But then we're just debating amongst ourselves, which is often interesting, but there's very little dialectical thinking going on, just patting ourselves on the back for how smart we are.
Fwiw, the “debating amongst ourselves” has unequivocally taught me more about political philosophy, law, political action strategies, etiology of the moment, and history, since the formation of this board seven-ish months ago, than I’ve learned in ten years from ttump supporters.
When your movement is fueled by pathological insecurity, narcissism, and hate (and billionaire overlords) truth is rarely on your side; thus, magas have fabricated a system of self affirming delusions and in doing so have rendered their weight in debate (hell, in cursory discourse) that of a helium balloon. In near literal terms, I don’t take what a maga says at face value. I assume they are lying or ignorant or machinating. What I learn from them, on this board, is merely the often hateful, unoriginal right-wing propaganda screed du jour.
I can learn what these maga trolls have to offer by spending 10 mins on various reddit subs, about once a week, or take 5 min to scan ttump’s verbal equivalent of shitting in his hand and rubbing it on his face, in the ttump catch-all thread (bc all maga does is parrot him). And to be clear, if we had dyed in the wool magas who debated positions from an evidentiary standpoint AND stood up to cross exam, I’d agree with your position. However, EVERY SINGLE maga eventually turns troll bc
1. It’s exceedingly rare for the evidence to favor their positions
2. Trump has taught them, and/or affirmed their nature, to never admit they’re wrong
3. as result of #2, when their [ahem], shall we say, facile positions get deconstructed they dig deeper and deeper into the fetid pit of right-wing fabrication, AND when that doesn’t work, their personalities and marching orders demand that they disengage from factual debate and turn to straw men, red herrings, and outright trolling.
Everyone has their reason for engaging maga trolls. While that engagement is my least preferred part of this board, and even captures me at times, this board is a lot of things to a lot of people. However, I contend our resident magas aren’t offering anything that scanning ttump’s belligerent tweets don’t offer, aside from confirmation of their very predictable incorporation of talking points and marching orders.