Christmas movies and specials

On the other hand, I totally don’t buy Die Hard as a Christmas movie. Other than the time of year the movie takes place— which I guess is the reason John McClain makes his trip to Los Angeles and the reason the eventual hostages are in the building (for a company holiday party)— there’s nothing about it that otherwise weaves Christmas into its theme, and there is no allusion to the holiday during all the pivotal parts of the movie.
I mean, McClain does write "Now I have a machine gun. Ho-Ho-Ho" on Karl's sweatshirt after he kills him. That's a fairly big Christmas shout-out. I think it does just enough to meet the criteria.

Our family doesn't watch it every Christmas due to the nature of having 2 young girls, but my wife and I watch it often during the holidays.
The Ref is an absolute comedy classic with a knock-out cast. Maybe the cancellation of Kevin Spacey has undermined it’s popularity of late?
Maybe, if it is in the Christmas genre it’s among the best, imo.
It’s not a movie or special, but Frosty the Racist Snowman is a hoot. I don’t know how to post stuff like that, but all of us (except the trumpers) would get a good laugh out of it if someone would kind enough to share it with everyone.
It’s not a movie or special, but Frosty the Racist Snowman is a hoot. I don’t know how to post stuff like that, but all of us (except the trumpers) would get a good laugh out of it if someone would kind enough to share it with everyone.
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