Biden pardons | BIDEN ISSUES PREEMPTIVE PARDONS - Family, Fauci, J6 Committee, Others

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There's a reason AML alerts and SARs are generally confidential and not subject to disclosure. The enormous majority of them -- like 99%+ -- are not actually indicative of money laundering or illegal activity.
Indeed. It's actually an order of magnitude higher than that, at least. There are about 25 million such reports or notifications every year. Less than a thousand are actionable. Or maybe less than 10,000. Don't remember the decimal point off the top of my head, but it's 99.9+% at least.

I would guess that half the posters here have had an SAR (or similar notification) filed about their activity. I have. If you've ever received a significant payment from a private entity that the bank doesn't know (and there are millions of them), then you've likely been flagged for an SAR. In law school, I worked as a programming consultant and my client had liquidity issues. They usually owed me about $40-50K at any one time, which was fine with me except when I needed money for tuition. My fifth semester in law school, the company didn't have the funds, so the owner of the company (who was an alum of my law school and who liked me) paid me personally (I assume he then sought reimbursement). The check was written by an LLC. Boom! SAR.
Reading all of this faux outrage or moral indignation from Trumpers or bosiders here and elsewhere is truly rich. Trump is appointing sex abusers to his cabinet and a virtual rogue's gallery of people to high government positions, some of whom he pardoned for crimes in his first term. Among them is his candidate for Ambassador to France, who was "sentenced to two years in prison after pleading guilty to 16 federal counts of filing false tax returns, one count of retaliating against a cooperating witness and one count of making false statements to the Federal Election Commission." Among his crimes, "the lead prosecutor in the federal case against Charles Kushner alleged the real estate mogul had assisted in filing false tax returns claiming over $1 million in charitable donations as office expenses" and "Kushner also admitted to paying a prostitute $25,000 to lure his brother-in-law to a New Jersey motel room and film them having sex, with the recording then being sent to the man’s wife, Kushner’s sister, to intimidate him as he cooperated with investigators." Trump claimed he pardoned Kushner because he had donated to charities, even though he was accused by the prosecutor of lying about his charitable donations. And this is just one of 74 people Trump pardoned at the end of his first term, including many similar shady characters like Roger Stone.

So you'll have to excuse me for not really caring about this. Yell hypocrite or whatever the hell you want, I simply don't care. Eight years ago I would have cared about this, but not now.
Yep. The moral equivalency of this pardon to Trump's antics is staggering. It's like comparing a nothing burger to a five-course meal.
The laundering claim comes from the fact that 150 transactions to either Hunter or Jim Biden were red flagged by the bank, by a person who's job it is to catch money laundering, for a variety reasons. One being $3 million dollars from China for which there were apparently no services or any loan documentation provided to justify the payment. That money was them quickly moved to other accounts and eventually some amount made it to Joe as, I believe, a "loan payment".

There's also the document where Hunter claims to be paying Joe about $49k in rent while he was living in Joe's Delaware home. Those payments started 2 months after Joe left office. An amazing coincidence..... Nothing on Joe's publicly available tax returns reflects rent in that amount.

Now, politicians aren't dumb. They have lawyers who are skilled at making things appear legal on paper, so there is no smoking gun, per se.
I knew you were going to go here. I would be more than happy to talk about SARs and other AML measures. I happen to know a lot about them, having taught corporate law and finance for many years. But this isn't a conversation that can be had on a blank slate. To understand the significance of SARs, you have to understand how banks decide what to report, when and why. Here is your required reading. It's a single case. I taught it many times.

If you won't read the case, you are quite simply unqualified to engage in any discussion of the issue whatsoever.
And any person who says, “Trump was never convicted of a crime, so I can’t hold that against him,” would have to say the exact same thing about Biden, lest that person be labeled a “hypocrite.”
There may be one or two MAGAs in America that would say that, but probably not.
Biden fils was convicted of a crime. Two felonies. Is anyone claiming Joe was convicted of a crime?

Eta: Ah. Now I see your point. We were talking in the context of tax evasion when I said Trump wasn't convicted. Yes, Trump has been convicted of a felony related to the hush money.
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There's also the document where Hunter claims to be paying Joe about $49k in rent while he was living in Joe's Delaware home. Those payments started 2 months after Joe left office. An amazing coincidence..... Nothing on Joe's publicly available tax returns reflects rent in that amount.
Did you even read your link, dingbat? The payments were made for an office at the House of Sweden, and the House of Sweden confirmed that the payments were made in that precise amount.

Why can't you even fucking read the short articles that you link here? Does it really take so much effort to spend a minute reading before posting?
Did you even read your link, dingbat? The payments were made for an office at the House of Sweden, and the House of Sweden confirmed that the payments were made in that precise amount.

Why can't you even fucking read the short articles that you link here? Does it really take so much effort to spend a minute reading before posting?
The link and the connection to the House of Sweden aren't conclusive. That payment, of all the things listed, are the least concerning.
I knew you were going to go here. I would be more than happy to talk about SARs and other AML measures. I happen to know a lot about them, having taught corporate law and finance for many years. But this isn't a conversation that can be had on a blank slate. To understand the significance of SARs, you have to understand how banks decide what to report, when and why. Here is your required reading. It's a single case. I taught it many times.

If you won't read the case, you are quite simply unqualified to engage in any discussion of the issue whatsoever.
Remember a week or so ago, in reference to the significant delay in implementing any kind of fix for the border crisis (which I believe was politically motivated), when I said you are able to explain away anything? That continues to be true. Millions of dollars from China? No loan docs, no obvious service being provided... Well, here's some info on SARs.... nothing to see here.
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Why not just pardon him for the tax and gun charges? Because the whole reason for the pardon is Kash Patel has made it clear he intends to use the FBI to go after Hunter.
This. Biden had no reason to pardon him until there was a clear and present danger of weaponization of the FBI/DOJ against Trump targets.
Maybe Hunter should have stormed the Capitol with a "Stop the Steal" flag to merit a pardon.
Biden fils was convicted of a crime. Two felonies. Is anyone claiming Joe was convicted of a crime?

Eta: Ah. Now I see your point. We were talking in the context of tax evasion when I said Trump wasn't convicted. Yes, Trump has been convicted of a felony related to the hush money.
I was more referring to the MAGAs saying things like, “we all know..” when talking about what Biden supposedly did but excusing much harder evidence against Trump with a wave of the hand and a “Trump was never convicted of that crime,” excuse by the same people.
Only difference is Trump has actually been found guilty of numerous felonies (those were political hit jobs!) and Biden has never even been brought up on charges.
I was more referring to the MAGAs saying things like, “we all know..” when talking about what Biden supposedly did but excusing much harder evidence against Trump with a wave of the hand and a “Trump was never convicted of that crime,” excuse by the same people.
Only difference is Trump has actually been found guilty of numerous felonies (those were political hit jobs!) and Biden has never even been brought up on charges.
I can't speak for anyone else but I would say that Joe Biden has never been convicted of a crime while Hunter Biden has been convicted of two felonies and Trump has been convicted of several felonies.

In my personal opinion, if Trump had chosen not to run again, his charges would have likely gone the way of Hillary Clinton's email charges. Political hit jobs both.

My guess is that if Hunter had had a different last name, the gun charges would never have been brought while the tax charges would either have not been found because who cares about some random dude's computer or if they were found, he would be convicted but not serve time.
Remember a week or so ago, in reference to the significant delay in implementing any kind of fix for the border crisis (which I believe was politically motivated), when I said you are able to explain away anything? That continues to be true. Millions of dollars from China? No loan docs, no obvious service being provided... Well, here's some info on SARs.... nothing to see here.
1. I'm able explain away bullshit. If you come here with non-bullshit I won't try to explain it away. Essentially, you are complaining that the world is more complicated than you would like. Sorry, buttercup, it doesn't work that way. The world is what it is. It's complex. If you want to understand it, you have to put in some effort. Otherwise, you are just an easily manipulated rube.

The reality is that you are advancing a conspiracy theory. Literally hundreds of people looked into this stuff. There was a whole House committee that did pretty nothing but investigate Hunter Biden for two years, and they found NOTHING. Remember they had the witness who was going to spill the beans, except it turned out HE was under indictment and fled the jurisdiction? And then they found some documents, but the documents actually said the opposite of what they thought? And then they called Hunter's business partner, who they thought would spill the beans but the partner told them that nothing happened.

And here I am explaining to you why your suppositions about supposedly damning evidence are incorrect, and you're waving your arms frantically. Notice that my explanation of the world (i.e. SARs mean nothing on their own) and the reality of the world (nobody ever found any dirt at all that stuck to Biden other than the gun, drugs and tax things) coincide, whereas your explanation runs counter to available facts.

2. SARs are rarely useful for initiating investigations. Typically, they are used by prosecutors who have already indicted a suspect (or are in the process of indicting them), and the SARs provide a roadmap for where to look for additional evidence. They mean nothing in and of themselves. Like I said, a lot of people on this board have been the subject of SARs. If you don't like that reality, it's a shame I guess, but you can't change reality by denying it.

3. I thought we agreed after much conversation that there was no significant delay in implementing the border fix, since we agreed that DHS was already working on the new rule before the Title 42 authority expired. I even showed you the rulemaking documents from early 2023, and then I explained how rulemaking works, and why it takes time. On average, it takes years to go from the "president tells the cabinet agency head to draft a rule" to "rule becomes law." Years. Sometimes decades, if the courts get involved. This was actually a pretty quick turnaround.

Trump and social media have created for you an impression that the president can snap his fingers and do things. That's actually not how it works at all. Sometimes I think the press should be barred from reporting on executive orders, because nobody understands them. Executive orders do not make law, no matter how many times Trump insists they do. The Administrative Procedure Act covers virtually all agency action, and it's only through agency action that the executive branch has any authority to set policy. The president, for instance, cannot impose ambient air quality standards. Only the EPA can do that, because the law gives that authority to the EPA. So the president can staff the EPA with the people he wants, that he thinks will make the policies that he wants; he can instruct them about regulatory priorities and direct them work on some issue or another; but the president cannot make the law.

4. I have no idea what you're talking about with millions from China. Please post a non-paywalled version of this story from a reputable source. I don't subscribe to the WSJ and anyway the WSJ is not exactly a neutral source when it comes to Hunter Biden. But I'll give you a preview: literally dozens of similarly sourced allegations against Hunter have proven false or misleading. There's really no reason to think this will be any different.
The link and the connection to the House of Sweden aren't conclusive. That payment, of all the things listed, are the least concerning.
Hunter listed an amount in rent of $49,910. He paid that exact amount to the House of Sweden. No records of payments to Joe Biden were found.

Is there something special about that number 49,910? Is that a common rent amount in DC? Otherwise, it's obvious that the two are the same. That's pretty fucking conclusive, especially when you consider Hunter's mental state at the time. You guys are so weird about that. On one hand, Hunter Biden is a useless POS because he was a drug addict; but he also seems to be the mastermind behind a criminal conspiracy that has resisted exposure for years. Which is it?

This is why people run out of patience with you. It's just a gish gallop of never ending bullshit.
I've known a decent number of people and none was a bigger POS than Hunter. Dude is absolutely useless. Druggie. Ditched his daughter. Bilked multiple governments out of millions of dollars selling access to his daddy. Money launderer, just to name a few.

you have lived a very, very, very sheltered little life.
So your answer is no, it's not hypocritical to think Hunter is a criminal but Trump is not? Just want to be clear what we're dealing with here.
You didn't say anything criminal in your post just avoided taxes. Whole different issue