2024 Presidential Election | 42 Days to Election Day

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I hope we get our normal “compare and contrast” holiday messages from Trump, Biden, and now Harris. Nothing in my mind shows a clearer discrepancy between these that occur every major holiday.
Trump doubles down, issues new campaign ad featuring the Arlington visit and statements of the angry parents (and a mother-in-law) of most of the fallen soldiers from Abbey Gate withdrawal attack.

Trump is working to turn a failed political stunt/scandal into a political windfall for his campaign. It is not clear yet if it will work, but Harris better come up with a plan to deal with it. Ask John Kerry about how well letting the facts speak for themselves works in politics. And recall that Chris LaCivita helped run the Swiftboating campaign and is running the Trump campaign. Weaponizing Democratic and Media timidity about military matters is his specialty.

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“Unlike Kamala Harris, who can’t put together a coherent sentence without a teleprompter, President Trump speaks for hours, telling multiple impressive stories at the same time,” said Karoline Leavitt, a spokeswoman for Mr. Trump. “Kamala Harris could never.”

His campaign did not identify which English professor friends of his had complimented his style.

“I highly doubt that Donald Trump has any English professor friends,” said Timothy O’Brien, a Trump biographer. “What this really reflects is that he is aware of the criticism that he is publicly saying nonlinear, nonsensical word salad, and he is trying to pretend there is a strategy or logic behind it when there isn’t.”

But in the case of Mr. Trump, it is difficult to find the hermeneutic methods with which to parse the linguistic flights that take him from electrocuted sharks to Hannibal Lecter’s cannibalism, windmills and Rosie O’Donnell.

James Shapiro, a professor of English at Columbia University and a renowned Shakespeare scholar, ruminated about Mr. Trump’s use of the word: “I read Trump’s comment bragging that ‘I do the weave.’ I take him at his word, as one of the Oxford English Dictionary definitions of ‘weave’ is ‘to pursue a devious course.’” …”
I see an opportunity here for someone to start a "English Professors for Trump" grift. Doesn't matter if you all you could find was 5 actual English professors to join/support it, the rest of the Trump rubes would donate to it in support of dear leader.

Screenshot 2024-09-02 075730.png
I see a ton in NC. On top of that, I’m a Braves fan and my husband is a Phillies fan. We see the ads non-stop on the ATL and PHI games, as well.
That's gotta make for a fun baseball season. Unfortunately, the Braves let two games slip away this past series. Like you, I am sick and tired of all the Trump ads running here in Augusta. It's non-stop. We've also been getting mailers probably 3-4 times a week. I'm more than happy for them to spend money to mail me that crap. It gets filed appropriately in the trash.
No campaigning for Trump or Vance today, but Trump finally got around to his usual gracious holiday greetings …

“ … all Americans are suffering during this holiday weekend …”?

Nothing about labor unions?

How Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Unlikely Partnership Took Shape​

The Trump-Kennedy alliance followed a six-week crush of behind-the-scenes discussions, embarrassing missteps, secret meetings and private misgivings.

“… The discussions were mediated by a few inner-circle players, including Mr. Trump’s top adviser, Susie Wiles, and Mr. Kennedy’s campaign manager, his daughter-in-law, Amaryllis Fox. Tucker Carlson, the political commentator, played a vital role, as did Donald Trump Jr. Omeed Malik, a businessman and political donor who has supported both Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Trump, was also closely involved. …”
Trump plan for remaining 63 days? Go lower and make more people hate Kamala as much as much as they hate him.

“… [Trump] is seizing on foreign tragedies to accuse the vice president of responsibility for the deaths of US troops in Afghanistan and claiming she’s complicit in killings of hostages in Gaza.

He and his running mate, JD Vance, implied her mixed race — heritage that millions of Americans share — is evidence of a sinister “chameleon”-like character that also explains policy reversals on energy and immigration. In an ugly moment, he amplified a sexually themed social media slander against her.

And his dark campaign ads allege she will slash Social Security benefits by welcoming millions of undocumented migrants to the country.

And in a reprise of past GOP campaigns branding Democratic nominees as extreme liberals, Trump and his supporters are trying to frame Harris as a communist and a “Bolshevik.”

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem blasted Harris’ running mate, Tim Walz, as a “security risk” because he once taught in China.

And Trump has also started to imply the coming election might not be “free and fair” and said in an interview that aired Sunday that it was ridiculous to indict him for “interfering” in the 2020 election. This and other recent comments raised the specter of another national nightmare if he loses in November and refuses to accept defeat. …”
Dr. HCR. Always a good read. My morning go to.

It’s the voter suppression and voter intimidation that’s going to trip us up. Trump is ignoring the popular vote and will simply rely on GOP-led State legislatures and election boards to do what he couldn’t do 4 years ago.

Winning the popular vote by massive numbers while also winning the electoral vote by slim margins may not be enough. Perhaps the jig is up? Game was lost in 2010 when GOP took over State Houses just in time for the 2010 Census and redrawing maps and successfully gerrymandering voting districts. NC is a case study in this….
