A confessional thread

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Three separate posters, including two who donated, reported his posts.

I looked at several of his recent posts and it came off like he was an asshole. Are you saying the above is a joke?
  • First, he is an asshole. That’s a given.
  • Is the above a joke? Or, are Sandi’s posts jokes? Possibly. The reality is his “jokes” have viciousness and malice in them. So, are they jokes?
  • IC/ZZL/ZZLP deleted offensive and/or “bannable”posts…..so, much of Sandi’s childishness disappeared before a majority, or substantial plurality, had read his posts.
  • I’d suggest leaving offensive/“bannable” posts up for all to see; put in a comment that this post is offensive
  • Give it 2-3 weeks or a month and posters will see the schmucks for the schmucks they are
  • Quit responding to Sandi and he’ll lose interest
  • Ban him; he and 2-6 acolytes will all soon be posting under several ID’s.
I'm happy to reconsider but his "shtick" is being an asshole? Do I have that correct?

In the above post he insults a posters mother, is incredibly condescending, attacks a posters profession/intelligence, and finishes it off with more arrogance/smugness/whatever.
It’s not a shtick. He IS an asshole. He’s also not as creative as croatoan says he is.

Sandi being Sandi will tire itself out on this board within a month.
I’m not in favor of banning Sandi. He’ll quickly post enough to expose himself. He has over the years. He’s a known quantity.

That said, Sandi “poasts” jokes if you agree that poasts with viciousness and malice are jokes.

Again, asses expose their rear ends soon enough.

And, yes, the site has already banned a few posters, IIRC.
You might be right. I thought it was so over-the-top that it was clearly not a sincere post.
But yeah, I agree with you, don't ban, simply let people expose themselves for what they are.
On the off chance you were referring to Sandi's post at the top of this page, he was just giving a direct quote of what super said to him on another thread.

Not trying to rat on either of them, but just wanted to make sure you knew that the top post isn't Sandi's words.

And while we're at it, I'd like to reserve the right to call Sandi an asshole whenever I want, and I grant him the ability to call me one whenever he wants to.
Super said that to sandi?
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Three separate posters, including two who donated, reported his posts.

I looked at several of his recent posts and it came off like he was an asshole. Are you saying the above is a joke?
Me? I hadn't seen their back-and-forth. It does seem like they have an issue with each other. However, surely they can simply "ignore" each other, and no one needs to get banned, right? I think banning folks is a bit too much. Just ignore.
atTech, I haven't been around the ZZL that long (maybe IC for sure) but I never remember you sharing this. My apologies if my intended good humored fun offended you. It was only meant in the veign of Super's original post as I read it -- honesty but with good natured humor about it all.

I do not know if your wife (or ex) participated in that with you, before you, or behind your back, and it is none of my business. But I divorced after being disrespected by my selfish immature ex much more recently in the most common reason for failed marriages. So I can relate and mean no disrespect.
No harm done. I know everyone here is joking.

It doesn't bother me. My wife and I got past it and are still married, coming up on 29 years.
And he's banned from IC, correct?
Yeah, but…

Here’s the thing…I’ve been called a “c**t” (later edited to “asshole”) on this very thread. I didn’t complain or call for anyone’s banning because 1) it’s a message board, and 2) I’m self-aware enough to know that I can be both a “c**t” and an “asshole”; we all can. Sandi’s no different, just weirder and funnier (to me). And again, we don’t often seem to agree on very much.
Me? I hadn't seen their back-and-forth. It does seem like they have an issue with each other. However, surely they can simply "ignore" each other, and no one needs to get banned, right? I think banning folks is a bit too much. Just ignore.
Sandi won’t “ignore” anyone. Let him post in his full glory and expose himself for the ass he is.
Woke up randomly. I am not a seasoned ICer so I would be curious @nycfan @altmin @SnoopRob's thoughts, as well as everyone else' of course, but from a strictly forum moderation standpoint, you have to consider the tone and quality of the product and all that and it seems like "an asshole" is an odd thing to make concessions for.

That said, it's your guys community so..
Woke up randomly. I am not a seasoned ICer so I would be curious @nycfan @altmin @SnoopRob's thoughts, as well as everyone else' of course, but from a strictly forum moderation standpoint, you have to consider the tone and quality of the product and all that and it seems like "an asshole" is an odd thing to make concessions for.

That said, it's your guys community so..

Morning, Rock. I get the idea of wanting to gather opinions from former mods on the old board. Thing is, if you rely on their experience and perspective too much, we all end up with another board just like the one that recently failed. No one wants that, except those former mods and a handful of the old sensitive IC crew. You’ve put too much work into creating something good here (with the potential of it getting even better) to let that happen. I’d urge you to take that, and the sweet ignore functions some choose to use, into account for this and all similar future decisions. Hope you have a good one.
On the off chance you were referring to Sandi's post at the top of this page, he was just giving a direct quote of what super said to him on another thread.

Not trying to rat on either of them, but just wanted to make sure you knew that the top post isn't Sandi's words.

And while we're at it, I'd like to reserve the right to call Sandi an asshole whenever I want, and I grant him the ability to call me one whenever he wants to.

If that's the case, he's clearly not calling Super an a-hole. He's illustrating that Super can be pretty aggressive even as Super complains when it happens to him.

I vote no ban.
Woke up randomly. I am not a seasoned ICer so I would be curious @nycfan @altmin @SnoopRob's thoughts, as well as everyone else' of course, but from a strictly forum moderation standpoint, you have to consider the tone and quality of the product and all that and it seems like "an asshole" is an odd thing to make concessions for.

That said, it's your guys community so..
My opinion is that we have a wonderful super ignore function. Let those who do not want to read a certain poster super ignore said poster.
Yeah, I think the only thing that should be truly worthy of a bannable offense is the threatening of another poster, doxxing of another poster like what happened a few times on IC, stuff like that. Beyond that, it sounds like the ‘super ignore’ feature works really well for those who choose to use it. I’m of the mindset that anyone here to troll is much more “punished” by people ignoring them or not responding to them than they are being banned.
Three separate posters, including two who donated, reported his posts.
This bothers me. So three posters reported his post. You should leave it there. Choosing to donate to the cause makes no difference (I hope) and you shouldn’t give the impression that impacts your decision making. I hope we don’t have separate classes of posters.
Morning, Rock. I get the idea of wanting to gather opinions from former mods on the old board. Thing is, if you rely on their experience and perspective too much, we all end up with another board just like the one that recently failed. No one wants that, except those former mods and a handful of the old sensitive IC crew. You’ve put too much work into creating something good here (with the potential of it getting even better) to let that happen. I’d urge you to take that, and the sweet ignore functions some choose to use, into account for this and all similar future decisions. Hope you have a good one.
dude, lol.

the old board didn't fail due to the moderators.