A confessional thread

You really are an [edited for tone of personal attack]. … Also you don't know shit about movies.

MOD NOTE — If I can find the original post this is mimicking, will edit it as well to reflect the aspirations for interactions here (acknowledging the reality that we all snap at others from time to time).

This seems like a good thread for people to practice either empathy or restraint.
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Super this could be your golden ticket. After taking your wife to the zenith of pleasure and the pinnacle of euphoric bliss, she might now be open to every husband's dream.

And being a psychiatrist she is naturally inquisitive as to the human psyche of others, as well as herself, and seeks further understanding.

I believe a proposition is in order. This being, of course, to bring in another female to the equation for further exploration. This would also fulfill your desire to discover if your uncanny mastery of female pleasures would work on other women.

It seems to be the obvious next step and is a no brainer. We will need updates of course.

The alternative is to go years and years wondering if she was actually just fantasizing that she was with George Clooney or Brad Pitt. The only way to know for sure is to test out this FMF hypothesis.
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To all you plebians on this social experiment, kudos for jumping out with empathy, but let this be a lesson to you to read more closely with a discretionary eye.

He even made it easy for you since it's all right there in the post...

after law school, started his clerkship, began internet dating, met someone who was an Olympic athlete in Barcelona. THE VARCELONA OLYMPICS WERE IN NINETEWN NINETY TWO.

think about it, people.

Oh plus you can just Google any given phrase from the post and see the low-grade online smut it was lifted from.

Your responses to this thread are being logged as part of a poorly-run social experiment.

I assume as a whole you all pass because most of you are treating the topic with grace,but for the love of God, the inherent point is no doubt that you're just as gullible as trumpers.
Note: after being given a warning before, Sandinista will not be joining us any further as the above reply just has no place in any kind of community we want to cultivate. I'm all for letting people vent a bit at each other and the world but whatever the above reply is, it's beyond the pale solely based on the absurd smugness of it.
I'm sure you recall that around 2003 my wife, shall we say, performed the experiment mentioned above.
No, tech, I DO NOT Recall that.

Apologies if my flippant comment was bothersome or hurtful. I was hoping for a funny anecdote.

You’ve been through the wringer and come out as an incredible person!
No, tech, I DO NOT Recall that.

Apologies if my flippant comment was bothersome or hurtful. I was hoping for a funny anecdote.

You’ve been through the wringer and come out as an incredible person!
Zoo, I know you meant nothing negative.

Plus it's been 21 years, it's long over.

I do recommend that people avoid it, if possible.
Note: after being given a warning before, Sandinista will not be joining us any further as the above reply just has no place in any kind of community we want to cultivate. I'm all for letting people vent a bit at each other and the world but whatever the above reply is, it's beyond the pale solely based on the absurd smugness of it.
I don’t agree with banning Sandi.

He has a tiny usefulness. He exemplifies and personifies being a small, angry person.

Almost no one takes his poasts seriously. Let him spew his nonsense. Give it 2-3 weeks and no one will respond to him……that will upset him.
We would all be better off if we could be more open like the ND.

I'm sure I'm slightly ND and possibly on the spectrum, I've learned reading about it for my daughter.
Yeah I’ve learned a lot about it since both of my nephews were diagnosed. Apparently it runs more on male side of families. My 6 yr old nephew says the funniest things. Remembers EVERYTHING. lol.
Note: after being given a warning before, Sandinista will not be joining us any further as the above reply just has no place in any kind of community we want to cultivate. I'm all for letting people vent a bit at each other and the world but whatever the above reply is, it's beyond the pale solely based on the absurd smugness of it.
Wait, people are getting banned now? Could you not tell Sandi's post was a joke? Super said she "had been" and olympic athlete. Sandi would have known that folks would go back and read to see if super was actually saying she was at the time.
Wait, people are getting banned now? Could you not tell Sandi's post was a joke? Super said she "had been" and olympic athlete. Sandi would have known that folks would go back and read to see if super was actually saying she was at the time.
I’m not in favor of banning Sandi. He’ll quickly post enough to expose himself. He has over the years. He’s a known quantity.

That said, Sandi “poasts” jokes if you agree that poasts with viciousness and malice are jokes.

Again, asses expose their rear ends soon enough.

And, yes, the site has already banned a few posters, IIRC.
atTech, I haven't been around the ZZL that long (maybe IC for sure) but I never remember you sharing this. My apologies if my intended good humored fun offended you. It was only meant in the veign of Super's original post as I read it -- honesty but with good natured humor about it all.

I do not know if your wife (or ex) participated in that with you, before you, or behind your back, and it is none of my business. But I divorced after being disrespected by my selfish immature ex much more recently in the most common reason for failed marriages. So I can relate and mean no disrespect.
Note: after being given a warning before, Sandinista will not be joining us any further as the above reply just has no place in any kind of community we want to cultivate. I'm all for letting people vent a bit at each other and the world but whatever the above reply is, it's beyond the pale solely based on the absurd smugness of it.

On the off chance you were referring to Sandi's post at the top of this page, he was just giving a direct quote of what super said to him on another thread.

Not trying to rat on either of them, but just wanted to make sure you knew that the top post isn't Sandi's words.

And while we're at it, I'd like to reserve the right to call Sandi an asshole whenever I want, and I grant him the ability to call me one whenever he wants to.
Wait, people are getting banned now? Could you not tell Sandi's post was a joke? Super said she "had been" and olympic athlete. Sandi would have known that folks would go back and read to see if super was actually saying she was at the time.

I’m not in favor of banning Sandi. He’ll quickly post enough to expose himself. He has over the years. He’s a known quantity.

That said, Sandi “poasts” jokes if you agree that poasts with viciousness and malice are jokes.

Again, asses expose their rear ends soon enough.

And, yes, the site has already banned a few posters, IIRC.

On the off chance you were referring to Sandi's post at the top of this page, he was just giving a direct quote of what super said to him on another thread.

Not trying to rat on either of them, but just wanted to make sure you knew that the top post isn't Sandi's words.

And while we're at it, I'd like to reserve the right to call Sandi an asshole whenever I want, and I grant him the ability to call me one whenever he wants to.

Screenshot 2024-08-30 223444.png

Three separate posters, including two who donated, reported his posts.

I looked at several of his recent posts and it came off like he was an asshole. Are you saying the above is a joke?
Are you saying the above is a joke?

No, just pointing out that the post at the top of this page wasn't his words, so if that was the straw the camel's back you might want to reconsider. That's all.
Add me to the list that doesn’t agree with banning Sandi, Rock. He’s one of the most unique and creative poasters on these boards. Those that don’t appreciate his particular slant on things always have the ignore feature, right? Hope you reconsider.
Add me to the list that doesn’t agree with banning Sandi, Rock. He’s one of the most unique and creative poasters on these boards. Those that don’t appreciate his particular slant on things always have the ignore feature, right? Hope you reconsider.
I'm happy to reconsider but his "shtick" is being an asshole? Do I have that correct?

In the above post he insults a posters mother, is incredibly condescending, attacks a posters profession/intelligence, and finishes it off with more arrogance/smugness/whatever.