting forth a younger candidate is precisely why they’re now likely going to win the election, when Biden would’ve gotten crushed.

I know it’s easy to lose perspective on a message board where 95% of the people are voting for the same side, but there are in fact unaffiliated voters out there who would’ve voted for Trump over Biden but will vote for Harris over Trump. Perfectly logical.

Of course entrenched Republicans aren’t going to change their vote from Trump to Harris. But Biden was bleeding support among moderates. Harris seems to winning a good portion of those moderates back.

Even as someone who isn’t flipping to Harris, I feel 10x more confident in Harris to be president than I did Biden. She and I don’t agree on many issues but she’s at least a functioning human and won’t be an automatic global embarrassment.
you have daughters?

you have daughters?
Yessir. My wife and I have one daughter already plus another on the way.

All the women in my family (except my sister) are Trump voters so you can spare me the “why don’t you love the women in your life” nonsense.