Quite literally in the same neighborhood as Tijuana Fats’ — A remembrance.
Which War DID Bob Sheldon die in? He was shot and killed in his bookshop, The Internationalist, on this day (Feb. 21) in 1991. Such a fine person, so packed with good will. His spirit is needed today and every day. If you knew him try and recall it. If you did not then read on and with luck you may be inspired. I think about him often. I see books that he recommended on my bookshelf and ones that he would have, had he lived, in my mind’s eye.
He introduced me to friends who introduced me to friends who introduced me to friends and we worked and learned together. He was part of a beautiful and powerful chain reaction without which the world would be darker and more filled with evil. Imagine that.
I don’t have an Internationalist Bookstore in my life these days. I’m afraid few of us do. If you are the rare person that does then fortune has surely shone upon you. If a Bob Sheldon is in your life in these times then you are luckier still. His was an all too unique soul even in the best of times but in the darkness that envelopes us in these such a light is truly scarce - even precious.
At this link is an essay that Sy Safransky, of ‘The Sun Magazine’ wrote about him, and about Chapel Hill, and those times, and these times too. It is a primary source of sorts, written just five months after Bob’s murder. Take five minutes sometime today. “Essays, Memoirs, & True Stories of the Brave, (July 1991):
Of The Brave