2024 Presidential Election | 39 Days to Election Day

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A few things —
* he seems to have ditched “Kamabla” today — guess he decided he wasn’t going to make Fetch Happen on that (probably) typo turned attempted insult

* “General News Conference” sounds like an open mike night at his club/lazy way to try to get some free media without actually having to campaign, but still it could work — TBD whether he takes questions from media or just riffs

Pro Criminal atmosphere? You mean like a 34-time felon walking free on the streets of West Palm Beach?

LOL I kid. We know Trumpy doesn't walk.
From the WaPo link:

“… Caitlin Legacki, a Democratic strategist, said “the overall vibes right now should not be ignored,” arguing that the Harris-Walz “enthusiasm makes people want to join in.”

Legacki said. “After the last 10 years of American politics, people are just exhausted. They’re tired of being angry. And so giving people something to be excited about, telling them there’s a role for you in this space, is hugely important right now.”

The Trump campaign, for its part, began Wednesday morning with a fundraising email titled, “The world has gone to s*** in the last 2 weeks!” Inside, the missive warned that “the stock market is CRASHING! Unemployment is RISING! Wars in the Middle East are spiraling OUT OF CONTROL!” — and all the while “Kamala is asleep at the switch.”

And on Tuesday, as Harris and Walz were making their first exuberant joint appearance, Trump took to TruthSocial, unleashing angry screeds, including one that posted shortly after midnight. In his messages, Trump disparaged ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos as “Liddle’ George” and “George Slopadopolus”; dismissed Harris — whom he called “Crazy Kamabla” — and Walz as “the most RADICAL Left duo in American history”; and claimed, with no evidence, that “Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST president in the history of the U.S.,” was going to crash the Democratic convention and take back the nomination from Harris, which Trump claimed was “Unconstitutionally STOLEN from him by Kamabla” in a “COUP.”

Trump and his aides have closely tracked right-track, wrong-track polling about how voters feel about the direction of the country, and they believe that many people are not optimistic about the way things are heading. One adviser in Trump’s orbit said fundraising numbers go up with more negative messages.

… At his most recent public campaign event, a Saturday rally in Atlanta, Trump painted a dystopian portrait. He described crimes being committed in Atlanta, violent riots in American cities, immigrants killing Americans and a range of other societal ills. He blamed Democrats and, at times, even Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, a fellow Republican.

“We are a nation in decline. We are a failing nation. We are a nation that has lost its confidence, lost its willpower and lost its strength,” the former president said near the end of his speech.

On Wednesday in Detroit, a Fox News reporter specifically addressed the issue of negativity with Vance, saying that he can look “a little too serious, too angry sometimes” and asked, “What makes you smile? What makes you happy?”
“I smile at a lot of things, including bogus questions from the media, man,” Vance said, forcing a chuckle. “If you watch a full speech I that give, I’m actually — I’m having a good time out here and I’m enjoying this.”
He continued: “Sometimes you’ve got to take the good with the bad. And right now, I’m angry about what Kamala Harris has done to this country and done to the American southern border. And I think most people in our country, they can be happy-go-lucky sometimes, they can enjoy things sometimes, and they can turn on the news and recognize that what’s going on in this country is a disgrace.” …”

Dystopian hellscape versus hope for the future is quite the contrast (and a contrast Biden’s message of needing to compromise for an elderly man to avoid authoritarianism wasn’t offering).
It is quite the contrast. I like how they are highlighting hope and optimism. Listening to the other side, you would think we are all being chased by a giant rig with a guitar player swinging on the hood barreling down Fury Road.
It is quite the contrast. I like how they are highlighting hope and optimism. Listening to the other side, you would think we are all being chased by a giant rig with a guitar player swinging on the hood barreling down Fury Road.
Kamala’s message is 100% what independents and moderates have been saying they’re looking for. Polls are showing they’re already starting to respond, but let’s see what happens as more and more people get a chance to hear her and see her.
Probably because Democrats take every chance they can to call Trump a threat to democracy, so it’s hilarious the power brokers called the shots and subverted the primary system to put up the candidate that can win.
Who the fuck cares about the primary system? The primary system is how you get demagogues like Trump. The whole way we pick candidates and organize elections in this country needs to be overhauled. No other democracy has a year+ election process. What needs to happen:

- Fundraising may begin in April
- Ads for primaries May
- All primaries held on a single day in July with ranked choice voting for nominees
- Conventions abolished
- 3 Nationally funded debates in August, Sept, and Oct with participation mandatory for ballot access. Any party nominee getting at least 10% in a recognized polling average allowed to participate.
Who the fuck cares about the primary system? The primary system is how you get demagogues like Trump. The whole way we pick candidates and organize elections in this country needs to be overhauled. No other democracy has a year+ election process. What needs to happen:

- Fundraising may begin in April
- Ads for primaries May
- All primaries held on a single day in July with ranked choice voting for nominees
- Conventions abolished
- 3 Nationally funded debates in August, Sept, and Oct with participation mandatory for ballot access. Any party nominee getting at least 10% in a recognized polling average allowed to participate.
You definitely have forgotten more about the law than I’ve ever known.

That said, I don’t see much you’re proposing that would hold up - some would lose court challenges; others would depend on voluntary compliance; some give huge advantages to the candidates with the most name recognition and/or the candidates most aligned with billionaires.

A one-day primary? With fundraising to only begin in April? How do candidates get on the ballot? In 50 states?

Why have a debate in August? Most Americans don’t pay attention until after Labor Day.

In case anyone doubts the crowd size thing is bothering him …

He followed this stuff with posting a bunch of favorable articles from July (about the time of the RNC convention/before Joe withdrew) …
One thing that I think people are under appreciatting is the timing of the momentum swing. For a lot of folks here in the Midwest, the months of late June through early August are a slog. Not only is it beastly hot outside, but a lot of the usual entertainment isn't present. In a typical year, the only major sport happening routinely is baseball. Things that happen in that time period typically get more attention simply because there's not much else happening. That, however, was not the case this year.

While Biden was clearly struggling and then came the debate performance debacle, it wasn't the only major story. It may have felt like it, but so much else was happening: the Euros, Copa America, and the build up to and eventual start of the Olympics. They were a distraction from politics at the best time.

Then, right as most of those big things finished...Biden dropped out. It instantly became the biggest news story and, with little to block it out, it stayed there. And then, came Kamala. The momentum built over three weeks, perfectly timing with the unity, positivity, and joy brought on by the Olympics. It rose again in the past few days with the selection of Walz, and it will soon peak at the DNC. Kamala's perfectly timed rise right in middle of the summer dead period allowed her visibility to skyrocket, putting her in prominence in the minds of many. However, people are rightly beginning to worry the momentum will dim.

I'm sorry to say that it will undoubtedly dim, but not for the reasons you may think. It will dim, but that's the best possible thing that could happen (in the Midwest, at least).

This is because in people's minds she will represent that joy, optimism, and hope. That's what they will remember as their minds switch from the doldrums of summer to the excitement of fall that brings the key player in this tale: the start of football season, and more specifically college football season.

Football season dominates all, whether it's politics, other sports, or general entertainment. Especially in the Midwest. In the minds of those Midwestern voters, 95% have already made their voting decision. Football season is sacred, and only the biggest of impactful stories will break into their news cycle. And it will run all the way past the election. So for those worried about momentum fading, don't. For once football kicks off in those states, just avoiding pitfalls is all you need to do.
Well put. Only thing I’ll add is that Walz has a personality that is instantly recognizable in the Midwest. People won’t need to be locked into the campaign to see him as the sort of goofy Midwestern dad that gets a kick out of embarrassing the family at Denny’s with moons over my hammy jokes.
You definitely have forgotten more about the law than I’ve ever known.

That said, I don’t see much you’re proposing that would hold up - some would lose court challenges; others would depend on voluntary compliance; some give huge advantages to the candidates with the most name recognition and/or the candidates most aligned with billionaires.

A one-day primary? With fundraising to only begin in April? How do candidates get on the ballot? In 50 states?

Why have a debate in August? Most Americans don’t pay attention until after Labor Day.
I don’t doubt that some of it would require things as drastic as constitutional amendments, especially with the current judiciary. Shortening the election season helps with the fundraising issue. Less time to air ads means less money needs to be spent meaning less needs to be raised. I’d also ban PACs, corporate contributions, and limit the total contribution any person can make for a single election cycle. It’s not so much a legislative proposal as it is a “if I were building this from scratch how would I do it?” European countries can go from an election not even being on the calendar to holding the election in six weeks. As it stands, 50% of a member of Congress’ term and 25%+ of a POTUS term is spent campaigning rather than governing because our election cycles are entirely too long. That’s a giant waste of time.
I can see his inner circle in that conversation: “mein fuhrer, the Kamabla spelling error turned insult has not landed with the general public, and in fact has caused them to double down on calling it and us WEIRD. We recommend we find another attack to use. Crazy Kamala has continued to NOT trend negatively, so that should be your go-to now. “
Do people still do those videos where they caption Hitler's tirade from the movie Downfall?
That’s a giant waste of time.
It's worse than a giant waste of time. It means that there are tiny windows of time where anything can get done.

Our election system, like so much else in our politics, has grown to become a will of its own.

In fairness, those European countries don't have 50 states to organize.
Probably because Democrats take every chance they can to call Trump a threat to democracy, so it’s hilarious the power brokers called the shots and subverted the primary system to put up the candidate that can win.
If only there were some opportunity, say... I dunno... in November, to express their displeasure with the Democratic candidate for president. They can still write in Joe Biden if they're so inclined.

Conflating Trump's role in Jan. 6 to disrupt the peaceful transition of power after a free and fair election with replacing a candidate ON A BALLOT for whom people can choose to vote or not vote is such a bad faith equivalence.