I think he will follow the protest protocol laid out by the schools. Are you in favor of the type of protests held at Barnard? Someone has to stop it and if the woke school leaders won’t then he apparently plans to. Sounds like you are in favor of any level of protesting as long as it suits your political ideology. Gotta be careful though or you run the risk of hypocrisy if you don’t apply the same logic to Jan 6.
Am I in favor of "any level of protesting"? No. Physical violence should be prosecuted or dealt with through civil law and/or university sanctions as appropriate. Property damage should be prosecuted or dealt with through civil law and/or university sanctions as appropriate. There are existing legal mechanisms to deal with these things. What do you perceive Trump's announcement to be adding to those existing structures? Adding some extrajudicial punishment on top of existing remedies?
And WTF do you mean by saying Trump "will follow the protest protocol laid out by the schools"? His very statement makes clear that he will punish
the schools (through the likely unconstitutional remedy of blanket pulling their funding) if they allow protest Trump deems to be "illegal." He clearly isn't letting the schools themselves decide anything;
he will decide what protest is illegal, and if the schools disagree with what sort of protesting is allowed, they will be punished along with the protestors.
Being OK with what Trump is proposing means not only being OK with the President making the sole determination of what is "illegal" (anathema to our constitutional order) but trusting Trump to use that authority to make logical, consistent, constitutional decisions about what is "illegal." How anyone could feel good about Trump making those decisions given the expansive and self-serving view of presidential power he's both expressed and demonstrated over the past month and a half is beyond me.
if you were a foreign-born student in the US on a college Visa, would you feel comfortable speaking out on your campus in opposition to Trump's foreign or domestic policy with this order in place? No reasonable person would answer that question in the affirmative. For a party that has claimed to bear the mantle of "free speech" and opposed college speech codes, this is just a huge swing back in the opposite direction. This is far more of a danger to free speech then college regulations preventing you, say, from intentionally misgendering someone.