2024 Presidential Election | 42 Days to Election Day

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To his credit, he’s the first MAGA I’ve seen who has even ASSERTED that Trump had anything resembling a plan for the withdrawal. He can’t cite anything for that, of course, because it’s not true, but at least we’ve learned there’s a new lie percolating through the MAGAsphere to explain away Trump’s immense incompetence.
Someone has to honor the 13 and the current admin certainly will not. Glad Trump created a moment and honored the soldiers and families.

By the way, nice new site. Does it come with Snoops lifetime bans for republicans? I sure hope not. I enjoy reading and occasionally responding when the subject gets my attention as this one does. It was an absolute failure of leadership.
I think you are very naive to believe Trump was there to honor anyone. It was a photo op cynically done to give his acolytes a reason to talk about the Afghanistan withdrawal.
If he was there to honor the fallen soldiers, his thugs wouldn’t have needed to push the cemetery worker and illegally take photographs.
In the end, what he did was dishonor the soldiers, just as he dishonors the military every chance he gets.
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Who is the new house trumpy? Trying to decide to ignore, super ignore, or keep him around a bit longer for entertainment value… one thing I’ve learned: don’t engage, don’t interact…. Simply talk past them.
The thing that is so telling is how salty and pissy they still are about the moderating on the old ZZLP and how liberal that board was. Poor widdle Trumper posters just couldn't get a break and were victims over there! They just can't get past it and are still obsessed with it. All of which only confirms my longstanding belief that one of the prime motivating forces in Trumpism is resentment and pettiness. It just flows from Trumpers like bad water from a mountain spring.
Someone has to honor the 13 and the current admin certainly will not. Glad Trump created a moment and honored the soldiers and families.

By the way, nice new site. Does it come with Snoops lifetime bans for republicans? I sure hope not. I enjoy reading and occasionally responding when the subject gets my attention as this one does. It was an absolute failure of leadership.
You don't give a shit he broke the law to do it and desecrated the fallen.


In a post on Truth Social, Trump appeared to suggest the incident stemmed from his campaign’s use of photography, sharing a statement from the family members of the fallen soldiers expressing their approval.

“We had given our approval for President Trump’s official videographer and photographer to attend the event, ensuring these sacred moments of remembrance were respectfully captured and so we can cherish these memories forever,” the families said.

But according to a statement from Arlington National Cemetery obtained by CNN, federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries.

The cemetery said it “reinforced and widely shared this law and its prohibitions with all participants” which includes “photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate’s campaign.” …”
I think you’ve always got to be really suspicious and skeptical of someone who claims to be a combat veteran but who licks the boots of someone who called combat veteran KIA’s “suckers and losers”, who makes fun of POWs for being captured and tortured, who refused to visit the American cemetery in Normandy because it was raining and he didn’t want his hair to get wet, who claimed that avoiding STDs in New York City was his own personal Vietnam, mocked and ridiculed Gold Star and Purple Heart families, and who never attended the dignified transfer at Dover of American troops killed in actIon.

I’m sure nobody has ever lied or embellished their credentials on an anonymous Internet message board for him before, especially not to try to claim stolen valor, but it’s always good to maintain a little skepticism about things you read on the Internet.
I remember a study from 30-40 years ago…….one reason working class Americans opposed taxing the rich was because they aspired to and EXPECTED to become rich and didn’t want their wealth taxed.
"Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires."
- Ronald Wright (paraphrased)
That may be the most uneducated response I have ever seen. Trump and many military people repeatedly said the exit should have been from Bagram Air Base. Everyone evacuates before the military and then the military leaves last. AND, most experts agreed that we should never abandon Bagram and should have kept it. Now China is in control of that air base, the longest runway in the Middle East, and the Taliban has $87M worth of our equipment. I disagreed with Trump about leaving that air base and think we should have kept a force there to keep it. BUT, his plan was to eventually leave through that air base with security. NOT from a freaking international airport with the Taliban in charge of our security. That wa San absolute failure of leadership!!!!

Why didn’t Kamala or Biden honor the 13? Because they are embarrassed about it!
Did Trump go honor them the last two years or only in an election year?

Is a three year ceremony special?
I’m sure folks might credibly argue I am the irrational one, voting against my personal economic interests… I mean, that is one of the things that Democrats pull their hair out about, working class voters doing when they vote Republican.

And I would have my limits. But the reality is that a Democratic Administration is likely going to have to compromise quite a bit on tax policy since the current tax cuts roll off in 2025.
If we’re going to tax unrealized gains, are we going to get to count unrealized losses as losses?
I’m not voting for Harris personally, because my vote wasn’t ever against “Biden” or “Clinton” but rather against the Democratic agenda at the national level.

I’ve never said that I’m the precise swing voter in the entire country, but I can still acknowledge that there are swing voters who think pretty similarly to me that will vote Harris over Trump but would’ve gone Trump over Biden. I’m not there myself but I see where those people are coming from.

As someone who is planning on splitting my ticket almost 50/50 this November, I do think I’m a little more in tune with some of the swing voters and fence sitters than most of the people who post here are. It’s just that I’ve already paid close attention to politics this cycle long before the “average” person tunes in, so I’ve already got my choices made in most races whereas other swing voters are still making theirs.

I do think Harris will be a lot better president the next 4 years than Biden would’ve been, so I’m happy the Democrats forced Biden out despite the fact that it harms Trump’s chances. I would rather roll the dice on a 60% Harris 40% Trump election rather than a 70% Trump 30% Biden election, because Biden was embarrassing.