2024 Presidential Election | 46 Days to Election Day

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Trump comes out against Florida's abortion rights ballot measure after conservative backlash​

The GOP nominee landed in hot water on abortion after criticizing Florida’s six-week ban and initially declining to take a stance on a state ballot measure.

On Friday, Trump said, once again, that women need "more time" than six weeks to decide whether to have an abortion, but that the "Democrats are radical" and he couldn't back the amendment.

“So I think six weeks, you need more time than six weeks. I’ve disagreed with that right from the early primaries when I heard about it, I disagreed with it,” Trump said in comments to Fox News. “At the same time, the Democrats are radical, because the nine months is just a ridiculous situation where you can do an abortion in the ninth month. ... So I’ll be voting no for that reason.”

The proposed amendment would bar restrictions on abortion before fetal viability, around the 24th week of pregnancy, while ensuring exceptions to protect the health of the mother. …”
Over a digressive 13 minutes, Mr. Trump insisted that he had not been seeking publicity on Monday when he posed for photographs in a heavily restricted area of the cemetery where veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars are buried. He accused the news media of stoking the controversy and said baselessly that his political opponents had manufactured it.

Accusing President Biden of being responsible for the deaths of the service members whose graves Mr. Trump was visiting, the former president said at a rally in Johnstown, Pa., “They tell me that I used their graves for public relations services, and I didn’t.”

He said conspiratorially at one point, “That was all put out by the White House.”

“We’re there, and they said a prayer,” he said at the rally in Johnstown. “Different graves, one here, one there. And they said to me — you know, I’m not surprised, I’d never even thought about — ‘Sir, would it be possible for you to have a picture with us, on the, by the tombstone of my son?’ I said, ‘Absolutely.’”

Mr. Trump insisted he had not taken the photos for the publicity. But earlier in the week, his campaign posted photos and footage from the visit on social media. A spokesman for the campaign also insisted that it had received permission to have a photographer at the gravesite, a notion the cemetery rejected in statements.

Mr. Trump said twice in his Pennsylvania speech that his advisers had suggested he should not bring up the cemetery dispute. But he said that he felt compelled to give his account, a shorter version of which he had shared on Thursday, to rebut reports in the mainstream news media.

“I said, ‘I think I have to talk about it now.’ My people said, ‘Don’t do it, sir, don’t do it,’” Mr. Trump told the crowd. “But if I don’t tell you the story, you’re going to read — it was the front page of The Washington Post.” …”

This Arlington thing has gotten out of control — a few things in this clip:

* asked whether his campaign should have released the video and photos from Arlington, Trump diverts to what is really bothering him … “we have a lot of people, you know TikTik people, you know we’re leading the internet, that was the other thing we’re so far above her on the internet …”

* To her credit, reporter interrupts and refocuses on the question she asked — Arlington. And a cornered Trump offers up some doozies, including claiming that he doesn’t know the rules, the gold star families are to blame for publishing the images and that the while thing is a set-up:

T: “Well I don’t know what the rules and regulations are, I don’t know who did it, and (pause) I think it coulda been them [like he just thought up a lie and thought it up quick], it coulda been the parents, it coulda been somebody …”

Reporter interrupts: It was your campaign’s TikTok though that put out the video

T: “OK, I really don’t know anything about it. All I do is I stood there and I said ‘If you’d like to have a picture, we can have a picture.’ If somebody did it (changes tone mid-sentence) this was a set-up by, uh, people in the Administration that ‘oh, Trump is coming to Arlington, that looks so bad for us…’”

This Arlington thing has gotten out of control — a few things in this clip:

* asked whether his campaign should have released the video and photos from Arlington, Trump diverts to what is really bothering him … “we have a lot of people, you know TikTik people, you know we’re leading the internet, that was the other thing we’re so far above her on the internet …”

* To her credit, reporter interrupts and refocuses on the question she asked — Arlington. And a cornered Trump offers up some doozies, including claiming that he doesn’t know the rules, the gold star families are to blame for publishing the images and that the while thing is a set-up:

T: “Well I don’t know what the rules and regulations are, I don’t know who did it, and (pause) I think it coulda been them [like he just thought up a lie and thought it up quick], it coulda been the parents, it coulda been somebody …”

Reporter interrupts: It was your campaign’s TikTok though that put out the video

T: “OK, I really don’t know anything about it. All I do is I stood there and I said ‘If you’d like to have a picture, we can have a picture.’ If somebody did it (changes tone mid-sentence) this was a set-up by, uh, people in the Administration that ‘oh, Trump is coming to Arlington, that looks so bad for us…’”

My thoughts on this controversy —

1. I doubt many people are paying any attention to it, unfortunately, so I don’t think it will impact the election much.

2. In concept, it was a pretty clever, if cynical, way for Trump to create a story that could have focused attention on him in a positive way at the expense of the Dems. If anyone was doing a “set up” here, it was the Trump campaign, and it could have worked.

3. The problem for Trump, as always, is that he’s too undisciplined and egocentric to pull it off. His comments since the event have been universally horrible. He’s created multiple storylines that are negative for him that did not need to exist.

4. The best period of this campaign for Trump were the weeks after the debate when he was almost silent and all attention was on Biden. I think that’s still Trump’s best path to victory — stay as quiet as possible and let the media find things about Kamala to attack. He just can’t do it, though. It’s against his every instinct not to do whatever he possibly can to hog the spotlight. And I have a feeling that will be his undoing. He just can’t grasp how much most Americans despise him as a person, and every time he does something public, such as this stunt, it just reinforces our preconceptions.
Someone has to honor the 13 and the current admin certainly will not. Glad Trump created a moment and honored the soldiers and families.

By the way, nice new site. Does it come with Snoops lifetime bans for republicans? I sure hope not. I enjoy reading and occasionally responding when the subject gets my attention as this one does. It was an absolute failure of leadership.
He could have honored them without it being a campaign photo op.
I'd love for any of our board Trumpers to read this piece- written by a combat veteran who lost troops under his command in Iraq- and let us know how you can vote for this. That's rhetorical, obviously. None of them have the fucking balls to do so.

"The rules against using images or video of Section 60 in political campaigns are there for a reason. The people who gave their lives didn’t swear an oath and give all to a party or a candidate. They swore to protect the Constitution and they sacrificed to protect this country. Their sacrifice is one of the last reminders we have that there exists an American project that is bigger than parties and tribes and campaigns, and that it’s worth fighting, dying, and even killing for. All that’s asked in return is that we don’t subject them to our politics, that we keep them in an elevated, venerated place where they belong.

If we can’t do that—if we let Section 60 become just another political weapon to use against each other—then what was all that sacrifice for?"

Trump supporters will claim that those rules apply to everyone except Trump.
Trump has also started getting himself into a quagmire on abortion now that he can’t always get away with the “all the experts wanted Roe overturned and now it is up to the states” as his only answer.

Trump Contorts Himself on Abortion in Search of Political Gain​

The former president is willing to make as many rhetorical and policy shifts as he deems necessary to win in November, vexing some social conservatives.


Harris slams Trump for saying he's voting against Florida abortion amendment


Trump contradicts himself on abortion, searching for a winning message​

A series of statements in recent days from the Republican presidential ticket have riled some Christian conservatives and prompted claims of hypocrisy from Democrats.


Trump scrambles to do damage control on Florida abortion measure​

The former president makes it clear how he will vote on the state measure after criticism from abortion opponents.


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More Voters, Especially Women, Now Say Abortion Is Their Top Issue​

Donald J. Trump is shifting his stance on reproductive rights, but voters, by a wide margin, say that they trust Kamala Harris on the issue.

Although the economy remains the No. 1 issue for voters, a growing share of voters in swing states now say abortion is central to their decision this fall, according to New York Times/Siena College polls earlier this month. This represents an increase since May, when President Joe Biden was still the Democratic presidential nominee. And by a wide margin, more say they trust Vice President Kamala Harris over former President Donald J. Trump to handle abortion.

Mr. Trump has repeatedly changed his position on the issue, despite appointing Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 case that found a constitutional right to abortion. …”
Over a digressive 13 minutes, Mr. Trump insisted that he had not been seeking publicity on Monday when he posed for photographs in a heavily restricted area of the cemetery where veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars are buried. He accused the news media of stoking the controversy and said baselessly that his political opponents had manufactured it.

Accusing President Biden of being responsible for the deaths of the service members whose graves Mr. Trump was visiting, the former president said at a rally in Johnstown, Pa., “They tell me that I used their graves for public relations services, and I didn’t.”

He said conspiratorially at one point, “That was all put out by the White House.”

“We’re there, and they said a prayer,” he said at the rally in Johnstown. “Different graves, one here, one there. And they said to me — you know, I’m not surprised, I’d never even thought about — ‘Sir, would it be possible for you to have a picture with us, on the, by the tombstone of my son?’ I said, ‘Absolutely.’”

Mr. Trump insisted he had not taken the photos for the publicity. But earlier in the week, his campaign posted photos and footage from the visit on social media. A spokesman for the campaign also insisted that it had received permission to have a photographer at the gravesite, a notion the cemetery rejected in statements.

Mr. Trump said twice in his Pennsylvania speech that his advisers had suggested he should not bring up the cemetery dispute. But he said that he felt compelled to give his account, a shorter version of which he had shared on Thursday, to rebut reports in the mainstream news media.

“I said, ‘I think I have to talk about it now.’ My people said, ‘Don’t do it, sir, don’t do it,’” Mr. Trump told the crowd. “But if I don’t tell you the story, you’re going to read — it was the front page of The Washington Post.” …”

unreal. he and his people lie like they breath.
This Arlington thing has gotten out of control — a few things in this clip:

* asked whether his campaign should have released the video and photos from Arlington, Trump diverts to what is really bothering him … “we have a lot of people, you know TikTik people, you know we’re leading the internet, that was the other thing we’re so far above her on the internet …”

* To her credit, reporter interrupts and refocuses on the question she asked — Arlington. And a cornered Trump offers up some doozies, including claiming that he doesn’t know the rules, the gold star families are to blame for publishing the images and that the while thing is a set-up:

T: “Well I don’t know what the rules and regulations are, I don’t know who did it, and (pause) I think it coulda been them [like he just thought up a lie and thought it up quick], it coulda been the parents, it coulda been somebody …”

Reporter interrupts: It was your campaign’s TikTok though that put out the video

T: “OK, I really don’t know anything about it. All I do is I stood there and I said ‘If you’d like to have a picture, we can have a picture.’ If somebody did it (changes tone mid-sentence) this was a set-up by, uh, people in the Administration that ‘oh, Trump is coming to Arlington, that looks so bad for us…’”

I love how the most significant thing to him is having a bigger audience than his opponent. And I love that when he expresses that, he puts it into words in a way a 6-year-old would.

Hopefully this is true and Trump’s sudden turn on reproductive rights will cost him more votes than it gains him with GOP voters who want to believe him on this topic so they don’t feel bad voting for him.

Can you imagine the lack of critical thinking it takes to be willing to overlook the fact that he's a criminal, a narcissist, a felon, a grifter, and all the other negatives, but the tipping point that finally turns you against trump is his support for a procedure to help people have children?
Can you imagine the lack of critical thinking it takes to be willing to overlook the fact that he's a criminal, a narcissist, a felon, a grifter, and all the other negatives, but the tipping point that finally turns you against trump is his support for a procedure to help people have children?
They want to pay lower taxes. It’s always about them.


“A great big strong Black guy came up to me with tears in his eyes and he says, sir- they love to call me sir, can you believe that, the Black people love to call me sir- he said sir, you are so right, sir, nobody has ever made a better point than you, sir, this is actually the greatest point ever made, sir. Like you said, sir, some of us Blacks are good, and some other Blacks are maybe, frankly, not so good, sir you’re hearing it more and more, there are very fine Blacks on both sides.”

Wonder what he meant by "that one"? One what?
Trump’s ANC story in his Johnstown rally:

“… Speaking at an afternoon rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Trump said the families of troops killed at the Abbey Gate bombing in Afghanistan asked him to join them in Section 60 at their children’s graves after the ceremony Monday morning.

“They said to me—I mean, I’m not surprised, I never even thought about—‘Sir, would it be possible for you to have a picture with us by the tombstone of my son?’” he said. “You know, the beautiful white tombstones, marble, beautiful, beautiful things.”

“Everything was nice,” he said. “And then later on that day, I heard that we were using the graves of those soldiers for public relations purposes, and that was all put out by the White House. Joe Biden killed those young people because he was incompetent.”

But Trump’s campaign had been warned not to take photographs ahead of the altercation, according to the Associated Press. And Trump was excoriated by a gold star father whose son was killed in Iraq for his perceived politicization of the somber event. …”
