Cornbread - Sweet or Salty

The first place I remember having cornbread was at Estes Hills Elementary School in Chapel Hill (my parents didn’t cook many “Southern” foods).

The cafeteria staff all-female; all-black. Definitely all-Southern. The cornbread smelled great and tasted even better. It definitely had sugar in it.
appreciate your experience and I'm sure it was tasty. my experience was that only the wealthiest around even had sugar. to me, cornbread is corn meal, salt and buttermilk only. no place for soda, nor flour.
I haven’t read this whole thread yet, but I grew up eating cornbread with whole corn kernels in it. Love it that way, but I’ve never been to any restaurant that makes it that way.

And I love both sweet and savory cornbread, with plenty of butter; with or without honey, depending.
Put me in the "both, please," camp. I freaking love cornbread. Hell, I even enjoy eating the package stuff. Many nights our desert was warmed cornbread in a glass of cold milk.