2024 Presidential Election | 39 Days to Election Day

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Just a quick Friday afternoon musing —

I know we can’t be overconfident, need to run through the tape, etc., but I just have a feeling MAGA reached its existential apogee sometime around May or June, is now well into its plummet cycle, and its rate of descent will only increase from now until November. We’re seeing things that were unthinkable even in the MAGA idiocracy of the last eight years. There’s literally zero chance Trump gets better or becomes a more likeable person now, and the people in his orbit, from Vance on down, are showing their true selves unapologetically and with not even a veneer of civility.

The election will be close even if I’m right. I have no doubt about that. But I am becoming a little more hopeful that if Kamala wins — and I think she will — MAGA’s future is limited. When it comes down to it, they’re losers. Nothing but losers. And losers can only stave off their demise for so long.
Just got a flyer ( i'm in NC ) Simply said "Kamala Harris and DC democrats wants to ban your Menthol Cigarettes". Didn't say anything about Trump... apparently non-profits aren't allowed to overtly advocate for one candidate over the other.
Googled around and found the background here - Conservative group plans $10 million effort to soften Harris' Black voter support
Are you Black? Do you smoke? In the past, that stuff gets targeted at an audience. But the reports have been that Trump isn't doing any targeting, probably because he doesn't have anyone competent in the campaign because who would work in that environment.
Just a quick Friday afternoon musing —

I know we can’t be overconfident, need to run through the tape, etc., but I just have a feeling MAGA reached its existential apogee sometime around May or June, is now well into its plummet cycle, and its rate of descent will only increase from now until November. We’re seeing things that were unthinkable even in the MAGA idiocracy of the last eight years. There’s literally zero chance Trump gets better or becomes a more likeable person now, and the people in his orbit, from Vance on down, are showing their true selves unapologetically and with not even a veneer of civility.

The election will be close even if I’m right. I have no doubt about that. But I am becoming a little more hopeful that if Kamala wins — and I think she will — MAGA’s future is limited. When it comes down to it, they’re losers. Nothing but losers. And losers can only stave off their demise for so long.
How many times have you had a feeling that MAGA reached its apogee? It's been at least several times for me. I hear what you're saying, and you're not wrong about what's happening . . . but I just don't know that your conclusion follows from the evidence provided.
I’ve generally thought Pope Francis has been a really solid pope, at least on the papacy scale, but this may be the most tone deaf, morally-compromised comment by a pope since the Medicis.

Pope Francis on Friday described the choice US voters must make in the presidential election as one between the “lesser of two evils,” deeming former President Donald Trump’s anti-migrant policies and Vice President Kamala Harris’ support of abortion rights as both being “against life.”

“One must choose the lesser of two evils. Who is the lesser of two evils? That lady or that gentleman? I don’t know,” Francis said during a press conference on the papal plane, referring to Harris and Trump. “Everyone with a conscience should think on this and do it.”
Motherfuck him and John Wayne!
If they have reached it, and say by chance, he loses (again)....do they try to nominate him in 2028? I gotta say yes
How many times have you had a feeling that MAGA reached its apogee? It's been at least several times for me. I hear what you're saying, and you're not wrong about what's happening . . . but I just don't know that your conclusion follows from the evidence provided.
You may be right. I’m just hoping. This does feel like a new level, though.
I would be shocked if that's true... you know the Cambridge Analytica folks are out there just operating under a different name.
TPM had a few interesting discussions a week or two ago (or maybe earlier this week) about how Trump is blanketing PA indiscriminately.
Motherfuck him and John Wayne!
I have no issues with what Francis said there. He's the pope, and the Catholic Church has long viewed abortion as murder. Given that, he can't endorse Kamala. Past popes haven't commented on US elections, but Vatican officials and bishops and the like have, and they are always anti-Dem.

Here, Francis is equating Trump's treatment of migrants with the killing of the unborn. That's a huge positive step forward. Francis is basically saying that MAGA is sinful, and not just venially either. He is casting the entire MAGA movement as mortally sinful. I'm not sure we could expect anything else.
It always feels like a new level. That's what having no bottom means.
I hear you. I’m just stunned by how many monumental errors Trump’s team is making right now. It has all the hallmarks of an organization that knows it’s about to crash into a mountain and is just frantically pushing every button in the desperate hope something might work.
Are you Black? Do you smoke? In the past, that stuff gets targeted at an audience. But the reports have been that Trump isn't doing any targeting, probably because he doesn't have anyone competent in the campaign because who would work in that environment.
No. Though i'm pretty sure a former occupant was registered Repub. It just makes it more remarkable that he can get so far despite having such an incompetent "circle".
It would a very different and scary world if Trump was just a little more calculating.
Just a quick Friday afternoon musing —

I know we can’t be overconfident, need to run through the tape, etc., but I just have a feeling MAGA reached its existential apogee sometime around May or June, is now well into its plummet cycle, and its rate of descent will only increase from now until November. We’re seeing things that were unthinkable even in the MAGA idiocracy of the last eight years. There’s literally zero chance Trump gets better or becomes a more likeable person now, and the people in his orbit, from Vance on down, are showing their true selves unapologetically and with not even a veneer of civility.

The election will be close even if I’m right. I have no doubt about that. But I am becoming a little more hopeful that if Kamala wins — and I think she will — MAGA’s future is limited. When it comes down to it, they’re losers. Nothing but losers. And losers can only stave off their demise for so long.
I could this being true regarding "undecideds" but not the maga members. They have had almost a decade's worth of fvckery to "see the light". There are political conservatives who realize Trump and extremism is horrible for the party (see Thom Tillis), but they're just going to pander to their base regardless... The base can change it's name from tea party to maga to something else, but the two-party system seems to keep promoting extremism.
I’ve generally thought Pope Francis has been a really solid pope, at least on the papacy scale, but this may be the most tone deaf, morally-compromised comment by a pope since the Medicis.

Pope Francis on Friday described the choice US voters must make in the presidential election as one between the “lesser of two evils,” deeming former President Donald Trump’s anti-migrant policies and Vice President Kamala Harris’ support of abortion rights as both being “against life.”

“One must choose the lesser of two evils. Who is the lesser of two evils? That lady or that gentleman? I don’t know,” Francis said during a press conference on the papal plane, referring to Harris and Trump. “Everyone with a conscience should think on this and do it.”
Except, one is dealing with people that are actually living.
People are saying she wants to ban Fried chicken and watermelon
It is cynical politics, but the Biden Administration had planned to try to ban menthol cigarettes because they are disproportionately used by and causing health problems in the Black community in the US, but there was a ton of push-back Black Americans about a race-based nanny-state approach and so the Administration shelved the idea. So, no, it is not going to happen, but it was something already proposed once, so theoretically could come up again.
I have no issues with what Francis said there. He's the pope, and the Catholic Church has long viewed abortion as murder. Given that, he can't endorse Kamala. Past popes haven't commented on US elections, but Vatican officials and bishops and the like have, and they are always anti-Dem.

Here, Francis is equating Trump's treatment of migrants with the killing of the unborn. That's a huge positive step forward. Francis is basically saying that MAGA is sinful, and not just venially either. He is casting the entire MAGA movement as mortally sinful. I'm not sure we could expect anything else.
On one hand, I understand the point you're making and I agree. Equating Trump's treatment of immigrants with being pro-choice is a pretty "liberal" view for the papacy.

On the other, the issues with Trump - even from a Catholic perspective - should go far deeper than just immigration. It's the way that he routinely demeans people. It's the way he advocates for treating women and children so terribly. It's all the various bigotries. It's the way he treats the poor and the marginalized (and Francis was supposed to be open to Liberation Theology). And I'm extra salty about Francis because he seemed to have the potential to be a significant break from the past when he was named as pope, but over the last few years he seemingly can't stop saying stupid, stupid things.

So, despite your correct protestation...motherfuck him and John Wayne.