ACCT: Wake Forest Biorhythms, 2:30 Start

Can we get a report on what, exactly, he said to the ref?

I might want to have a t-shirt made.
Apparently not a word. Thought it was just in reaction to all the chirping coming from the bench in general. Disappointing, I know.
Yes-only 4 first round draft picks left These guys that have been watching Cooper get all the glory are chomping at the bit to get a chance to shine
But we will likely make a go of it
That was my thought when I saw that we opened as 7.5 point favorites. I mean yeah.. we've played a lot better and had a lead on them w/ 15 to go or whatever but.. Duke is still pretty good.
Heels aren't going to win games like this with the awful offense Hubert runs.
Down the stretch:
The Withers 3 was from the offense Coach Davis runs.
The 3 by Davis was off a play called by Coach Davis.
The alley-oop dunk by Lubin was a called play.

Carolina's offense was ranked 19 in the country before today's game. The offense isn't the problem. Sometimes the execution of the offense is the problem. Many games the defense is the problem. Again, (lack of) effort and execution by the players.

If Carolina can deliver an average of their offense combined with this week's defense, they can be a second weekend team.

(The defense has actually been better starting with the Virginia Tech game, but we'll save that for another post.)
The "Game Plan" will be interesting .
No Cooper, perhaps no Maliq Brown covering RJ
By Game Plan I mean Coach Davis's
Now I get it we may be "wore out" in our third game. But I assume we can manage that-but the "plan"will be fun to see
Down the stretch:
The Withers 3 was from the offense Coach Davis runs.
The 3 by Davis was off a play called by Coach Davis.
The alley-oop dunk by Lubin was a called play.

Carolina's offense was ranked 19 in the country before today's game. The offense isn't the problem. Sometimes the execution of the offense is the problem. Many games the defense is the problem. Again, (lack of) effort and execution by the players.

If Carolina can deliver an average of their offense combined with this week's defense, they can be a second weekend team.

(The defense has actually been better starting with the Virginia Tech game, but we'll save that for another post.)
You have to ignore CF on this. He’s stuck in a loop. It doesn’t matter what happens he’s going to it every game.
Down the stretch:
The Withers 3 was from the offense Coach Davis runs.
The 3 by Davis was off a play called by Coach Davis.
The alley-oop dunk by Lubin was a called play.

Carolina's offense was ranked 19 in the country before today's game. The offense isn't the problem. Sometimes the execution of the offense is the problem. Many games the defense is the problem. Again, (lack of) effort and execution by the players.

If Carolina can deliver an average of their offense combined with this week's defense, they can be a second weekend team.

(The defense has actually been better starting with the Virginia Tech game, but we'll save that for another post.)
Don't sweat CF. All he knows is how to read a scoreboard and blame the coaches for everything.
Vintage RJ game. I hope we aren't taking too many of these for granted. Never looked rattled, stayed patient, and finished with an efficient 23 after not scoring the first 16 mins

Strong game for Cadeau beyond the box score. For all the talk of defensive struggles he was locked in on that end. Forced at least 3 turnovers and was fighting through screens as hard as anyone. Was always the one talking in huddles and settled the offense at crucial moments

VAL and Withers continued to battle after struggling to finish plays early. Some of that was the size of Reid, some the refs refusing to give them any whistles, but they fought for 40 on the glass and made some huge shots

Trimble still struggling to shoot it but was crucial in attacking and getting to the FT line. Was on the wrong end of maybe the worst no call in that game. Attacking full speed in transition in the open court when Hildreth just jumps in front of him. A clear block in every game I've watched this season
Was on the wrong end of maybe the worst no call in that game. Attacking full speed in transition in the open court when Hildreth just jumps in front of him. A clear block in every game I've watched this season

Look where he gathers, now look where contact was made. In the open court in clear view of all officials. This was compounded by Sallis drawing a foul on the following possession on a fraction of the contact



CF reminds me of why I never followed the game threads on IC. He’s like those guys… makes the game thread insufferable.
Look where he gathers, now look where contact was made. In the open court in clear view of all officials. This was compounded by Sallis drawing a foul on the following possession on a fraction of the contact



Who the hell taught that Deac how to play defense? My god, everything about that play is wrong. He's not actually in a bad position in the first still (though I suspect he's rushing toward the ball for some reason). But how do you get from first still to second? I get it -- Trimble is much faster. He's likely to get beat. But that doesn't excuse whatever the fuck he was doing. Why are his wrists crossed?