Chapel Hill/Carrboro History

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How The ‘American Way of War’ and History 76 Put Me On The Right Path


Indulge me on this one friends..

As I approached my first college graduation in 1980 I had a plan but had no idea whether it was a True Path. In fact, that plan was the same one I had always believed I had — go to law school. I admit that I thought it was a cool idea - after all, Perry Mason and “Paper Chase” were both captivating enough and in those days it seemed no one became president without being a lawyer. And of course anyone could be president so why couldn’t I?

Mostly though, Law School was my Deddy’s idea. Born in 1916 on a #DeepChatham dirt poor farm he never came close to going to college -

As he finished up the 12th grade at #Bonlee School it was 1934 and the depths of The Great Depression. That grade was, by-the-way, a voluntary one and as I understand it his little brother, Pete, a natural-born intuitive mechanic in the mold of his father, Willis Logan Dunn, gladly gave up a year of high school so that Deddy could get the extra one. Pete went on to work - what he could find in those hard times - and Deddy got one more year book education, which by his own account, he cherished. Still, college was out of the question.

But there was a dream there just the same. Deddy had a business partner in #BonleeHardware named Archie Andrews. Mr. Archie had a powerful strong wife in Ms Ina and they raised up a successful son in Ike Andrews - UNC Law Class of 1951 - and a six-term U.S. Congressman. So with that example right down home there were some expectations. When my brother turned towards the numbers and became a CPA that left me to The Law. And I swear that I tried. Though I had been a pretty bad student at Carolina for my first two years - went hog wild frankly - I buckled down for those last two and as per my Deddy’s wishes I managed to get on, provisionally, at Campbell Law School among the Southern Baptists in Buies Creek.

I don’t think I have hated many things as much as that time spent in Harnett County. All my mind, body, and soul wanted from the time I set down there was OUT! And as soon as my first term ended that’s what I did - bugging out back to Chapel Hill and a job as a “sandwich engineer” at Blimpie’s on Franklin Street. And so I became for a time the prodigal. To the deli job I added telephone operator at UNC Administrative Data Processing and then on to a night shift there doing all sorts of not-innovative things with paper - essentially I prepped reports and stuffed envelopes. I took some classes too - floundering about with Journalism and Public Administration.

Eventually I hit upon an idea that SEEMED like it could work - MBA School. Honestly I do not know what I was thinking. I had not a single business course on my Carolina undergraduate transcript. With my parents once again inside my head I took the GRE and sent out my applications and miraculously landed in Boone at Appalachian State. There Late one evening my first semester there I found myself seated at my desk and staring down at hours and hours of Accounting 101 homework. The figures and Accounts Payable and Depreciation seemed to stretch out endlessly before me. At some point exhausted and nigh number blind a promised myself a break - I would take 30 minutes for rest and recuperation - so I pushed myself away from the ledger and grabbed a book.

I’ll always figure that was the moment when my life changed. The book - a tome really - that I chose dated to History 76 in the Fall of 1978, a very popular lecture course at Carolina titled American Military History taught by Dr. James Leutze. The book I opened was Russell Weigley’s ‘The American Way of War: A History of United States Military Strategy and Policy.’ Thumbing through that text, an instant classic of its focus, I drifted away only to look up and find two hours had passed in an instant.

The very next day I executed a maneuver likely impossible today - being accepted into ASU for the MBA meant my foot was in the Graduate School door. So with a bit of paperwork I changed my major from Business to History. To the surprise of the folks in the latter department I was up and running come the following spring semester - no longer in the boggy morass of the MBA but enrolled in ‘European Intellectual History’ with James Winders, ‘The History of Mexico’ with Carl Ross, and ‘The Southern Slave System’ with Richard Haunton. Each of those great teachers, in their own way affirmed the correctness of my decision.

Folks who know me also know that I continued on down the history trail - eventually returning to UNC where I focused on Latin America (Keeping the so-called American South close just the same as my second field of study) and finished my doctorate in 1999, some 16 years after I started into graduate schools. I’m thankful for the economical pricing that I experienced in the UNC System, a thing made possible by virtue of a proper reading of our State Constitution during my years matriculating within it, and the help that my parents gave me once I emerged from the dark cloud of Law School drop-out.

Ultimately though, it was serving people that both kept me out of debt and prolonged my time in school. From Blimpie’s to Bloody Marys I was fortunate all around. At Tijuana Fats, The Hardback Cafe, The Cave, The Dead Mule Club, Local 506, Henry’s Bistro, and The Orange County Socialist Club, service sustained my dream. I was blessed to be in so many cultural Ground Zeros over those years while studying and teaching. I sometimes wonder which profession was the “sideline,” tending bar or the research and writing. Both callings - teaching and tending bar - meant literally learning from thousands of people over the past 40 years. I am sometimes curious about the Law but accounting holds no allure whatsoever - I’m pretty glad I took that break from accounting homework and got in a solid four decades of education instead. Thanks y’all.
Was the owner of Blimpie's Jerry D at the time?
How The ‘American Way of War’ and History 76 Put Me On The Right Path


Indulge me on this one friends..

As I approached my first college graduation in 1980 I had a plan but had no idea whether it was a True Path. In fact, that plan was the same one I had always believed I had — go to law school. I admit that I thought it was a cool idea - after all, Perry Mason and “Paper Chase” were both captivating enough and in those days it seemed no one became president without being a lawyer. And of course anyone could be president so why couldn’t I?

Mostly though, Law School was my Deddy’s idea. Born in 1916 on a #DeepChatham dirt poor farm he never came close to going to college -

As he finished up the 12th grade at #Bonlee School it was 1934 and the depths of The Great Depression. That grade was, by-the-way, a voluntary one and as I understand it his little brother, Pete, a natural-born intuitive mechanic in the mold of his father, Willis Logan Dunn, gladly gave up a year of high school so that Deddy could get the extra one. Pete went on to work - what he could find in those hard times - and Deddy got one more year book education, which by his own account, he cherished. Still, college was out of the question.

But there was a dream there just the same. Deddy had a business partner in #BonleeHardware named Archie Andrews. Mr. Archie had a powerful strong wife in Ms Ina and they raised up a successful son in Ike Andrews - UNC Law Class of 1951 - and a six-term U.S. Congressman. So with that example right down home there were some expectations. When my brother turned towards the numbers and became a CPA that left me to The Law. And I swear that I tried. Though I had been a pretty bad student at Carolina for my first two years - went hog wild frankly - I buckled down for those last two and as per my Deddy’s wishes I managed to get on, provisionally, at Campbell Law School among the Southern Baptists in Buies Creek.

I don’t think I have hated many things as much as that time spent in Harnett County. All my mind, body, and soul wanted from the time I set down there was OUT! And as soon as my first term ended that’s what I did - bugging out back to Chapel Hill and a job as a “sandwich engineer” at Blimpie’s on Franklin Street. And so I became for a time the prodigal. To the deli job I added telephone operator at UNC Administrative Data Processing and then on to a night shift there doing all sorts of not-innovative things with paper - essentially I prepped reports and stuffed envelopes. I took some classes too - floundering about with Journalism and Public Administration.

Eventually I hit upon an idea that SEEMED like it could work - MBA School. Honestly I do not know what I was thinking. I had not a single business course on my Carolina undergraduate transcript. With my parents once again inside my head I took the GRE and sent out my applications and miraculously landed in Boone at Appalachian State. There Late one evening my first semester there I found myself seated at my desk and staring down at hours and hours of Accounting 101 homework. The figures and Accounts Payable and Depreciation seemed to stretch out endlessly before me. At some point exhausted and nigh number blind a promised myself a break - I would take 30 minutes for rest and recuperation - so I pushed myself away from the ledger and grabbed a book.

I’ll always figure that was the moment when my life changed. The book - a tome really - that I chose dated to History 76 in the Fall of 1978, a very popular lecture course at Carolina titled American Military History taught by Dr. James Leutze. The book I opened was Russell Weigley’s ‘The American Way of War: A History of United States Military Strategy and Policy.’ Thumbing through that text, an instant classic of its focus, I drifted away only to look up and find two hours had passed in an instant.

The very next day I executed a maneuver likely impossible today - being accepted into ASU for the MBA meant my foot was in the Graduate School door. So with a bit of paperwork I changed my major from Business to History. To the surprise of the folks in the latter department I was up and running come the following spring semester - no longer in the boggy morass of the MBA but enrolled in ‘European Intellectual History’ with James Winders, ‘The History of Mexico’ with Carl Ross, and ‘The Southern Slave System’ with Richard Haunton. Each of those great teachers, in their own way affirmed the correctness of my decision.

Folks who know me also know that I continued on down the history trail - eventually returning to UNC where I focused on Latin America (Keeping the so-called American South close just the same as my second field of study) and finished my doctorate in 1999, some 16 years after I started into graduate schools. I’m thankful for the economical pricing that I experienced in the UNC System, a thing made possible by virtue of a proper reading of our State Constitution during my years matriculating within it, and the help that my parents gave me once I emerged from the dark cloud of Law School drop-out.

Ultimately though, it was serving people that both kept me out of debt and prolonged my time in school. From Blimpie’s to Bloody Marys I was fortunate all around. At Tijuana Fats, The Hardback Cafe, The Cave, The Dead Mule Club, Local 506, Henry’s Bistro, and The Orange County Socialist Club, service sustained my dream. I was blessed to be in so many cultural Ground Zeros over those years while studying and teaching. I sometimes wonder which profession was the “sideline,” tending bar or the research and writing. Both callings - teaching and tending bar - meant literally learning from thousands of people over the past 40 years. I am sometimes curious about the Law but accounting holds no allure whatsoever - I’m pretty glad I took that break from accounting homework and got in a solid four decades of education instead. Thanks y’all.
Just a great story. If I was called upon to give it a title, I would title it, "Never Give Up on Yourself."
Neil bought it from Jerry I think. Knew each other from the Raleigh Jewish community. Neil was a part owner of a deli in North Hills in Raleigh as well beforehand.

Among the nabs, peanuts, and honey buns - treats - for sale in the ‘social mixing’ and ‘tall-tale-telling’ area of #BonleeHardware you could also choose a BC Powder. Maybe the gossip that went down there along with the occasional politicking called for some headache relief - or it could have been the hard and often precarious economic life of a chicken farmer or even the back aches of the timberman that kept that analgesic so close by and ubiquitous. What I didn’t realize as a boy was that the regular users of powders were also getting a pretty solid caffeine pick-me-up along with that chalky, pungent, pain-relieving charge. Add in the Co-Cola or Pepsi pulled from the old refrigerator in the back that washed down that BC and I see now that we actually had our own version of a Coffee Shop going on right there in ‘downtown’ #DeepChatham #BonleeHardware.

Deddy didn’t ‘do’ headache powders though it wasn’t because of an aversion to caffeine. From earliest recollections my mornings in our Bonlee home were saturated with the sound of a percolator and the aroma of strong coffee. I think maybe Deddy just didn’t like the ‘process’ so much. Taking a headache powder is a skill whether it be Stanback, Goody’s, or BC and it has to be done just right for maximum effectiveness as well as comfort. The ‘Taker’ has to first carefully open the cigarette-length, and width, but flat not round, wax paper packet. Folded lengthwise, the powder lay inside with each end crimped down so the mix couldn’t fall out. Opening up the packet was a bit delicate for some battered work hands I suspect. Deddy, missing all of his fingers on his left hand from a teen-age molasses mill accident, may have found this opening maneuver simply too clumsy.

Once the packet is open and balanced in your main hand, the next step is to take, and hold, a good swig of Co-Cola in the back of your mouth. Quickly then, pour the powder from the opened wax paper packet into the back of your mouth - right on top of the Co-Cola. The next step is also a fast one - splash another bigger swig of your drink into your mouth and swallow. If you do this right the nasty taste of the medicine goes unexperienced. This entire operation should take less than 3 seconds and the remedy overall will be working in 5 minutes max.

Growing up I watched that ritual go down countless times with great fascination. I didn’t try it until I was in my late teens to be honest, which was just about the same time that I learned that a lot of people drank their moonshine washed down with beer in a similar rhythm. So while I was learning these life lessons what I didn’t learn, nor do I think anyone around me knew, was that the very first headache powder, BC, was invented by a fellow Chathamite! The inventor may have lived just north of Siler City as a boy as a Piney Grove School is mentioned in some of his biographies. A revelation that my 102 year old Aunt Irma bequeathed me that her father, Floyd E. Womble, had done some teaching, leads me to wonder if he might have worked at that very school in fact.

The caffeine-packed headache powder also strikes me as the ultimate drug for a Right-To-Work’ un-unionized factory setting such as was once the case when cigarette and furniture factories and textile mills dominated the North Carolina landscape. After all, the din of crashing machinery, the relentless pace of assembly lines combined with long shifts could make a worker reach for both a stimulus and pain relief. So the once ubiquitous represented a perfect industrial pick-me-up for the weary, overworked and poorly compensated Southerner.

‘Conny’ Council’s family moved to Durham when he was quite young. He was both a Tar Heel and a Blue Devil too - though in those days the enmities had yet to crest nor had the Durham institution become the refuge for out-if-staters that it is today. If you haven’t tried a headache powder you probably ought not to. If you have then you ‘do you.’ So…

#OTD in 1886 Commodore ‘Conny’ Council, inventor of BC Headache Powder (Durham-1906)was born in Chatham County. Raised in Durham he attended UNC & Duke & became a pharmacist, inventing BC Powders in 1906. An Aspirin/Caffeine combo manufactured in Durham- it was heaven-sent for the textile worker accosted by pounding machinery and driven by the time-clock. Commodore Council Invented BC Powder in Durham
BC Powder was a staple for hangovers during my 20s, 30s and hell yes 40s. Still keep a box of them fir the occasional fix.
Link: Headache Powder | NCpedia

In re NC headache powders - Stanback - as in "Snap-back with Stanback." The Stanback family still lives in Salisbury. I was telling a friend, not from NC, who lives in Salisbury about this family. He said he was on the finance committee for his local church and had been told if things ever got really bad, then to ask Bill Stanback for money. I filled him in: 1) his family made their money with Stanback, 2) this guy's was a founder of Food Lion, & 3) this guy was Warren Buffet's best man when Buffet got married. At my mention of #3, the guy I was talking to said, "I knew he was rich, but I didn't know he was that rich!"
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The location seems pretty obvious. It looks like the split coming back from Durham right before Eastgate although I don't know if Eastgate was there yet.
I had Manager that got me in my profession-grew up in Chapel Hill. He claims he remembers when it was dirt
I remember when the last part of Estes Drive Extension was dirt and ended up at a stop sign on Greensboro St. Part of 54 toward Graham was also dirt at the time.
My house is just across the bypass at the top of Merritts pasture. Left is the James Taylor bridge and right is Merritts BLT.
The location seems pretty obvious. It looks like the split coming back from Durham right before Eastgate although I don't know if Eastgate was there yet.
The Highway part kinda looks like where the beginning of Franklin Street peels off from 15-501; that ridge above and to the right of the overpass is definitely not in the Eastgate location.

As others have already posted it’s the By-pass near Merritt’s.
The Highway part kinda looks like where the beginning of Franklin Street peels off from 15-501; that ridge above and to the right of the overpass is definitely not in the Eastgate location.

As others have already posted it’s the By-pass near Merritt’s.
Yeah, I saw. Didn't look at the signs closely enough.